
Is It Wrong to get Love in the Dungeon?

This is story about a youth that got called because God need help. Yes, 20 years old virgin, orphan, no achievement in life still got favor from God to help him for something. 3 wishes? sure, maybe I can get more along the way by blackmailing Him. This is my first fan-fiction, also English is not my native language so don't expect good grammar. Disclaimer : I don't own any of the character from anime and manga, also some story from the original. The cover too

Rouxk · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Argana and Bache

Morning comes and the sunlight shine inside the room, Alan wakes up then starts going down the inn to borrow the kitchen to make breakfast for his Familia. Since yesterday, they don't want to eat fish all day.

Alan just goes down the stairs before he sees Argana and Banche are sitting at the table and being surrounded by angry people because the Amazoness is making trouble in the city and make the people complain left and right but even if they complain and surround them. They still scared to fight the Amazoness.

"Just get out of this city, we don't welcome you." "Why are you keep sitting here from early morning? If you don't want to eat here just get out." "We won't give you anything, just go!" "Onee-chan, please beat me up." Said the people there, well ignore the last one. Alan just slips to his right and go inside the kitchen to make the food.

For the first few minutes that Alan cooking his food, Argana and Bache try not to cause trouble, but soon there's commotion because Argana lashes out her anger.

Argana starts fighting someone that dares to get close to her, but the fight doesn't last long because the aroma from the kitchen starts to get out through the dining place.

Everyone stops fighting and Argana launches her last punch toward the man that she holds. She quickly goes toward the staff "I want whatever the dish that being cooked at the kitchen.". The staff panic froze when Argana walks towards him.

The staff gulped and speak meekly "We.. we.. we're sorry but the one cooking is.. someone that sleep in this inn, We.. we.. can't serve it as a menu." The staff than shrieks because of Argana glare at him. "BRING!! HIM!! HERE!!" Argana said glare at the staff. "Ye-ye-yes." The staff scared and go to the kitchen.

"Ex-excuse me, sir. Someone want to order your food, is it okay to ask you to cook for a while, sir?" The staff said also scared by Alan for no reason. Alan hearing this think for a while "Sure, but only for breakfast and bring this plate to room 24, 25, 26, and also 27." Alan said since he can get more experience for his cooking.

The staff brings the food out of the kitchen. Argana already there waiting for the staff, seeing that the staff brought food, she goes to the staff "Finally, is that mine?" Argana said to the staff. "I-I'm sorry lady, bu-but the food is for his companion upstairs. But he already said that he will cook for the customer this morning." The staff said.

"Fine, I won't make it hard for you since you already ask him." Argana said. Argana then goes back to her seat with Bache. "Hah~ Bache, why the inn is full of Alan-sama scent. I can't pinpoint his location. Even the kitchen has Alan-sama scent." Argana sigh and puts her head with the support of her hand above the table.

"Sister, did you said kitchen? could it be the one inside the kitchen is his Familia member?" Bache said realize what Argana just said. Argana flinches and realizes "Banche, since when do you become a genius. Help watch whoever comes out from the kitchen. Then we will follow him toward Alan-sama."

"Why don't you just go barge in and ask?" Bache said. "Hah~ just when I said you're a genius Bache. I don't want to give a bad impression toward Alan-sama's companion. I will be a good girl and wait for him." Argana said smiling.

After a few minutes, the staff that brings food to the room already gets down and told the people that they can order the food that being cooked. Everyone start cheering and forget about Argana and Banche.

But still, of course, the one that receives first is Argana and Banche. After a few bites, both of them feel foodgasm. Argana perks up and starts running toward the kitchen "Alan-sama!!! As I thought the heavenly taste only Alan-sama can make it!!"

Alan that doesn't want his work being disturbed glare at Argana "Argana! just go sit don't come to disturb me!" Alan said with a cold tone. "Aaahhnn.... I'm being ordered by Alan-sama! I will wait for you Alan-sama!!" Argana moan and start walking back toward her table, she walks weirdly by closing her leg more than usual. "Argana!! What happens to you? Why are you kinda like people that being drugged?" Bache moves toward her sister.

"Nothing, I just feel love..." Argana said. Bache helps Argana back to sit and realize that the one cooking is Alan from her sister. "What happened to me? Why am I thinking that guy? I will just reject his invitation and back to Kali-sama." Bache shakes her head.

Not long after all the ingredient is out, Alan said to the staff thanks for letting him use the kitchen. The staff already ask for all the customers to pay more money than usual to repay Alan's work but he declines since money is not a problem for him.

Alan gets out from the kitchen and being welcomed by Argana that already dash toward him. Argana hugs Alan and lick his ear "Alan-sama!! Aaahnn so this is the taste from Alan-sama!!" Argana said.

