
The First Dungeon Experience

After weeks of intensive training under Alise's expert guidance, my swordsmanship had improved significantly. Filled with determination, I was eager to become a capable adventurer and prove myself as a valuable member of the Astraea Familia.

One day, during a sparring session, Alise observed my progress with satisfaction. "You've come a long way, Kiara. Your swordsmanship is getting quite impressive."

Grateful for her encouragement, I couldn't help but smile. "Thank you, Alise. Your training has been invaluable to me."

"It's been my pleasure to train you," she replied warmly. "Now, I think you're ready for the next step – exploring the dungeon."

My heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The dungeon was a place of mystery and danger, but it also held the promise of adventure and potential riches for brave adventurers.

"I'm ready, Alise," I said with determination. "I want to face the challenges of the dungeon and prove myself worthy to everyone in the Familia."

Alise nodded approvingly. "Good. But remember, the dungeon is not to be underestimated. Always stay alert of your surroundings and watch out for any potential danger."

I understood the gravity of her words and assured her that I would be careful.

Later that day, Alise gathered the members of the Familia in the main room to discuss my first-ever trip to the dungeon.

Addressing the entire Familia, Alise announced, "Today is a momentous occasion as Kiara is now ready for her first journey into the dungeon."

A murmur of approval and encouragement spread among the Familia members. It was evident in their faces that they were excited to see the result of my journey.

"However, for Kiara's first exploration, I have decided to assign someone to look after her," Alise continued, scanning the room. "Lion, I believe you're the best fit for this role."

Ryuu's expression remained calm and stoic, but I caught a glimpse of small doubts in her eyes. Nevertheless, she calmly complied with Alise's decision and nodded in agreement.

"As you wish, Captain," Ryuu replied in her usual composed manner.

"Great. I trust you to keep an eye on her, Lion," Alise said, her gaze steady. "Now, onto the rest of the tasks for today. I've received a report of a crime case in the city. Neze, Iska, I'm assigning you two to head to the market district and investigate this matter."

"We understood, Captain," Iska elegantly replied with a confident nod.

"You can count on us," Neze chimed in, her excitement evident as she wags her tail.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't help but ask, "What's the case all about, Alise?"

Alise glanced at me briefly before responding, "There have been reports of thefts in the market district lately. The Guild has asked us to look into it and find the perpetrator."

Feeling a strong sense of justice welling up inside me, I spoke up, "I want to help too. Let me join the investigation."

Alise's expression softened, and she placed a reassuring hand on my head. "I appreciate your eagerness, Kiara, but this is a dangerous task for a newcomer. Investigating criminals can be risky, and I don't want to put you in harm's way."

Her concern was genuine, and I understood that she only wanted to keep me safe. However, the burning desire to uphold justice and protect the innocent tugged at my heart.

"I promise to be careful," I insisted, my determination unwavering.

Alise smiled fondly, appreciating my spirit. "I have no doubt about that, Kiara. But for now, I need you and Lion to focus on the dungeon exploration. Once you gain more experience and become stronger, we'll consider your participation in such matters."

Though I was disappointed, I nodded, accepting Alise's decision. Deep down, I knew she was right. The dungeon held its own dangers, and I needed to concentrate on honing my skills before tackling other challenges.


The next morning, I woke up early, feeling a mixture of excitement and nerves bubbling within me.

Today was the day I would venture into the dungeon for the first time as an official adventurer. I was determined to make the most of this opportunity and prepared myself carefully.

Before the mirror, I adjusted the lightweight elven armor I had chosen. It felt comfortable and allowed for swift movements. My short sword rested on my back, a constant reminder of the training I had undergone to wield it with skill.

With my gear in place, I took a deep breath to steady my nerves. The dungeon was a perilous place, and I knew there was no room for complacency.

As I descended the stairs, I saw Ryuu standing at the front door of the base waiting for me. Her calm and stoic demeanor provided a sense of reassurance.

"Good morning, Kiara," she greeted me in her usual composed tone.

"Morning, Ryuu," I replied, trying to match her composed tone. "Are we ready to go?"

"Yes, but before we proceed, let's go over a few things," she said, her serious gaze fixed on me. "Remember to stay close to me during our exploration. The dungeon is unpredictable, and danger could be lurking around any corner. Always be on guard."

"I understand, Ryuu. I'll follow your lead," I replied earnestly.

Her doubt about my capabilities was still there, but I was determined to prove myself.

As we stepped outside, the rest of the Familia, along with Astraea herself, were gathered to see us off. Alise approached with a proud smile.

"Be cautious in there, Kiara. Remember everything we've taught you," she said, her voice filled with warmth and encouragement.

"I will, Alise. Thank you for everything," I replied, feeling grateful for her guidance.

Kaguya stepped forward, her graceful presence commanding attention. "You'll do great, Kiara. Just believe in yourself," she said with a reassuring smile.

Lyra chimed in, her contrary personality evident in her playful tone, "Yeah, just don't get yourself in too much trouble, okay?"

I chuckled, appreciating the light-hearted moment. "I'll try my best, Lyra, Kaguya."

Lastly, Lady Astraea approached me and smiled gently. "Kiara, I have high hopes for you. Embrace the challenges that await you in the dungeon, and always remember that you have the support of your Familia."

Her words filled me with determination and gratitude. "Thank you, Lady Astraea. I won't let you down."

With the well-wishes of the Familia, Ryuu and I departed from our base and walked through the busy streets.

