

Few days later, Zetta and others are almost annihilated all monster lairs. even though he do most of the jobs, he don't mind one bit, afterall, he's already a member of Artemis Familia.

Yes, a member of Artemis Familia.

In a sense, all of the current event happened is because the main culprit is a single man.

Of Artemis action the second day he arrived.

Of majority of her Familia members that leave.

And Rethusa's determination before going to thr designated place, the Orario.

He unconsciously instigates them all in a short span of time which made his head spinning.

"Status Open", Zetta murmured as an interface in front of his vision popped up


Name: Zetta Exe Deux

Hair Color: Dark

Eye Color: Silver

Race: Half-Barbarian (Token)



Level: 56

Personal Status🔽

Str: -Unidentified-

Con: -Unidentified-

Agi: -Unidentified-

Dex: -Unidentified-

Int: -Unidentified-

Wis: -Unidentified-

Active Skill: Appraisal, Eagle Stomp, Stomp, Air Walk, Flash Drift, Avoid, Borrowed Power of Heracles

Passive Skill: -Locked-, -Locked- , -Locked- , -Locked-

Equipment: Erinyes (sword mode), Kite Shield Regas, Pacifist Boots, Cloak of Chastiefol

Arcanum Status🔽

Affiliation: Artemis Familia

Level: 1

Falna: Pow(G), End(I), Agi(G), Dex(G), Mag(I)

Skills: None


Its been a month since coming into this world, and Zetta who's grinding in a form of lair hunting is not happy in his current development. though he's far stronger than Rethusa who was actually a level 3. He feels like a frog in a well especially after that Old man's remarks where the strongest gather is in a place called Orario, he feel so weak right now. So he doesnt have a choice but to move forward to his first goal, to that City. Adding the Falna Status are now below his status window so he could check them anytime he wants. But for some reason, his player status are remain hidden

So with that, he didn't wanna idle or wait for monsters to become stronger, and instead destroy them fast so can he venture into Orario's dungeon and prove his strength. At the same time, to test those strong Adventurers, after all, he's craving for more experience and strong opponents. . .

"More" is what he muffled.

As a hardcore gamer —and unlike other Isekai'ed person who want to see the world—he prefers being secluded inside the dungeons and hunting monsters stronger than him rather than traversing to the outside world where he might die because he's too weak. And at the same time comparing his past life of prefered being alone than having communicate with strangers, he decided on doing here too. He have a feeling that the Dungeon and his partial Virtual and real body coincide have something to do why he was in this world.

But still, his life changed after joining in an all girls guild named Amythyst from his past life.

And as if life reflect in itself after 'accidentally' travelled in this world. He find himself in an 'all girls' Familia--like a guild--for the second time. thats why he didn't reject Artemis offer(?) into her Familia as it was the same situation that change his past life. so why not accept them here too?

And so after that, they gathered at their designated place so they can all travel together.

Though even at this time, the atmosphere between Rethusa and Zetta are still awkward. And although Artemis and others felt it too, it was their individuality who should solve this matter.

"Good Job, everyone" Artemis welcomed the group as they return to their camp and ready to eat their meal.

"So? how about having a Falna than not having one? Does it feel good?" Artemis look at Zetta with her chin seated atop of her palm and asks as they're eating meat. For some reason, animals didn't get attacked by monsters if they're not a threat so its safe to kill and eat an animal meat. As for why she asks, is because this man is once Falna-less but stronger than her combined member, much less if he received one. . .so she's quite curious.

Zetta then replied "it feels good, like my Agility doubled after that" as he was munching his concentrated heavy portions of meat.

Thanks to his Virtual Avatar, he didn't get fat even though he was a glutton.

"Want me to update your status then?" Artemis asks again. But his face is deadpanned, ignorant of the world.

"What update?" Hearing his remarks. All girls chuckled other than the silent Rethusa.

Artemis replied again "Really? you don't know?"

"Should I ask if I know?" Zetta's ignorance made Artemis chuckle again.

"I thought you're joking, fufufu. come over to my tent later then. and others too", and so they happily enjoy the night thereafter

※ ※ ※

"Yosh, all good"

Zetta then put his clothes on after Artemis remarks

"I can't get used to it, this tatoo" he said so as Zetta hated tattoos, earpiercing, necklace or any other kind of Bling bling that can only distract his movements even from his past life.

Even in a peaceful world he's lives where cruelty isn't happens everyday—its his luck that he killed inside his residents—,he really hate having tattoo, accessories, or unnecessary thing that is why he felt nasty after having an insignia attached in his wide back created by Artemes' Falna.

But she said that it was common for every adventurer who recieve falna from their God.

Still, he can't get use to it.

And After that, he look at his current stat


Pow(D), End(I), Agi(F), Dex(F), Mag(I)

Skill: None


"Only Power, Agiliy and Dexterity goes up. is it because I didn't get hit or use magic?" he muttered. Hearing him, Artemis answered "That depends on the Excelia you accumulated. A prerequisite is needed before one's Falna grows up in a normal rate or two. your Power jumped two to three ranks is a feat in itself. Did you know that a normal adventurer cannot dream on levelling up for the rest of his life?" After Artemis realized that Zetta is really an oblivious about God's blessing. she explained everything a normal adventurer has to know.

About how one can achieve level up. To which, is an achievement great enough that makes all Gods amazed.

About how Status from level 1 are hidden when level up to 2 but still in effect.

About the great quest and strong Familia in the Orario. what do's and dont's or an all out war against Familia will started.

Hearing this important information, Zetta put them at heart and noted them 'Just like a game, indeed' as he asks "So, you Gods are quite bored and decided to play lives? because it's more entertaining if you yourselves are playing, am I right?" hearing him. Artemis flinched but didn't said a word. afterall, God's has their own secret from mortals. watching her, Zetta sigh and didn't rub anymore salt.

"I guess, I get the gist why you didn't go there at first, in Orario I mean" he smiled. "Then, I'll entertain you more when we stay there." Hearing his domineering word made Artemis smile from ear to ear with a nod.

"Uhhh, Guys? Kami-sama? were still waiting here!" Outside Artemis' tent, Lante's word echoed. the two look at each other and chuckle as Zetta shrugged his shoulder and said his thanks as he walked out. But the back of his mind was rather different 'to think excelia and Exp is the same but instead if accumate towards the status, but then...' He checked his Experience bar and realized, what he gained is now different compared to his falna-ness.

After then, he set all of his thought aside for now and departed for good.

Next chapter