
Goddess of the Hearth

"Haha, thats very awkward indeed" Eina laughs aloud as she and Zetta is now walking side by side away from the guild

"Yes.. very awkward.. and thank you for a covering me up.. hehe"

"Nah.. its okay.. Adventurers have their secrets or two" she stated and put her hands behind her back with intertwined fingers and look above clouds, and muttered 'Bell-kun, I'm sure he too has his secret'

"Uhm thanks again. And that face of your Guild leader, its priceless" Zetta continued their conversation as he smiled.

That time, when he wanted Eina to go out with him to find their Familia a place to stay, the Guild leader objected but he slap him with Valis —not literally— to hire Eina for a day.

"Yes.. he really is.. he almost drool.. haha" Eina chuckled yet again. because what Zetta gave is enough for the guild leader to live for a year or two.

"That aside. Where are we going?" It was Eina who asks. She's the one who is following him instead.

"At Daedalus. I want to buy from there"

"Eh? You're really good. That place is for Slum yet cheap at price. And yes you can buy almost 1/4 of it with your current money.. but well, the average people will" Eina is worried about the poor being homeless because of Zetta.

"...don't worry, I have a plan" Zetta answered her, Eina was amazed by this man who she just met.

How come a man who just came from the outside an hour ago already has a plan in mind? She thought.

"Is it okay if I hold you? Its much faster this way though", hearing his words, Eina is dumbfounded. But, she's an elf. . .Still, in the end she just nodded. Zetta then grab her waist and jumped up as he land from the roof.

"Eh? What did you—?!"

"Adventurers have a secret or two, right?" with smile, her replied. after then, he land after land and kick after kick. He always land at the roof and thereafter found the biggest house. a Fifth floor at that and a mansion at that. . .

"You. . .want to buy this one?"

"Yes. . .and hire more than 20 women after the renovation and maintain them, and at the same time become our Familia's personal maidservant, also, please hire those who are trusted. . .And as for why girls. Don't look at me like I'm some kind of wild animal. Artemis-sama doesn't like males, after all. . .as for why she fond of me.." he coughs, "I still dont know"

Eina then approved Zetta. did he know this place? No, and why did he chose Deadlus in telue first place? Eina wanted to ask him but as usual. She sure, he will only answer with 'Adventurers have their secrer or two' as that was only his answer of anything related to what he is doing.

On the other hand, her inner thought was. 'Why is he covering himself up? is he embarrassed because he's a member of an all girls familia?'

※ ※ ※

News spreads like a wildfire about Artemis Familia finally arrived at the Orario.

All of the Gods are wondering how strong her 'Hunting' Familia is.

Was hers can be compare to Loki Familia and Freya Familia? Of course they deny the fact. After all, there is no way a wanderer and only a 'Hunter' type Famila are stronger than the level 7 Ottar or level 6 executives of Freya and Loki's strongest.

But it didn't change the fact that they're 'excited' and 'curious' as for what kind of Familia she has or what kind of entertainment they give.

After all, she herself is a warrior that can pierce anything with her bow. But in actuality, majority of them are animals who only want to see her beauty.

Thats why, Freya, Loki, and Ganeisha decided to throw a welcoming party for this Valiant Familia —who helped citizens outside the Orario— the same day they arrived.

Of course Ouranus accepted and had the Guild and three biggest familia split the cost. Freya accepted and also Ganeisha, and unanimously without retort, Loki cried out of her heart. 'Atleast she's not as 'fat' as that Hestia!!' She only thought. But turned in rage remembering the Goddess of the Hearth's name.

Hearing the news at the same time, Hestia goes AWOL from selling Jagamarukun, the popular steamed grind potato who always sells to every adventurer as she was very excited meeting her best friend from Heaven, but somehow or another, she didn't know Artemis' residence, so she went towards the Guild and asks them if they know where Artemis' live.

An hour later and the said Advisor/Assistant of Artemis Familia members isn't still there. Tired of waiting, she instead walked out of the Guild. There, she found Eina along with dark haired boy with glistening silver eye.

Seeing the boy, Hestia finds herself looking at him and finds him more handsome than anyone she met so far--of course she denies it as it was only Bell is the cutest thing for her.

It was then that their eyes met as she snap back to reality, she moved towards Eina in short approval

"Good good! one less rival for me!" which Eina replied with poker face. . .Hestia followed up "because MY Bell isn't here, so you dated another man.. hum hum.. I approve, I approve, he's handsome, I assure you that"

Is what she claimed that she even forgot her initial goal and was too happy for Eina, enough that she pat her shoulder with teary eyes again and again.

'Fufufu, one less rival equals two remained!' as she talk about the remaining two who's Ais wallenwhatitsname and shirmp pallum, Lilly.

"Uhm, that aside Hestia-sama what—do you have any arrangement here?" Eina asks to sidetrack Hestia's attention.

"Oh yes!" She glance at Zetta, "Misha informed me you're also the advisor of my friend, Artemis' familia?"

"Eh? Ahh.. yes.. I mean we just finish looking for their place to stay"

Eina glances back at Zetta as if troubled.

"Just finish? You came there!? Then where are they!?"

"They wer fooling around the town this wholr time, Goddess"

But it was Zetta who answered

"How do you know? Are you her stalker too?" Hestia frowned.

"Nai, Hestia-sama, he's the captain of Artemis Familia"

Hearing Eina, Hestia's eyes grew slowly "EHHHHH!? She have a male member!?" And pointed Zetta, at the same time.

"EHHHHH!? this big chest loli here is a Goddess!!!?" Zetta too, pointed and teased her. Of course he knew that she is a goddess. But he can't help but join the fun.

"Hmp! you even knew my Alias given by that flat Iron, Loki!!"

At the same time...

"Achooo!" At the headquarters of Loki Familia, the [Twilight Manor] and the Goddess of the Trickster herself, Loki sneezed..

"The hell!?" She cursed whilst the level 5 fastest of Loki Familia, the Werewolf Bete Loga—with bandit-like clothes, look at her in a slight worry.

"Don't push yourself too hard, the remaining member can do the inventory!" he said that what he was talking about is about the vials of healing potion, because he run here to collect them as the first aid for the injured member from their expedition that needs a healing. But it takes four days just to completely collect them all

Return back at the Guild Hall..

"I can't believe it. . .I was happy for her development but. . .I still can't believe it. . .even Gods or very beautiful men in God realm cannot even touch Artemis' hair. but you. . .Actually. . .she. . .actually..."

her voice had so many pauses as if she can't believe that this man is inside her bestfriend's familia, in which made Zetta slightly tinged in irritation.

"I'm sorry Goddess. If you're here just to belittle me, I guess have to go now. . .Eina-san. Please take good care and process them, and also.. I should enter the dungeon now" Zetta said coldly as he feels a little bit tired just talking to Goddess Hestia.

"Yes.. please do take care" Eina then nodded in return. She wanted to atleast give him a tip about the dungeon but what he ask is only the map so she sold him the said item.

At the same time, Zetta reminds the member of his Familia not to venture inside the dungeon for the next few days coz' he has some plans for them.

Rethusa accepted his command as the former captain of their Familia, so he doesn't have to worry of them being decisive and selfish.

With that, He moved towards the center of the City, the protruded tower towards the sky, as if reaching the heaven. The tower of Babel. . .

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