
Escape And Homecoming

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works.

-Author note start-

Yo yo my guys and gals, I'm back hope you enjoy the chapter! Comments, reviews, constructive criticism and so on would be appreciated and would boost my motivation for writing. it's free! so do it! Please? Anyways thank you for reading!

'Indicates Thoughts'

"Indicates Speech"

""Indicates Multiple Peoples Speech""

(Indicates Author comment thing)

-Author note end-

Ishtar Familia House Top Floor

At the upmost floor of the Isthar Familia house sat 2 gods each on a different sofa and a table placed between them. A man and a woman.

Inside an office that suspiciously includes a bed for no carnal purposes whatsoever.

The woman's identity is obvious, since it is her house after all. The man's? why if it isn't our second favorite troublemaker, Hermes!

Hermes POV

"Did you bring what I asked you for?" Ishtar asked impatiently and professionally as she smoked her pipe

'Ahhhh, It never gets old. What a sight!' I think to myself satisfied, as I lecherously gaze at Ishtar's near naked body, hiding the gaze effortlessly with literal thousands of years of experience on my metaphorical belt.

"Of course I brought it... Here you go as promised!" I respond to Ishtar's question with a smirk, dismissing my horniness with the finesse of a Greek God, as I pull out (No not that) a black box from my coat and place it on the table.

"I'm sure you know this, but not a word of this must be heard." Ishtar commanded my silence as she expertly hided her satisfaction upon sighting the box.

'She might fool others... But not me! She is definitely holding back a smug smile... Now however, I wonder the purpose of the item...' I think to myself reinforcing my smirk and confidence in my position.

"I wont betray your trust, I assure you." I respond to her command with a signature teasing smirk whilst holding a finger to my mouth in a hushing motion.

"But, what do you intend on doing with that thing?" I ask in curiosity and a touch of boldness deciding to go the direct approach as I lean forward from my sofa to look at her more observantly.

"Did you look inside?" Ishtar asked calmly whilst glaring bloody murder at me.

"I just happened to look inside accidently is all!" I respond dismissively whilst giving a what can you do motion with my hands.

"Hmm, I'll be showing you something very interesting before long Hermes" Isthar responds mysteriously as she gets up from her sofa and approaches her window to gaze at the entire pleasure quarter. I raise my eyebrow at her statement as she continues.

"Something that will make that woman, who fancies herself a queen crawl on the ground..." Ishtar continues her point however upon mentioning a certain woman her tone turns malicious.

'I see, Freya isn't it?' I think to myself noting down that piece of information in my memory bank.

"Goddesses sure are scary!" I respond to her monologue and plan in a frightened yet cheery tone, contradicting as that may be

"Hermes, do you have any information that would please me?" Ishtar asks me in an interrogating tone as she has her back turned to me still gazing at HER pleasure quarter.

"Any weaknesses or plans she would have?" She continued this time providing a more precise inquiry.

"If I did, I would've given it to you a long time ago. I can't lie in the presence of a goddess of beauty." I lie effortlessly in a what can you do motion.

As I finish my sentence I sense a disturbance in the force. As my godly instincts detect a lucky streak.

As It turns out, I was correct as Ishtar drops her clothes and turns around giving me a juicy view!?!?

'O-Oh my Zeus!!!!!!' I stutter in my very own thoughts as I stare at her shocked and pleased at the same time

"H-Heh?" I vocalize my confusion out loud as the very naked goddess wordlessly approaches me with probably impure intentions...

'I-I need a Hero!!!!!!!!!' I think amused as I am about to be violated by a goddess I have not bedroom rodeoed with in what would be decades as of now... I gulp extremely loudly.




Inside The Totally Not A Brothel Room

Bell POV

Back with our Hero, favorite (Self proclaimed) troublemaker and Harem prospect number 5.

"I want to be taken by the hand by a Hero, who would lead me to the world I've always longed for. But I know it's just a dream though... I don't deserve nor have the right to be taken anywhere..." At the end as we exchange hero stories, Haruhime-san reveals her dream in a sad and depressive tone, denying her own worth.

'This just took a depressive turn didn't it?' Merlin-sensei thought sadly making a momentary frown and giving a shake of his draconic head

'Oh well! Bell will fix her! Can't have a harem prospect falling for you without some rescue action or whatever! Be it mental or physical!' Merlin-sensei said to himself tactlessly with a nod, reassuring himself that it'll all work out... Probably

'Unacceptable...' I think to myself in frustration at why such an amazing girl would think of herself that way.