Eventually, we approached the base of the towering structure of Babel, where the entrance to the dungeon was located. The massive gate stood before us, its intimidating presence a stark reminder of the dangers that lay beyond.

With Ryuu by my side and the support of my Familia in my heart, I took a deep breath, ready to take my first step into the depths of the dungeon.


As we stepped into the entrance of the dungeon, a series of spiral staircases greeted us, leading downwards. The descent into the labyrinth had begun, and as we went deeper, the air grew cooler, carrying a sense of mystery.

Following closely behind Ryuu, my heart pounded with a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was it—the moment I had been preparing for.

"Stay calm, Kiara," Ryuu calmly said, sensing my slightly anxious expression.

Her words offered some comfort, and I immediately calm my breath, trying to steady my nerves. Ryuu had been in the dungeon countless times before, and I trusted her expertise.

As we continued our descent, I noticed various other Familia members and adventurers making their way into the dungeon. The labyrinth was a bustling place, with numerous individuals seeking their own adventures and quests.

However, what caught my attention were two golden-haired girls accompanied by a bearded dwarf. One of them was wearing light armor and holding a sword like I did, and the other one wore mage robes and carried a magic staff.

Their confident expressions and camaraderie reminded me of my own Familia, and I wondered what kind of adventures they were embarking on.

Ryuu noticed my curiosity and whispered softly, "They are from the Loki Familia, known for their strength and bravery. We might encounter them in the dungeon, so be cautious."

"Understood," I replied, feeling a mixture of anticipation and resolve.

I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, even if it meant crossing paths with formidable adventurers from another Familia.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, we reached the first floor of the dungeon. The sight that greeted us was both awe-inspiring and unsettling.

The labyrinth sprawled before us, with dimly lit corridors leading to unknown depths. Strange and ominous sounds echoed throughout, hinting at the presence of dangerous creatures lurking in the shadows. Ryuu's hand rested on her sword hilt, always alert and prepared for any potential danger.

With each step I take, the anticipation within me grew. I was now an adventurer, exploring the depths of the dungeon, and nothing could dampen my spirit.

The thrill of the unknown and the promise of adventure urged me onward, ready to embrace whatever the dungeon had in store for me.


As we ventured deeper into the labyrinth, our first challenge appeared before us - a group of goblins. These creatures, with their green skin and menacing looks, were not to be taken lightly.

My heart raced as I prepared to face my first real test as an adventurer. I could feel the weight of my short sword in my hand, a constant reminder of the responsibility that came with this new role.

As the goblins sensed our presence, they let out fierce roars and charged towards us with wild aggression.

"Gaaaaaaah!!" the goblins bellowed, brandishing their crude weapons.

Ryuu, with her calm and stoic expression, looked at me. "Alright, it's time to show what you're capable of," she prompted, stepping back to observe my battle.

With my heart pounding, I gripped my short sword tightly, adrenaline coursing through my veins. The training with Alise and the Familia had prepared me for this moment, but facing real opponents was an entirely different experience.

As the goblins closed in, I focused on my footwork and the techniques Kaguya had taught me. I attempted to dodge the swings of their weapons, but their movements were unpredictable, and I found myself struggling to keep up.

A pang of doubt surged within me. Was I really ready for this? Could I prove myself as a capable adventurer?

Ryuu, however, remained watchful, giving me space to handle the goblins on my own. She wanted to see how I'd react and assess my abilities.

Summoning my resolve, I tried to regain my focus, remembering Lyra's teachings about exploiting weaknesses. I noticed that one of the goblins had a slight limp, possibly from a previous encounter with adventurers.

Seizing the opportunity, I lunged forward, aiming my strike at the injured goblin. But my inexperience got the better of me, and the goblin quickly parried my attack.

The goblin's crude weapon grazed my arm, causing a sharp pain. I gritted my teeth, determined not to let it deter me. This was my chance to prove myself, and I wouldn't back down.

Summoning my courage, I steadied my breath and focused on my training. I waited for another opening, carefully analyzing the goblins' movements.

Finally, I spotted an opportunity. With swift footwork, I maneuvered around the goblin's defenses and managed to land a grazing blow on its leg.

The goblin howled in pain, stumbling backward. My heart raced, realizing that I could do this. I just had to trust in my training and instincts.

With newfound determination, I continued to engage the goblins, one after another. The struggle was real, and I had to fight smartly, using every advantage I could find.

Ryuu kept her distance, allowing me to face the goblins on my own. She observed my actions silently, her eyes assessing my every move.

Despite the challenges, I fought with all my heart, drawing upon the teachings of my mentors and my Familia's support back at the base.

As the last goblin finally fell, my breaths came in ragged gasps. I was battered and bruised, but I stood tall, victorious.

Ryuu approached, her stoic expression softening slightly. "You did well," she said simply.

A rush of pride washed over me, knowing that I had earned her approval. I may have struggled, but I had faced the goblins head-on and emerged triumphant.

"Now, let me treat to your wounds before we head back," Ryuu said, her voice gentle yet firm.

Nodding, I allowed her to use the healing potions to mend my injuries, and we decided to retreat for now. The dungeon held many dangers, and it was essential to know when to regroup and recover.

As we finally made our way back to the surface, I felt a mix of exhaustion and accomplishment. The first step of my journey as an adventurer had been challenging, but I was determined to continue growing and proving myself in the labyrinth's depths.

Amidst the darkness of uncertainty, the light of determination shines brightest. Embrace the challenges, for they are the stepping stones to becoming a true adventurer.

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