1 1 morning

{RINGS RINGS} Her alarm clock loudly rings, it just sits there ringing loudly waiting for Karen to press the top to make it stop.She finally slams the alarm clock with her smooth bat that she was squeezing and cuddling with,the bat had been carved with her knife she made, even if you slided your finger across the light wooden brown bat you wouldn't even think of getting a little tiny splinter. And the knife she made was from all the stuff her dad had given her before he died, she made a mermaid knife but she tried making a little silver shirt because back then people didn't make women stuff have shirts, almost everyone in the old ages were inappropriate.so she tried her best and it might have not looked the best but you can't blame her she was only five years old.As she smashed the alarm clock into almost a million pieces. Her mother always told her to never go near glass but in her real family she was the one who liked a little trouble but she would never go to far.But once again she had to get up realy early to

1. get ready

2.play video games

3.eat breakfast

4.leave her step step step step well it goes on for a while now but she had to leave her cruddy parents house to go to school.

so she gets up and stretches her arms and legs out. "She yawns quietly " she is usually always quiet.She hurrys to get ready because her favorite game had finally had a part two so she wanted to be the first one there. She brushes her hair , gets dressed , packs up her 3 bags , and lastley put on some cream and brown makeup to make her look ugly , she never wanted to get married she thought it would be disgusting to get kissed almost everyday she saw all kinds of parents and couples kiss she thought it was disgusting, and she would hate it

if her name got changed for the thousands time.She finally had gotten ready so she ran downstairs and out the door, it was a good thing that the store was only half a mile away from her house, she entered with the biggest smile on her face,

she usually never had a smile on her face after her parents have died.She quickly grabbed her favorite game " cats over run "and she was thinking on food so she grabbed a cinnamon bun out of the food section, the store was rather small then a normal one so I guess you would call it a convenience store, she asked cody (the guy who works there A.K.A her Best friend.) if she could buy this he told her that it was 100% off for the game , he was lying to her he just wanted to see her happy mostly because he loved her he would kill anyone who hurts her.he told her all together it would be $2.00, of course she loved him to they wanted to be a couple but she always made a excuse that her parents wouldn't let her it was true about her parents but she also didn't want to get married so soon because she knew that he was a fast thinker in all sorts of things.So she went up to him and payed and just to show him that she still loved she gave him a kiss on the cheek.