"No! A hero wouldn't abandon someone like you! Don't say you don't have the right" I answer her nonsense with passion and exasperation as I show her a frown of outrage.

To that, Haruhime-san's eyes widen in shock... And then she shakes her head and flashes me another sad smile.

"You're very kind, Cranel-sama" She responds keeping that infuriating sad smile whilst gazing at me with her pretty emerald eyes.

"But, I'm not a princess, nor a saint offered up for sacrifice... I'm a prostitute." Haruhime-san says matter of factly, making her smile downright depressing. And to that I widen my eyes in shock upon realization of her words... As no hero ever saved a prostitute or made her his woman in stories...

"Well damn, she got you good my guy." Merlin-sensei responds in an impressed tone as he tactlessly supplies my suffering with more fuel.

"I may be inexperienced, but I've shared my bed with many men... I didn't protect my chastity with a strong will. I offered myself to them in exchange for money. Why would they save a filthy girl like me? To a hero, a prostitute is a symbol of destruction, impure. On the day I realized I was no longer pure, I lost the right to read those beautiful stories, more so wishing for them..." Haruhime-san tells me the unfiltered facts, crushing my hope further, whilst she, in an accepting and sad tone elaborates her point. As her pretty eyes lose their luster translating sadness and acceptance.

"I'm... Just a prostitute." She finishes her monologue as I stare listless and completely lost at the ground failing to meet her eyes. Failing to notice Merlin-sensei's momentary yet rather uncharacteristic look of concern.

'Ah poor kid, it never fails to hurt me to see my students especially as young as he is get hit by the harsh reality of the world. No matter which one it is. But, this will be good for him in the long run I'm sure of it. Pain and Dilemmas strengthen character after all!' Merlin-sensei thought in acceptance and sympathy gazing at my lowered head, as he nods his head to reassure himself of the benefits of my pain.

"This was very fun. Thank you." Haruhime-san thanked me wholeheartedly as she got up from her sitting position and bowed, giving me her heartfelt and sincere gratitude. Which I couldn't appreciate still in a state of shock and loss.

"It should be about time shouldn't it? Let's go Cranel-sama, I'll lead you out" She says with emotions I fail to decipher, as she stares at the rising sun. I get up and follow her wordlessly... And Merlin-sensei keeps himself unusually silent.

'I wonder what the side characters are doing right about now? Hopefully they managed to stop Mizoto's human trafficking ring scheme... Who am I kidding? That clever wench outsmarting and outmaneuvering them is the most likely case. She reminds me of the last extremely clever guy I've seen. What did he like to say again? Shatter Kyoka-Suigetsu? Yeah! That was it! He also claimed my very birth was part of his plan? Probably bluffing. Wouldn't be surprised though. He was one clever bastard alright... And my existence is a master plan of some kind! Probably!' Apparently Merlin-sensei was silent due to thinking nonsense as per usual...

-Short Time Skip-

Edge Of Pleasure Quarter

Bell POV

As we are lead by Haruhime-san wordlessly through narrow alleys and passage ways, we arrive at a small and inconspicuous opening out of the pleasure quarter to a familiar street. Daedalus street.

"If you follow this road you'll come out on Daedalus street. Aisha-san wont find you here. Now, go." Haruhime-san says sadly, giving me a reassuring and rather empty smile as I gaze back at her wordlessly. She nods to reassure me again not to worry about her and hesitate in my escape.

I turn towards the road, I walk... And then I start running gritting my teeth in frustration.

'Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!' I think to myself in frustration as I continue running not giving any attention to the dragon sitting on my right shoulder.

'Not even a goodbye kiss? Very cheap my student.' Merlin-sensei thought to himself in disappointment, showing at least a little tact in deciding not to vocalize his thoughts.

As we make our way out into Daedalus street...

Ishtar Familia House Top Floor

3rd Person POV

We see Hermes laying naked on the bed crying tears of Pain? Joy? Who knows? As we turn to see a naked Goddess also known as Ishtar smoking her pipe satisfied with the intercourse? Nah Hermes got shit bed game it's probably something else.

"Bell Cranel huh? Don't understand why she'd be obsessed with a kid like that... But very well, I'll steal him away from her as well." Ishtar said ominously with an evil and malicious smirk on her face

'I SHOULDN'T OF SAID THAT!!!!' Hermes thought to himself in regret as he got the information sucked out of him. Literally.

(The plot thickens people!!!!!!!)

