
Student council president


"Now then when in battle with a superior opponent there are various strategies that you can put into play. in such a situation your mind has the creative liberty to come up with the best way to  defeat your opponent, utilize the surroundings to  your advantage, use their own strengths against them, distract them, bluff and  throw them off focus any thing will do as long as you win, possibly little injury…"

The  teacher droned on as he  gave his lecture to the attentive students who seemed very eager to learn from him, though there were the few who were distracted and not paying attention and those who seemed to be sleepy even though it hasn't even been lunch break yet but the majority of the students paid attention or at least made it seem that way.

Ban could feel the temperature of the room was at an all time low, the cold stares that pierced his back were palpable. His classmates really seemed to despise him, which was confusing  considering this was the first day, were people really that upset that he beat up Adel? I mean sure the guy was handsome  and the girls were already expecting to  claim him in the future but they hadn't known Adel long enough to feel anything more than a light crush. Maybe Adel was just that handsome?

He chose to ignore them and focus on his class, the class was combat tactics and currently the teacher was droning on about how to defeat a strong opponent using one's brain. Ban was of the opinion that while brain was a useful tool in battle it can never compare to absolute strength. When a truly strong individual is before you, your schemes and tactics are meaningless and Ban had overwhelming strength, whether or not it's absolute remains to be seen.

Speaking of his  classmates both Celestia and  Orlfinia aren't on the same class as him, Since Ban took the more battle oriented  course his classes consisted  of  subjects related to battle, military tactics class, close quarters combat class, magic Defence class and  History. He wasn't aware  of what  course Celestia took but  Orlfinia had taken, the magic course which dealt with subjects  like  healing arts, Enchantment/runecraft, spell incantation, ancient history and language along with magical combat. Both of them had taken studies that seem to be oppose each other. Ban wasn't worried since all the first years were in the same building so he should be able to guard her though he won't always be there.

Within the school there was also something that  caught his interest and it was that  there was a group of  students known as  the  five stars 🌟 an elite  team of  students that are supposedly the strongest within the  Academy, they are chosen via tournament and  the winner of the tournament each year get to be part of the  5 stars or duel one of them for a spot. This of course made Ban smile, what better way to show that you are the strongest than to stand at the top of the  hierarchy.

Incidentally  the courses were divided into  categories, Mage category, knight categories there was also  a third categories which was a battlemage or mageknight  but it was only attended by 5th years as a final course to prepare them for the battle field.

There was also rankings for knights as well, the ranking in ascending  order  were Squire, Apprentice knight, knight, knight Master, knight Grandmaster  and knight Saint  with Knight Saint being the strongest, the gab between each rank grows quite wide so people who are considered Knight saints are quite skilled.

Having done with his musings his attention returned to the teacher once again but found out that man was talking about the same boring lesson which caused him to lose interest again.



Elrohir, the assistant and  secretary of  the headmaster was currently seated on a rather comfortable chair as  she  went through various types of paper work that she  was not pleased doing. She wasn't pleased because it was paperwork work and nobody Likes doing paperwork but it was the fact that said paperwork was nothing but busy work. it was assigned to her by that old fool probably to keep her busy, not only that but she hasn't been able to find any information on what she was supposed to be looking for.

She knows that  a bunch of mages from various countries have been called and are working on something in one of the towers but she can't find out what it is, any attempt of divination causes severe backlash and asking about something that is clearly  a secret  would alert the headmaster and have him suspicious and to add insult to injury she still hasn't found out who that man that almost killed her is. She definitely needs a helping hand but there hasn't been any response from her superiors about how to move forward now that she's probably compromised.



A knock from the door grasped her attention and caused her to lift her head up from behind the paperwork.


The door opened and a student entered, it was a girl with long  dark purple hair tied into one long braid that reached all the way to her thighs. She had light purple eyes, The girl was  stunningly beautiful but to the  demon she was nothing more than a human and her  beauty was unappreciated. The girl had curved sword strapped at her waist and  was wearing  a red arm band on her  left arm a  tell tale sign of her being  part of the student council.

"Good afternoon miss Elrohir"

She offered a greeting with a bow and earned  a nod from Elrohir.

"afternoon  Student council President, what brings you here"

"I would  like to know the reason  why the headmaster allowed the enrolment of not only royalty from the empire but why the Saintess from the theocracy as well?"

"I'm  pretty sure I shouldn't explain that to you, it's  a collaborative effort in order to eliminate the Demons"

She answered, it was  an obvious answer that seemed easy to understand. After all it's better to work  against a common enemy than  to fight each other and have said enemy accomplish their goal. Though it would take more than that to defeat the Demons not to mention the two most powerful Demons in the demon kingdom. Elrohir  felt a sense of pride as she thought about her home, it was foolish of these inferior races to even think of defeating the demon king.

"I understand  that ma'am it's just that, would  it not  be better to not have such individuals within the academy, their presence will cause a disturbance"

"that is why, you and the  committee are to make sure that doesn't happen and keep the  peace, we need the combined power of all these countries to stand a chance against the overwhelming power the demons"

Utterly such word almost made her gag, even if it was a mission that did mean she felt good talking about her own race like it's her enemy.

"I understand ma'am, have a  good day"

Was the  girl's response before she left the room, leaving  Elrohir to her  own thoughts again.


A/N:drop a comment offer your thoughts and a powerstone

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