
Is It Wrong to get Love in the Dungeon?

This is story about a youth that got called because God need help. Yes, 20 years old virgin, orphan, no achievement in life still got favor from God to help him for something. 3 wishes? sure, maybe I can get more along the way by blackmailing Him. This is my first fan-fiction, also English is not my native language so don't expect good grammar. Disclaimer : I don't own any of the character from anime and manga, also some story from the original. The cover too

Rouxk · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


[ Initializing System ]

[1%..... 5%..... 17%.... 38%..... 62%.... 94%.... 100%....]

[ Initializing System Complete ]

[ Wake up onii-chan ]

"Uugghh... My head, what a weird dream. Am I turning crazy right now? I'm hearing Est-chan voice from Seirei Tsukai no Blade Dance Ohohoho....and it's not my room where am i?" Then I turned my head to my left, I see a cute girl sleeping while hugging my arm, sleeping with a peaceful face.

[ Onii-chan, wake up... I'm the system from Ojii-san and you're at the mansion in Orario that Void Ojii-san bought from God Ouranos. Ouranos-sama has been notified about Aphrodite-sama's arrival ]

"Ohh... so I'm not dreaming then. Hello system, since you're using Est's voice. I will call you Est, is it fine for you?"

[ Yes Onii-chan, Ojii-san make me base on Onii-chan's dream after all ]

" That's God for you.. Always know anything. Wake up, my cute wife. We need to register our familia at the guild " I said while poking her cheek until she wakes up.

"Uuhm... Good morning darling." She yawns but keeps snuggling deeper into my arm. So I send a hand chop into her head without any power. "Wake up, I need to find some money after this by diving into the dungeon" then I see a stack of coin on the table. 'At least we have money to spend for today' I thought maybe I should thank Ojii-san once in a while.

"Don't get up yet! Let me sleep! Aunt Hestia always wakes up at midday!" than my thought about thanking Ojii-san stop. Maybe not I got this cute little wife that totally clingy. 'Hah~ Why she needs to have contact with Hestia' "Wake Up, get ready or we will sleep at separate bed for tonight".

Suddenly Aphrodite opens her eyes and sits up while looking at me with a glare and pout her cheek to me. "Fine, you meanie". I could only laugh at her for throwing tantrum.

So I get up to take a quick shower and ask Est while waiting for Aphrodite to get ready "Est, Can I look at the system menu? And how about the library also the inner world?"

[ Onii-chan just have to call me and say "Menu" to get a look at the system, and for the library is inside the Onii-chan mind. Just imagine a library and the Library of Heaven's Path image should be popped out into Onii-chan mind and brought Onii-chan there. Inner World need to be open by Onii-chan like a portal, Onii-chan just need to draw circle mid-air to go there but the portal will be invisible to everyone without Onii-chan's permission ]

" Okay, Thanks Est... System Menu please"

[ Showing Menu ]

Out of nowhere a screen displayed in front of me


[ Status ]

[ Inventory ]

[ Shop ]

[ Quest ]

[ Harem ]


" Hmmm... Status ".

[Opening Status]


Name : Alan Gender : Male

Age : 4 Years Old (20 Years Old)

Race : Human Lifespan : ∞

Level 1



Strength : F382

Endurance : E479

Dexterity : E463

Agility : D502

Magic : I32




» Berserk ( Innate ) ( S Rarity )

Passive skill that activate when Alan is very angry and start giving blood lust at a target. Berserk allow Alan to double all attributes depends on Alan's feeling toward target.

» Liaris Freese ( Modified ) ( EX Rarity )

Liaris Freese increase the speed of Alan's growth depends on how much love Alan's have toward members of his harem. It's also affect member of the harem as a Blessing from the Goddess of Love. Side Effect make Alan immune toward charm targerted at him.

» Weapon Mastery ( Growth ) ( 1/10 ) ( E Rarity )

Gifted by the omnipotent God of the Void to Alan to adapt at using weapon to protect his family.