-Time Skip-

Daedalus Street

Bell POV

I continue running through Daedalus street, and come to a stop when I reach a familiar street that would lead the way home. Realizing I'm safe now I walk silently towards home. Tortured by my thoughts. As the sun begins to rise further and daylight begins to seep and warm my skin, I let out a sigh and turn a questioning gaze to the silent Merlin-sensei.

"Sensei... Is what she said really true? I-I couldn't say anything to her! Is a prostitute worthy of saving?! Would a hero save her?! Should I save her?!?" I ask with escalating frustration and worry as my whisper of a question becomes a loud shout with every other question. As I ignore the confused and angry gazes of the early birds staring at me talking with something that isn't there, at least to them.

"What do you think? Figure it out yourself Bell. Give it some thought. What is a "Hero"? What does that title entail? How does one earn it? What are one such person's values? And should they matter to you? Who decides those values? And so on... All valid questions you must ask yourself and think through. Once you arrive at an answer, one you wholeheartedly believe with the utmost certainty, tell me. And we will go from there. Remember Bell every person has his own opinion as to what he considers a Hero to be. What I consider to be a hero will of course, be different from what you consider one to be and that's fine. Alright?" Merlin-sensei responds sagely in his most professional and empathetic manner I've yet to witness, as he refuses to give me an answer and lectures me to arrive at my very own answers. As I think through what he said he reassures me

"Besides, for better or worse she isn't going anywhere. Think through your actions as I have said before. So take your time and THINK. So you can arrive at an answer that you are satisfied with, one that aligns with your goals, values, logic and so on. It'll be fine don't worry your little head over it!" Merlin-sensei reassures me patting my cheek with his hand paw thing giving me a teasing yet oddly reassuring fanged smirk. Which helped... A little.

"H-Hai Merlin-sensei, I'll think through it!" I respond to his reassurance with a sad smile and give my signature salute with rather lacking enthusiasm in comparison to my usual salutes.

"Stick training will be more brutal... I promise you..." Merlin-sensei growls out at my stutter promising pain, excruciating pain. I nod acceptingly and continue walking, not in the mood to argue.

"Let's just get home... I need to sleep. I just hope the others are at home and not looking for me." I mention tiredly and worryingly, remembering that I was not alone at the pleasure quarter before I was kidnapped. In my defense I had no time to think about others in such a precarious situation.

As we continue walking and reach an intersection of streets one pointing north, the other east and the last pointing west. We of course, arrived from the south.

"Mizoto is in her natural territory so she'll probably be fine, Emiya Shirou and the Loli on the other hand? Well, Shirou is a bro so I guess he'll be fine. Loli? She gives me the creeps so I doubt anyone would mess with her... On second thought their doing A-Okay! So let's just go home! Onwards!" Merlin-sensei considers the options with a claw on his scaly chin, as he reassures me they're all fine. Although at first he doubted the safety of Welf-san and Lili-san. I nod to his statement believing in my friends and fellow familia members.

"Merlin-sensei our home is that way." I state with a raised eyebrow looking at him pointing at the wrong direction.

"Look, there are 3 options. I had to guess you know? It's only my second... No, third day here! You can't expect me to know where every rat hides! Dear god this just the third day..." Merlin-sensei looks at me seriously as he tries to explain his way out of being stupid, which is logical. As he simultaneously realizes in pure dread that it has been only 3 days since he was summoned here. I ignore him and proceed towards home in a slow speed...

"Hurry the fuck up! I have a major shit that I've been holding the entire day and night whilst you were flirting with the foxy hoe! Get a move on! Chop! Chop! You wouldn't want me to shit on your shoulder would you?! I'll warn you! Dragon shit is much worse than pigeon shit! And it doesn't give you good luck!" Merlin-sensei commands in frustration at my slow speed as he threatens me vulgarly as I glare at him silently with a hint of confusion and pure disgust as I speed up.

'Dragons need to poo?' I consider in fascination, and stop immediately shaking my head at that disgusting line of thought

'Vulgar dragon... And to think he was much calmer today... I really don't get him.' I think to myself frustrated and yet curious of Merlin-sensei's bipolar? nature, not able to label his actions or thoughts with something concrete.

As we travel home in a faster pace...

-Time Skip-

Hearth Mansion Hallway To Hestia's Office

Bell POV

After I silently entered the Mansion I hear talking from all the member's of the familia coming from the Kami-sama's office... They seem distressed, but I sigh in relief that everyone is here. I decide to make my way there to deliver the news of my return.

"Resolve yourself Bell. Your asymmetrical goddess is going to rip you a new one. Remember your stick training as you dodge ballistic goddesses launching themselves at you!" Merlin-sensei warns me dead seriously. As I turn and meet my ruby eyes with his amethyst ones and nod resolutely.

