
Isabella's Magical Space

The sky turned red, and meteors fell. Screams and explosions everywhere. For an unknown reason, people started having magic abilities.... Most were happy, but it didn't last long. Soon came the undead. To survive, kill, or be killed. Her mom disappeared. She was betrayed by her ex-fiance' and killed by her step-sister. Now she's back a year before the apocalypse, equip with magical space, this time will it be the same? Warning: mature scenes, gore & violence. Hi readers, I'm an amateur author. Please be lenient with me. This is my first novel, so please allow me to grow. Suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks!!! This story, characters, and places are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people, places, and events is purely coincidental. Would you like to buy me a cup of coffee? https://ko-fi.com/oppo_red pictures source: https://pixabay.com/ https://www.canva.com/

Oppo_Red · Fantasy
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68 Chs


The city is woken up by the news of the couple's engagement party. Many ladies who didn't know Dean, went to the hospital to catch a glimpse of him. Although they had no chance to be with him when they saw Bella's beautiful photo, admiring him like a popular idol isn't bad. It's a genuine pity they didn't meet him earlier. They also decided in the future, they must be admitted to this hospital if needed. The hospital added more guards to handle the situation and thoroughly select actual patients who needed treatment among the crazy crowd.

Dean's smiling stupidly while waiting at the intersection. He couldn't help thinking about their first night as a couple. His thoughts stopped when his special phone rang and his face turned serious, placed his earphone, and connected the call.


"Boss, I received a report from Arti Country. Our men stumbled upon a mountain during the mission. It was strangely heavily guarded, so they investigated it when they went back. From the government records, there's supposed to be an active mine. Taxes are paid, income reports are written and documents are regular. One of our men infiltrated the inspection team when they were about to do the yearly safety control.

The odd thing was, when they entered the mountain, everything went blank. When he regained consciousness, he was sitting in the car outside the mountain together with the team writing the report. He didn't talk right away, but from the events, everything went well. They have a detailed report and it seemed he was the only one who couldn't remember anything.

He came as an apprentice of one engineer, so his job was only to observe. Thankfully, he was quick-witted when he was asked for his opinion. Once he went on a rescue mission in a mine, so he has a bit of knowledge in it. Everybody nodded their heads, agreeing to what he said, not suspecting anything. He sent his best assassin to observe for a month.

There was only one entrance but from the income records, the mine should be bustling with activity but apart from guards scattered everywhere, now workers were seen coming or leaving the place. He wasn't able to infiltrate because it was heavily guarded and was almost discovered. It happened a month ago, he only reported yesterday to avoid suspicions."

"Good job, continue." He ended the call exactly when he reached the hospital. He doesn't want to break her heart by giving false hope, so he'll wait for a while before he informs her.

After managing the deliveries, Bella and Adelle went to the Tangs to move more plants. The oldies stayed inside to replant them. Then they went to take more cement houses for the mermaids. Uncle Desmond also took them to the warehouse. She's so excited to see that it was filled with resin made furniture!

There are three long rectangular and four round dining tables made of wood and resin. One is filled with seashells, sand, starfish, and some rocks that were arranged beautifully. The second design is made of wood and a variety of colorful flowers. The third looks like life underwater with reefs, fake fish, and plants. Looking at them seemed time had stopped and the objects inside are preserved forever.

She liked the round table with a variety of flowers arranged elegantly. There is a square-shaped resin with flowers in it looking like live paintings. Uncle Desmond thinks the mermaids will appreciate these flowers that can't be found underwater. It's a good idea, so they agreed to move the long rectangular table at the castle along with other resin made products. Bella told him that the thrones made with flowers, wood covered with resin may look good so he made a mental note of it.

They went back for dinner. After chatting for a while, she moved the deliveries stocked in the warehouse at the villa. Grandma Dy collected saplings and seeds in the small forest behind it, so she moved them too.

Everybody went to space to continue with the construction inside. Some harvest the plants and vegetables, others build the road while some connect the pipes to Bella and Dean's house. With Bella's help, it was faster because she can lift many objects at the same time. At midnight, as usual apart from Tang's, everybody swam at the river before leaving the space.