» Overload ( SS Rarity ) (Passive)

Because God of the Void tempering with Alan's body to adapt to mana, making Alan mana regeneration from 100% to 200%. "Be Grateful"

» Infinite ******* Endurance (EX Rarity)

Not affecting attribute for battle. The rest of information is hidden. (No side effect)




What the freak with that last 2 skill *sigh*. I will just throw the thought about the last skill under the bus since it's free skill anyway. "Alright time to go, first unequip my armor since no one will believe I bought it and thanks Est "

[ Your Welcome, Onii-chan ]

" Honey!!! Are you ready to go??? We still have 4 years old body, what makes you so long?? " I yell loud enough to get heard, not long I can hear footstep coming to the door. " You really don't understand woman are you, darling? Hump... " She gets out rushing and grab my hand with a pouting face. " Well, it's morning and we still don't have breakfast yet. Let's go search for breakfast and then we go to Guild to register ".

"Sure, Let's go and you look beautiful wearing that dress" I said while smiling to her, and we step out the mansion while looking around. ' Isn't this too big for 2 people. This area is almost 4.000m2.'.

We're walking along the street, while I'm observing my surrounding so many adventurers but no one bothering us since even when I'm at 4 years old but not has a childish face so maybe people thinks that I'm from Pallum race, Not that I care tho. This street and the building are looked like a city from the story at the medieval age, It's interesting then I see the place that I really want to enter ' Hostess of Fertility 'I'm surprised that the building is still small. Now I began to wonder what time did I come to danmachi's world, at first I don't really care because I just want to experience my adventure, but now I think I'm getting transported before the canon begin.

Yup, my guess was right. I think this Mia just open this place recently because I only see Mia Grand and 2 children which I guess it's Syr and Anya as the waitress when I enter, so that mean I'm more than 9 years before the canon.

" Welcome to Hostess of Fertility, Oh ya young adventurer. We're not yet open tho, but please take a sit just for you and that cute girl over there. Let me make you two something" Said Mia and yes she's as big as the anime, much to my surprise. Syr still not like in the anime where she's cheerful and always smile, I guess she still doesn't adapt too much after living in the orphan, she's still shy to meet other people. The 2 children is watching us behind Mia when suddenly the cat girl which is Anya comes to me and ask " Are you a Pallum Nyaa??" "No, I'm not. I'm 100%, bonafide Human. Hehehe.... and she's a Goddess my wife".

My answer seems surprised all three of them, but then Mia quickly regains her composure and makes an angry face "Anya it's not nice to ask a personal question to the customer and not even introducing yourself." while slapping her head from behind. "Apologize! And introduce yourself, you too Syr" The cat girl quickly stand straight and bow "Sorry Nyaa~.. I'm Anya Fromel, and I'm 12 years old Nyaa~". I quickly assure her "No, It's fine we're getting that a lot. Also, Hello Anya" 'Still that Nyaa is so cute to hear, Hehehe...' I thought while maintaining my poker face. The other girl comes out from behind Mia-san "Anoo.. I'm Syr Flova. 8 years old, nice to meet you"

"Well brat, I'm Mia Grand the owner of Hostess of Fertility" She said while showing her arm muscle

"Hello, Mia-san, Syr-san, and also Anya-san. Let me reintroduce myself, I'm Alan a Human 4 years old and this is Aphrodite-sama, my wife. Even tho she's looking small but she's still in her growth. Nice to meet you all" I said introducing myself to them. "Nice to meet you all" said Aphrodite while smiling and making a proud face like this is my husband, which I don't mind since it's cute.

"So if I don't mind asking" said Mia. "Why are you guys here when you still small, even smaller than this 2 kid? Also, where's your guardian?" asked Mia while raising her eyebrow.

"For Aphrodite, she runs from God Realm to Mortal Realm and found me in the street, where I was thrown out by my guardian *hiks*. My guardian throw me out only leaving me with a few Valis to survive, after since then I live with Aphrodite which than She gives me her Blessing of Love and we become husband and wife.. Hiks.. *Fake Tear*" 'Well not that I'm lying that Jii-san actually throws me out from my room to here'. I drop to the floor and start my crying act.