"By the way! I'll be off to the closest restroom to let loose the beast! So! Good luck! If you need help just chant the magic to summon me! HAAHHAHAAHHA!" Merlin-sensei said all jolly, laughing as he popped out of existence probably towards the nearest restroom, leaving me to my death...

I approach the door, take a deep breath and open and I see everyone conversing with a serious and depressive atmosphere.

"So... What's your plan?" I hear Kami-sama say in a low and serious tone, emotionlessly... rather scary

"W-Well I believe Bell-dono woul...Oh h-he's here! Are you alright Bell-dono?!" Mikoto-san at Kami-sama's tone started stuttering and began to dart her eyes around, coincidentally noticing me at the door as she ran off towards me shouting out my name in worry.

As they all notice me and stare at me in shock and approach me in a hurry. All except Kami-sama who oddly is approaching me in a rather... threatening and slow manner?

'Merlin-sensei warned me of this! I can handle this!' I lie to myself as my face begins to pale at Kami-sama's approach, as the others stare at me in pity, deciding to throw me to the wolves.

"Bell... Kun..." Kami-sama draws out my name in a rage as she gets dangerously close.

'G-Grandpa help me!' I, feeling extreme danger to my life, resort to my old habit of asking for grandpa to save me like he did in my childhood. However my thoughts and prayers were not heard, As the goddess grabs me and...


"I am the bone of my haaa..." I scream out in an attempt to summon Merlin-sensei to save me from the atrocities committed upon me by Kami-sama, as I get rudely interrupted by Kami-sama's hand covering my mouth

"There is no escape~" She purrs at my suffering


First, Let it be known that stick training has failed me for the first time ever.

Second, Let it also be known that whatever happened in this section will not and shall never be described. As the rest of the observants covered their eyes and denied ever seeing this. Voluntarily eliminating this unspeakable situation from their minds and memory.

-Short Time Skip-

Bell POV

"So Bell-kun, let me get this straight. You were in the pleasure quarter... And couldn't return until now?" Kami-sama asked "gently" as my dread and fear increase by another few degrees as I was on my knees and she was looking down at me, giving me a view many would pay good valis for...

I nod slowly as the danger levels increase and my Level 3 instincts scream for me to run.

'Poor Bell... But this is pretty funny... Oh no, he's infecting me...' Welf-san thought in sympathy and amusement. However upon realizing he found my pain more amusing than usual, he fears he got very ill.

"H-Hestia-sama it's not his fault it's all my fau..." Mikoto-san attempts to defend me and redirect the fault to herself, only to be rudely interrupted by Kami-sama

"Shaddup! Anyways Bell. Did you do what I think you did?" Kami-sama asks me staring into my soul with her sapphire eyes.

"W-What do you mea... Oh no no no! I didn't do anything weird I promise" I responded to Kami-sama's understandable accusation blushing and vehemently denying doing "IT".

"Hmm, if so why do you have this?" Kami-sama hums a little pacified as she asks the final question as she lifts the aphrodisiac that I stubbornly for completely unknown reasons still have, that I secretly, unknown to even myself promised that I would guard it with my life.

"Umm, I-I promise I didn't do anything weird? Hehe" I respond weakly saying the same thing, which is kind of true as I chuckle to prove? my innocence.

'I must guard Hermes-sama secret! It was an agreement between men!' I think to myself resolutely giving myself a mental thumbs up, which for some odd reason made me imagine Merlin-sensei giving the thumbs up... Must of gotten used to him. In 3 days!

" *Sigh*, Mortals can't lie to gods... So it's fine." Kami-sama says seemingly calm now, to my pleasant surprise and pleasure

"However! I am still not happy about you going there! You will be punished! Go help the neighbors! After sleeping for a few hours! Your up at 11:30 AM Mister!" Kami-sama commanded to my dread pointing a finger at me.

"B-But" I try to reason with Kami-sama

"No buts! Now scram to bed!" Kami-sama commands not leaving any room for argument.

"Y-Yes Kami-sama" I respond with my head lowered... getting up, turning around and walking towards the door out of the office mechanically.

"Wait Bell-kun" Kami-sama asks me to wait for some reason

"Yes Kami-sama?" I turn to look at her and see a threatening grin on her face and a closed eye smile that sends chill down my spine

"Where is the deadbeat?" She asks, no demands an answer as she sends a chill down the spines of all of us with her tone.