The morning while having breakfast, Bella's phone rang. Her face, unchanged, pressed it to silent mode. It's her ex Grandma calling her. She heard from Adelle about the commotion at the party but wasn't sure how they surrendered easily. Right now, she doesn't have time to think about them, so as long as she's not provoked, she could postpone her revenge. The party went well, so she'll let it pass for now.

"D**** that b******! She's not answering the phone!" Granma Chen's fanning her red face from anger. All of them haven't had a good sleep at the party. Her son told her about Drake's threat, about the company's shady business. She's aware of it, but since it gives them a lot of many, she turns a blind eye to it.

Benedict felt his a** is like on a hot grill, knowing somebody found evidence about the smuggled sports cars and car parts. Not only that, there's a possibility that he also knows about the drugs hidden every time they import cars. He didn't want to admit it, but he's scared, knowing how powerful Zhang was. Talking to his daughter may be the best solution, that's why he encouraged his mother to call and make peace with her.

Diara covered her face with thick foundation to hide the dark circles. Her friends have been calling her pretending to care, but she knew it's just an act to ridicule her. So she avoids going out and answering calls and messages. She lost face but she was afraid to retaliate knowing about Zhang's threats. They're just a tiny family that could be crushed at any time. She doesn't have much hope with Aquan's family because even they aren't doing good at this time.

Monique aged overnight because of it. Instead of receiving benefits from Zhang's, she has been ridiculed by many madams in the circle. 'How did that motherless b**** continue to live a good life.' She hates it a lot, their beauty and fortune.

In Jiang's Villa, crashing sounds could be heard in Olivia's room. Olie's powerless because she knows how irritated her daughter is. It's a good thing his husband is not around. If not, she would be ridiculed for wasting money from the vases and furniture ruined by her daughter.

Olivia waited until the end of the party, but nothing happened. The drug was potent enough to make her hallucinate for a long time, but she's unaffected! She used her private money to buy that drug, but it failed! Devastated, even breaking everything in the house wouldn't alleviate her anger. Well, she couldn't do it anyway because of her fear of his stepfather. Everything in the house is priceless, she would be punished heavily if it's destroyed.

All of this doesn't concern Bella. The couple is happily shopping for furniture and appliances. The house only has a bed, so Dean went with her. He knew about the resin dining table made from wood and resin. It doesn't matter anyway because he'll say yes to everything she wants. He never thought that this simple shopping pleases him. Seeing his wife's happy, then serious face when discussing the softness and comfortability of the sofa.

Although Bella has mountains of goods in space, the pleasure of shopping together makes every object memorable and meaningful. She noticed that Dean showed a doting and happy face all the time. It makes her a bit irritated because he's attracting bees everywhere.

His attention is on her, but the shop gets crowded everywhere they go. Dean noticed it, made a call and after a minute, ringing sounds can be heard. The surrounding ladies left in a hurry, one by one. Bella was relieved but curious about it. She had a hunch he had done something but kept silent since they could shop now in peace.

Dean thought of calling bodyguards to lessen the crowd, but he knew she didn't like it. Most of the shoppers have accounts in the mall for discounts and promotions. Dean instructed the manager to give a 30% discount today in a luxurious jewelry store on the third floor. The manager immediately sends the message to all account holders and announces it via advertising screens inside the mall. Ladies love shiny stones, right? So they went as soon as they received the message, leaving the couple in peace.

The manager was afraid to answer the call, thinking he had done something wrong, thankfully it's just this. He sweated a lot when he saw the crowd, well, all he can do is organize the crowd to prevent accidents.

Bella and Adelle's routine continues for another week. Managing deliveries, storing cement houses, spending time with Dean in the laboratory and hospital, emptying warehouses, eating with her new family, building the castle in space, finishing the roads, pipes, etc.

Bella and Adelle are now with Dean and Drake driving to the port. They rented a yacht because she couldn't take it from space. And now, it's time to meet Mr. Fin and Queen Bubbles.

Hi guys, I would like to thank my readers who donated for these two chapters.

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