"Alright brat since you're still small, wait here I will make you something. Free of charge just this time. You guys can have a chat." Mia said while going to the kitchen. "Mmm.." while nodding my head, well Aphrodite actually making a surprise face but then also making a sad face. 'Is she understand my acting or she actually sad? Well just going along, at least free meal for breakfast'.

Few Moment Later

We're chatting with Anya and Syr while waiting for Mia to get the breakfast when the door to the kitchen opens and Mia came out while brought the food to the table "Now, Eat up". "Ehhmm... Mia-san.. Is it not too much? Ehmm..." I smile wryly while dark lines appearing in my face. "Nonsense, you're still developing you need to eat a lot, It's just 4 serving for you and you still need to protect Aphrodite-sama". She said while crossing her hand and making face like giving orders to her employee. 'Nonsense.. You have no sense.. I'm at body 4 years old eating 4 serving, what will happen if I'm 10 do you think I'm gonna eat 10 serving'

(After breakfast)

"Blurrgghh..... I'm stuffed... Need help..." putting my hand to cover my mouth with tears in my eyes and my stomach feels almost burst open. " Well, now you already have breakfast, quick go to the Guild to register your familia and going to weapon and armor shop to prepare for your dungeon time tomorrow. Remember don't go too deep, just stay on the first floor to gain experience. Don't forget to run if you face too many monsters."

"Haaiii~.... Bluuurrgghh.... "

I'm nodding to Aphrodite to signal her, It's time to go since she keeps talking to Anya and Syr while Mia watching me eat until it's finished. ' Maybe I should just buy with the money so I have a reason not to order too much' regretting my action looking for a free meal.

Slowly we're reaching the guild and it's empty so we're going to the counter to register the familia. There's no one that I know from the guild reception, So we just go to the old looking elf to register. He asks for us to fill the form and ask for 1 drop of blood from Aphrodite on the guild card to prove that she's indeed a Goddess.

The guild also offer a one-time offer for weapon and armor which pretty cheap and good quality so I take a dagger since I'm small cost me 500 valis to buy the dagger, well I don't need armor since I have armor which can adapt to my size and to my surprise its auto-repair inside the inventory.

So we use the rest of the day looking around the city but still avoid the slum area of the city since we don't know what will happen and back to Hostess of Fertility for dinner and still even when I pay for the food, Mia put an extra serving in my plate.

We back to the mansion, clean up and prepare to go to bed where Aphrodite straight jumps to the bed, but I still need to check for preparation for tomorrow's dungeon dive. "Est.... Open Inventory please"

[ Ok Onii-chan, Opening inventory ]

[ 1x Sword of the Dragon-slayer Gram/Balmung ]

[ 1x Full-set armor of Fafnir ]

[ 1x Common Dagger ]

[10x Stamina Potion]

[10x Mana Potion]

Tears roll from my eyes, and I drop to my knees. 'Why do I forgot to check my Inventory? I thought I don't have anything except my armor *hiks*. I just wasted 500 valis for a freaking dagger.' Don't tell me that Ojii-san also gives me currency for the system's shop as well that I forgot to check.

"Est.. Open Shop"

[ Opening shop for Onii-chan ]


[ Shop ] Currency : 0 SP

- [Weapon ]

- [ Armor ]

- [ Skill ]

- [ Magic ]

- [ Bloodline ]

- [ Miscellaneous ]


'Well, at least I don't need to check all the shop's items now since I don't even have SP' "So Est how do I get SP."

[ Onii-chan just need to kill monster and trade the monster core for SP ]

"Okay thanks, Est, close all the windows for me please"

[ Your Welcome Onii-chan ]

'Well, let's just sleep and prepare for tomorrow.' Just when I was at the edge of the bed, Aphrodite still hasn't slept yet but she extends both of her arms like asking for something and puffing her cheek again "Arm!! Can't sleep". I just chuckle from her behavior since it's cute "Ok, here. Let's sleep".

Thanks for supporting me.

I will post more when I'm done writting it :)

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