"Lili thinks Merlin-sama is very dead..." Lili-san throws her 2 cents on the matter

""For sure/Agreed"" Mikoto-san and Welf-san respond their agreement

"Umm Merlin-sensei is probably in the main restroom? He said he had to go... Poo." I say blushing at the word "Poo", slightly embarrassed, and hesitating at the consequences of giving her this critical information.

"Good, Bell off to bed. The rest of you I suggest going to sleep as well or just do whatever you want! For now... I have a dragon to skin. Hehe" Kami-sama commanded with a malicious grin and a little chuckle at the end as she began to make her way out of the office closing the door behind her.

Leaving us all stumped, shocked and afraid. I had the addition of being scarred for the rest of my life but I wont mention it.

"H-Hestia-sama was rather intense wasn't she?" Mikoto-san said a little afraid herself as she vocalized our united thoughts

"Yeah, well I agree with Hestia-sama, I'll be going to catch some Zs, it's been a rough day, especially for you Bell I'd imagine." Welf-san mentions his agreement as he sympathizes with my suffering, suggesting us all to repeat his action of also going to sleep. As he walks towards the door out of the office and we wordlessly follow him into the hallway.

As we all walk towards our respective bedrooms we hear... A sound of a door being suddenly slammed open?

"What are you doing here woman?! Can't you see I'm taking a dump?! Let me shit in peace!" We hear Merlin-sensei's furious shout

"It's begun... I shall pray for the Deadbeat Dragon" Welf-san comments ominously sending Merlin-sensei his prayers


"Woah woah calm your heavenly titties down! Did he get fucked? No! Did he get Kidnapped? Yes! But is he ok? Probably! Stop with your nonsense!" Merlin-sensei shouts out his defense in an attempt to calm Kami-sama

"NONSENSE?! NONSENSE?! GET OVER HERE YOU!!!" Kami-sama roars out as we here a loud stomp and Merlin-sensei getting more... Hysteric?


It's at that we hear the disturbing sound of someone getting choked as Merlin-sensei's sentence gets cut off.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HELP MEEEEEEEEEE! ASSAULT! HARRASMENT! CALL PETA! ANIMAL ABUSE! ANYTHING! I'M GETTING ASPHYXIATED BY A VERY ATTRACTIVE WOMAN HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Although that's not the worst way to die but, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Merlin-sensei screams as he is probably? getting chocked by Kami-sama, although that seems to be failing, to our disappointment.

"Lili hopes Hestia-sama is successful in her endeavors." Lili-san comments as she nods to herself hoping Merlin-sensei gets murdered?!

"It is not honorable to wish misfortune upon others... But I wouldn't complain if Merlin-dono gets hurt." Mikoto-san wishes against her values?!?!

At that we finally realize and imagine the bizarre scene of Kami-sama choking Merlin-sensei as he sits on the toilet seat in the restroom. And wipe that memory and image out of our heads as quickly as it came.

Welf-san just shakes his head and continues walking towards his room with his bullshit resistance Rank EX, ignoring the screaming and focusing on the task at hand.

'How admirable!' I think to myself impressed once again with Welf-san's capacity for adapting to the most absurd of circumstances looking in his direction, eyes glazing with admiration.

We decide to follow Welf-san's example and move onto our rooms to finally get some sleep after the day, ignoring the Animal abuse committed in the main restroom.

As I bid good day? And wish a proper rest to the others I enter my room and lay on my bed and close my eyes.

'I'll worry about Haruhime-san and Merlin-sensei's questions after a good rest... Yeah that's the correct move isn't it?' I think to myself with closed eyes satisfied with my course of action, deciding to leave my problems for Future Bell to deal with.

'Current Bell is very tired' I think amusingly to finish up my thought process

Letting darkness take me in an instant as the accumulated exhaustion goes full throttle allowing me to fall asleep instantly.

To be Continued!

-Author Note Start-

Hey people!

Hope the chapter was to your enjoyment.

In terms of canon changes due to Merlin's presence will become more and more noticeable as time goes on! For the near future though it will be following cannon rather closely with changes here and there. So don't expect any major changes just yet! But you can guess which changes are likely to happen so I'd like to hear your thoughts as to what you think would happen. (So I totally do not change the script or whatever. Bold of you to assume I have a script).

Again, comments, reviews, ideas, suggestions etc... would provide me more motivation to write and would be a good way to show your appreciation! I'll be happy and thankful to receive them! Constructive criticism would be the most appreciated as I wont be able to improve without knowing what my mistakes are! Thanks for reading and have a great rest of the day! I'll see you guys in a few days!

-Author Note End-

Next chapter