
Bound by Knowledge

The sun's gentle rays danced across my face, coaxing me awake from a restful slumber. With a contented stretch and a satisfied yawn, I embraced the arrival of yet another whimsical day in this fantastical realm.

Glancing at Ais, who could sleep through a marching band parade, I couldn't help but shake my head in amusement.

But hey, I won't complain. It grants me some tranquil moments to myself in the morning.

As I ventured towards the bathroom, I marveled at the familiar-yet-foreign surroundings. This was my first foray into this particular chamber of cleanliness, and I couldn't help but appreciate the pristine tiles and sparkling fixtures.

Splashing my face with cold water, I chuckled self-deprecatingly.

Fate or not, I seemed to have mastered the art of cluelessness. Plucked from my mundane Earth life, now prancing around a magical realm, pretending like I've got it all figured out.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most enchanting mage of them all?" I said to myself as I strike a dramatic pose. The mirror stayed silent, but I could swear it gave a nod of approval.

Feeling refreshed, I returned to the room only to find Ais still curled up like a cinnamon bun. How does she manage to be so adorable even in her sleep? It's unfair, I tell you.

I tip-toed closer and lightly poked her cheek. And just like that, Ais's eyes fluttered open, confusion knitting her brows as she surveyed her surroundings.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Or should I say, sleepwalking beauty?" I teased, raising an eyebrow mischievously.

Ais glanced at me, her eyes scanning the unfamiliar room, and eventually, the question she undoubtedly had in mind escaped her lips. "Where am I?"

Chuckling, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to playfully tease her. "Well, dear sister, it appears that in the midst of your sleepwalking escapades, you found yourself in my room, making yourself quite comfortable on my bed. Quite the daring choice, I must say."

A rosy hue crept up Ais's cheeks, her eyes widening. "I-I apologize, Althea. I didn't mean to intrude," she stammered, genuine remorse evident in her voice.

Patting her head gently, I reassured her, "No need to apologize, Ais. It's no biggie. Sisters share everything, right? Beds included, apparently."

Ais nodded sheepishly, a small smile tugging at her lips. These moments reminded me of the unbreakable bond we shared as sisters.

"Alright, sis," I said, adopting a practical tone. "Let's get ready and treat ourselves to a scrumptious breakfast together. We've got a whole day of adventure waiting."

Ais obediently followed, slipping out of my room and heading towards her own to prepare for the day. As she disappeared from view, I couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for my stoic sister. She may not say much, but her presence alone spoke volumes.

Shifting my attention back to myself, I retrieved my trusty mage robes and slipped into their familiar embrace. The fabric enveloped me like a warm hug. Equipped with my reliable magic staff, Everflame, I stepped out of the room to find Ais patiently waiting.

With a smile, I motioned for her to walk beside me as we made our way to the base's cafeteria. It was time to join our Familia comrades and fuel up for another day of thrilling escapades.

As we strolled side by side, I couldn't help but appreciate the bond we shared. The adventures, the banter, the highs and lows—we faced them all together. Ais may be the strong, silent type, but her presence filled the gaps where my words fell short.

So, with a skip in my step and mischief twinkling in my eyes, I marched forward, ready to conquer whatever challenges the day had in store. After all, with Ais by my side, there was no obstacle we couldn't overcome.

And as for breakfast? Well, let's just say the cafeteria better brace itself. The dynamic duo of Althea and Ais is about to unleash a culinary feast that will rival the most enchanted banquets.


After a delightful stroll through the maze-like hallways, Ais and I finally reached our destination—the bustling cafeteria. The sight that greeted us was nothing short of a lively feast for the eyes.

The Loki Familia members were scattered throughout, creating a vibrant tapestry of races and faces. Humans, elves, dwarves, and beast people, all gathered in one place, united by their shared hunger.

"Wow, Ais, it looks like the entire realm decided to have breakfast here today," I quipped, my eyes widening at the sheer number of people crammed into the space. It was a gathering of epic proportions, a feast fit for the hungriest of adventurers.

With her characteristic nonchalant demeanor, Ais simply nodded and continued walking towards a specific direction.

Following her lead, I trailed behind, navigating through the crowd with the grace of a nimble pixie. We made our way to the food counter, where tantalizing aromas wafted through the air, enticing our taste buds.

Together we collected our breakfast bounty—freshly baked bread, fluffy omelets, and an assortment of juicy fruits.

As we secured our plates, we scanned the cafeteria for an unoccupied table, eventually spotting one tucked away in a quiet corner.

Seated at the table, I couldn't help but comment on our breakfast selection with a quip. "Look at this feast fit for heroes, Ais. They've got enough food here to feed an army. And us, of course."

