
Just A Massacre

In front of me is the famous dungeon of orario. If I was another person and level 1 I'd be a bit scared but since I'm me I feel nothing looking down into the dungeon. I make my way down past some adventurers parties and like before they stare at me cause of the Death Gun mask.

Now I'm on the first floor of the dungeon. Looking for any mob to kill. I turn the corner and see 3 goblins over some poor dead adventurer. Judging by the wounds and blood on the goblin's weapons they kill the poor guy. If you are that weak to get killed by goblins then why we're you even down here.

A goblin turns around and sees me. It rushes me with a small dagger then jumps up in the air. I reached up and caught the goblin by the arm it was holding the dagger by. It struggles but I throw it directly in the air and wait for it to come down.


I timed it perfectly and backhanded the goblin in the face which sent it flying to the dungeon wall.


"It would appear that my first kill in this world is by bitch smack"

The other two goblins just noticed me after their fellow goblin hit the wall. Rushed after me, I pulled out estoc. When both goblins are close enough I appeared behind them with their heads falling off their bodies and with them dissolving into magic particles.

I picked up 3 magic stones and put them in my space storage and kept walking down the dungeon. I encountered many goblins but they couldn't even make me try the slightest. I reached level two of the dungeon and had 28 goblin magic stones.

Level 2 had Kobolds but they were just slightly faster and smarter. Some had swords while others just had claws. I lured at least 20 of them together then used their own shadows to create spikes impaling them all. They dissolve and I send out a doppelganger to pick up all the magic stones. When it is done I put all the stones in my storage. I had a straight shot to the third floor with no interruptions.

The third floor has frog shooters and dungeon lizards. Just like the goblins and kobolds they were easy to deal with. I just had my doppelganger kill them and gather up the magic stones. I got 20 dungeon lizard magic stones and 10 frog shooter magic stones. I believe floor four is a mix of all of them.

(A/N: I tried looking up which monster is on each floor but couldn't find anything)

I made it to floor four and hear three people rapidly approaching me. When they came into view they had panicked expressions. They stopped by me gasping for air after what appears to be them running for a long time.

"Don't...go in that direction...monster party..." said one adventurer

"I can't believe we left them behind," said the panicked adventurer

"They sacrificed themselves so we can escape... I hate it as much as you but I want to keep my life" said the female with them.

I started walking forward just for the female adventurer to stop me.

"What are you doing!? Are you nuts!? There's a monster party that way!" said the female adventurer.

"And the problem is?"

She got surprised by my voice which is being changed by the mask. The other two adventurers join in and try to stop me.

"Can you save them? We are too weak to do it but I have a feeling you can do it" said the calmest adventurer

I started walking and nobody said anything to me. Thinking out a plan should be wise. I'm not gonna rush to a monster party. Well with my strength I can easily crush them but I need a weapon that can do ranged and close attacks. Think... I know... A game I used to play back in high school. I forgot the name but a certain weapon in the game should do perfectly. I began imaging a gun but it has two blades and in between the blades is two barrels to a gun. I remember the name of this gun now... Redeemer.

(A/N: here is the gun. you can thank the guy who brought up warframe)

I didn't just summon one I summoned two. One for each hand. I up my pace and here fighting not too far away. When I got to the source I see something akin to a sea of monsters and two adventurers barely defending themselves. I summoned my doppelganger and let it go on a killing spree and saving the two adventurers. Using the shadows of the dungeon and monsters I created two more doppelgangers all equipped with a shadow estoc.

The two adventurers look at me like I'm offering them a gallon of water after they traveled the Sahara desert without any for days.

"We're saved thank the gods!" said the battered adventurer

"Yeah, I feel relie-" I cut the other adventurer off.

"Who said I came here to save you two... I came for the free valis... You guys were just a secondary objective"

They both said nothing but had a shocked look on their faces. I turned to fight the monster party with my 3 doppelgangers.

"Let us help you" announced the adventurer trying to stand.


"But-" I cut him off.

"You are a liability and will slow me down. I already gave you two a chance to get away from here. If you stay you are not my responsibility"

They just clicked their teeth cause what I said is true. I'm no hero nor I am doing this out of goodwill. They just happened to still be alive when I got here. Even though I don't need the valis due to my equipment and magic. I still would like to have my own place to live instead of an inn. So this monster party will go into my savings for a place to live.

The adventures got up and supported each other and started limping away. They stopped and the one adventurer that kept asking to help turned his head.

"We will call for help just hold on! he yelled out.

"Don't need it"

I rushed into the monster party with two redeemers. I cut two Kobolds in two with one swing. I raised my right arm and pulled the trigger.


I killed at least 10 monsters with one shot but more monsters filled in as if I didn't kill any. There are so many but that also means there will be a lot of magic stones in the end. Along with my 3 doppelgangers, we pushed against the flow of monsters. One doppelganger takes 15% of my mana and each shot of the redeemer takes 20%. If it wasn't for my ridiculous mana regeneration I would have long died ago. I'm not in a rush though I choose a gunblade for a reason. I can let my mana regen before firing it. This wouldn't be possible if I wasn't level one. I noticed that my largest stat is magic and I intend to abuse my large mana pool plus regen.

5 mins in one of my doppelgangers finally dissipate due to it running out of mana. Each attack from me or doppelganger is a killing blow. The monsters tried to circle me but I released a giant wave of shadow spikes killing a lot of monsters. 10mins in both my doppelgangers dissipates leaving me by myself but I can see the end of the monster party.

I slashed and shot away at the remaining monsters. Many monsters mostly frog shooters managed to get behind me while I was occupied but due to the [Absolute Perception], I easily dodged the frog shooters tongues coming from behind. I summoned another doppelganger to take care of the ones behind me.

When I cleared the monsters in front of me I hear heavy footsteps coming. As soon as I see what it is I'm surprised that this monster is on this floor. It's a black minotaur glaring at me with hate.

How is this possible? I only thought that...wait a moment I got Nyx's blessing so that means a tiny piece of her divinity is on me and since she's a Primordial Goddess her divinity is stronger than every God on the planet since she said it a Primordial Gods job to protect the universe barrier. So none should be here unless they are on break like her but how did the dungeon sense the divinity. When I was near Loki she never showed a reaction that Nyx is a God. This makes no sense whatsoever unless the dungeon has a way of seeing my soul that's being disguised but how...

My doppelganger just killed the last of the monsters behind me but now I got to deal with a black minotaur on the fourth floor which makes no sense. I sent my doppelganger to attack it but as soon as it got close the black minotaur's moved faster than the doppelganger can dodge and hit it right in the stomach sending it flying.


"Well looks like I'm finally gonna get a monster that can fight me properly..."


(A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I got something no one will see coming in the future till next chap and remember to join my discord link in the auxiliary chapter)

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