

I stood there alone, underneath a park street light, unable to wrap my head around what had just happened. The street light started to flicker telling me that this day was coming to an end. There were no more words to be spoken. At least not to me. My whole world was about to change. The only question was, if it was going to be a good change or a bad one. Either way, I knew that the change had to happen soon. I also knew that the decision that had been weighing heavily on my mind for hours now, had to be announced and it was going to kill me in so many ways that no matter what my decision was, I knew it was going to turn out to be a lose, lose situation.

Taking a deep breath of the crisp chilled down summer air, I found myself once again going into a panicked state of mind. How was I going to give up one of the two things in my world that kept me sane? It felt like asking someone to choose between if they should live or die. You should never need to make that kind of decision. But here I am, stuck between losing the love of my life Daniel, or my parents.