Ais silently nodded, as her attention focused on her steaming bowl of porridge as she began to savor each spoonful. She was the epitome of serene determination, her hunger fueling her for the adventures that awaited us.

"There you are, Ais and Althea," a familiar voice called out, interrupting our quiet breakfast. Our gazes shifted towards the source, and there she was—the elegant elf vice-captain herself, Riveria.

Riveria gracefully approached our table, carrying her own plate of food. She settled herself on the opposite side, a serene gaze on her eyes. Ah, the ever-graceful presence of a seasoned warrior.

"Good morning, Riveria!" I greeted mischievously, unable to resist a playful greeting. Ais continued to focus on her porridge, seemingly unperturbed by our visitor.

Riveria returned the greeting, her voice carrying an air of authority. "Good morning, Althea, Ais. Once you've finished your meal, we have an important matter to discuss."

I nodded, acknowledging her words, while Ais quietly continued her breakfast, her stoic silence juxtaposed against the lively atmosphere surrounding us.

Hearing Riveria's words, I nodded eagerly while Ais remained focused on her porridge, displaying her unwavering dedication to the task at hand. As we ate, my mind buzzed with anticipation. What adventure awaited us after this nourishing feast?

But for now, let us savor the flavors and recharge our spirits. The day held promise, and with Ais by my side, I knew we were ready to face whatever challenges awaited us.



The sound of heavy books landing on the desk jolted the room, catching our attention. I couldn't help but chuckle mischievously as I surveyed the mountain of tomes before us.

"Well, well, Ais, it seems we've stumbled upon a literary avalanche. Looks like Riveria here wants to transform us into warrior scholars!" I quipped, unable to resist injecting humor into the situation.

Ais, her brows furrowed, glanced suspiciously at Riveria, the elf woman responsible for the book deluge. "What's all this?" she asked, her tone tinged with curiosity.

It all began after we finished our breakfast and found ourselves practically dragged into Riveria's room.

Although Ais had little interest in other races at the time, even she could tell this was an elf's abode. As for me, I couldn't contain my excitement at the sight of so many books, reminiscing about my bookworm days in my previous world.

The room exuded an elven charm, with wooden furnishings and an enchanting ceiling. Magic-stone lamps shaped like flowers and fruits bathed the room in a soft, ethereal glow. The desk was piled high with stacks of parchment, likely important documents.

Riveria's silver staff leaned against a shelf adorned with a vase of pure-white flowers. Beside it sat a large, clear bottle, nurturing a young tree, undoubtedly a treasured memento from her elf village. Neatly arranged on other shelves were magic potion gems and spare magic jewels, revealing the occupant's meticulous nature.

Seated in chairs at the center of the spacious room, Ais appeared uneasy, while I found myself oddly at ease, despite the looming academic storm about to rain down upon us. All eyes turned to Riveria, awaiting her explanation.

"Starting today," Riveria began, her voice carrying authority, "we will be focusing on the fundamentals. In short, studying."

"Studying?" Ais questioned, a hint of confusion in her voice.

I couldn't resist interjecting with a quip. "Ah, the joyous pursuit of knowledge! Where else can one have the exhilarating experience of battling words and outwitting authors?"

Riveria nodded in agreement, elaborating on her intentions. "Indeed, Ais. I'll teach you not only about the dungeons but also about the mindset of an adventurer. It's vital to understand the intricacies of the world we face."

Ais, driven by her desire for battle, frowned and asserted, "I don't need that. I just want to fight."

I, however, took it upon myself to convince Ais to reconsider. "Ah, my little warrior, don't underestimate the power of knowledge! Imagine wielding your sword with the precision of a master, or unlocking hidden techniques that will leave your opponents bewildered. The library shall be our training ground!" I exclaimed, hoping to sway her with my persuasive humor.

Ais remained resolute in her refusal, her determination unwavering. "I still refuse."

Riveria, unfazed by Ais's resistance, delivered a piercing verdict. "You are a fool if you believe you can become stronger without grasping the true essence of fighting. Strength comes from filling the gaps in your knowledge and rectifying your weaknesses."

Ignoring Ais's glowering expression, Riveria effortlessly brushed off her objections.

Meanwhile, I decided to offer a comforting gesture, patting Ais on the back with a playful smirk. "Well, my little rebel, it seems we're embarking on an adventure of the mind. Get ready to unravel the secrets of the written world!"

With my words hanging in the air, we embarked on a new chapter of our journey, where battles were waged not with swords but with the power of the mind. And little did we know, the path of learning would lead us to heights we could never have imagined.

Books are like portals to different worlds, offering refuge, knowledge, and endless possibilities. Dive into their pages and let your imagination soar.

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