"Argana can you go back to your seat first," Alan said feeling that this girl is hopeless. "Yes, Alan-sama." Argana said and back to her seat. Alan walks toward her table but stopped because he feels his wife's presence coming down the stairs.

"You girls already have a plan for today?" Alan asks all of them. They're nod at Alan, but Alan can't see Aphrodite. "Artemis, can you bring Aphrodite with you? I kinda worried about her." Alan said since Aphrodite sleeping with him in his room.

Artemis realizes that someone needs to keep an eye for her so She nods and went to bring Aphrodite out. Aisha and Lena froze when they saw Argana and Bache together as fellow amazoness no one doesn't know about both of them. "Alan, what are they doing here?" Aisha said trembling but after thinking that Alan is absolutely stronger she exhales in relief.

"Actually that's what I want to ask them. It's ok, you can have your vacation but don't come back late at night ok?" Alan said to Aisha, Lena, and Haruhime.

Aisha comes toward Alan and whisper "Even if you get Captains from Kali Familia. Please remember that I will be the one that gets your child before both of them." Aisha said while biting Alan's ear.

Aisha's whisper being heard by Argana "You bitch! What do you mean you will be the first one!? I will kill you, you bitch!!" Alan sigh at this "Argana! Can you not threaten my wives!?".

Argana realizes what she's doing quickly sits down and bows toward Alan "I'm sorry, Alan-sama but I can't let someone dirty you." Bache looking at this thought 'Where is your intention being on the good side of Alan's companion.'

"Argana, I don't care what the purpose you're here but if you do that again. I will kick you back to your country myself." Alan said glaring at her. Argana starts sweating "I'm sorry, Alan-sama."

"Alright, you girls can go have fun. Remember not to go back late at night." Alan said saying to the other. Alan then turns his head toward both of them "Now, what do you girls are here for?". Quickly and loudly, Argana said, "I want to marry you and bear your children!!". "Sorry, I already have so many wives. I don't have any reason to accept you." Alan said rejecting her.

"Aaaaahhhnnn... Straight rejection from Alan-sama." Argana moans while shivering. 'Uwaahh.. She's hopeless' Alan thought but maintain a poker face. "Then how about you Bache?" Alan ask. "Umm.. Ano.. About yesterday you said that I'm better than my sis.. No.. not that Emm... I just accompany my sister here and I will return after that." Bache said.

Argana then glares at Bache "Haaa!?? When I already prepare for you to meet Alan-sama now you refuse his kindness!??" Argana said.

"Stop it Argana, Let her choose for herself," Alan interject. "Now that I already reject Argana and you don't have any purpose here. I will leave you girls" Alan said while standing up want to check about Aphrodite and Artemis upstairs. "No, please wa..." Argana tries to hold Alan before Tiona and Tione get inside the inn. "Alan-sa.... Bache-san!!!" Tiona said after looking at Alan then toward Bache and pick up her weapon.

Tione already trembling and also take out her weapon "Where's Lefiya!!???" "Alan, They took Lefiya." Tiona said to Alan. Alan then looks at Argana and Bache but their look also confuses, since they already ask to leave Kali Familia. They don't know anything and already waiting at this inn early morning.

Tiona and Tione dash toward Argana and Bache. Argana and Bache dodge and bring them outside to fight. Looking at this Alan doesn't want to interfere right now and go upstairs to check Aphrodite and Artemis.

Alan went upstairs and enter the room. There Alan feels tired looking at the room because Artemis is seen dragging Aphrodite toward the bathroom. Alan crouch near Aphrodite and whisper "Ditey, there's new sisters downstairs."

Aphrodite quickly gets up and looks around. "Where!?". "Why don't you get clean up first? I will wait downstairs." Alan said while Aphrodite quickly runs toward the bathroom.

Artemis flustered because Alan does it so simple. When she uses everything even by dragging her to the bathroom. "You can use it too Artemis, just said that the food is downstairs. She will wake up." Alan said chuckle at Artemis which confuse.

Aphrodite done cleaning up and get outside full dress "Let's go, where are they?". "Hah~ I just checked and they already gone. They said that if a Goddess can't even be on time they would rather be a non-Familia members." Alan said with a sad face.

"But since you already get up. You can go with Artemis to look around the city." Alan said giggle at Aphrodite. "Fine, I will go around. I don't want to see you. Humph" Aphrodite said leaving with Artemis.

Alan gets out from the inn, the street full of crater everywhere. "You're weak if you're this weak. Just keep dreaming of taking back your friend." Argana said after punch Tione and grab her neck. "Do you really need to be that ruthless Argana?" Alan said looking at this scene.

"Al... Alan-sama. I'm sorry for being rude in front of you." Argana said while dropping Tione to the ground. "If you can't change your wild nature than Tione is still better than you," Alan said and try to find Bache and Tiona.

Alan found Bache still fighting Tiona but only defending. "Tiona! Bache! Stop right now!" Alan shout at them to let them stop. Tiona stops also Bache.

"Argana! Bache! you can go back to Kali. Tiona, take Tione to rest." Alan said giving an order. Tiona already went toward Tione. Argana and Bache just stood there "Don't you hear me? You can go back now." Alan said again.

"No, I want to stay with you." Argana said. While Bache turns shy "I'm supposed to be the gift Argana prepare for you, so I can't go back.". "Hah~ fine start explaining. I still can't accept Argana with her wild nature, I can still accept Bache since Tiona also with me."

Tiona brought Tione but toward Alan. "Bache-san is that true? So, we will be a sister in the future? Then if you are not with Kali Familia anymore. You don't know about Lefiya?" Tiona said that and Tione that hears it grit her teeth.

"Emm... Yes, but you can't be married to a different Familia. So, I will take him first." Bache said while teasing Tiona. Argana being scolded crouch and draw a circle in the ground while the aura is full of desperate.

"Hah~ Fine, I will accept both of you. If you really want to be with me promise me one thing. Think carefully." Alan said and Argana quickly stands up straight and Bache also listening.

"Get rid of your tradition as Amazoness. If you can't even do that, don't even think about being accepted by me." Alan said seriously. Tiona and Tione already hear the requirement. For Tiona it's easy since both Tiona and Tione hate their hometown. The one that keeps holding Tione is her dedication to Finn.

Argana and Bache froze since they're the captain from Kali Familia, the tradition from their country already glued with them. Bache being cool-headed ask Alan "Do you mind telling us why is that a requirement? Are you resent our tradition?". Alan just shakes his head denying that "I forgot if I already tell Tiona and Tione or not, but Tiona, Tione you two also hear me clearly." Alan said while looking at Tiona that help support Tione.

"I and my Familia will someday gone from Orario. Let's just say no one can find us also, no one can go back for a short period of time." Alan said. "No, I will still find you whenever you're still alive." Argana said.

Alan shake his head "Don't you hear what I said? You can't find me if you still can't find your answer when I'm gone. Let's just say, I won't be on this world anymore but not dead either." Alan said smiling.

"The.. then.. Can I come with you? I will try to change along the way." Argana said plead to Alan. "I can but you have to swear that you won't kill anyone unless someone aiming for your life or without my permission," Alan said.

Argana nods at Alan "Then I hereby vow that I, Argana Khalif won't kill anyone unless they aiming for my life or without..." "Alan Siegfried" "Alan Siegfried's permission" Argana vow while Alan gives his name. "Fine, you can come with me but not as my Familia member," Alan said.

"But.. but I already swear for you.. " Argana said then pouting. "Didn't I tell you? Do you want to come with me then forget your tradition? No way I want to see my children fight to the death." Alan said shaking his head.

Bache shyly walks toward Alan "I don't mind leaving Amazoness tradition for you." Bache said holding his hand. "Ok, I accept you," Alan said toward Bache. "Hey!! Why you accept Bache that easy!?" Argana protest to Alan.

"What can I say, she's cute," Alan said. "But, I'm also cute.." Argana doesn't want to lose. "Fine, you're cute too."

Tione hearing this lash out "Why are you that easy accepting her!?". Alan turns his head toward Tione "Emm... Let's just say I won't judge people by their past. Right now a beautiful girl confess to me and chase me, no way I'm gonna say no, but the important thing is I have my own way of doing thing so if you can't accept me then don't push yourself, but if you accept me even though I might have many wives then I will accept you as who you are. I know that I sound like a hypocrite but that's how life works."

Alan then walks toward Tione and helps her sit down. "Now, Let's say like this. Why your relationship with Finn won't work out?" Alan said and Tione glare at him "I will still be loyal for captain."

"I'm just trying to help. You accept him for who he is, but does he accept you? has he ever think about your feeling after dedicating yourself to him in a long time. For him, his glory to lead Pallum will always be number 1." Alan said and stand up leaving Tione.

"If you don't, believe me, you can ask Loki what the deal between Finn and Loki when he enters the Familia. Tiona, help Tione find her answer. Only then I can help you ask Loki to change your Familia. Let's go, Bache." Alan said calling Bache to come with him.

"Wait!! Alan-sama!! Don't leave me." Argana said while following Alan. The fight between Kali Familia and Loki Familia still happen but without Tiona, Tione, Argana, and Bache.

Thanks for the support.

Filler chapter with a few brainwash on Tione

and M wife get!

Hope you enjoy

Rouxkcreators' thoughts