
Candy from Another World

"Thanks, Zetta-kun for saving my Familia", Artemis put her hand onto her chest while saying so.

After regrouping with her Familia at their camp. She thanked me. Others followed suit and bowed simultaneously and thanking me

I look around and was looking for someone "ahh, that child of yours is stable now. So, no need to worry" Artemis look at me with smile. I sigh in relief after hearing them.

The girls overreacted with 'EH!?' face. . .

"T-then, If you'll excuse me. I will resume my journey now" ignoring them and bow down at the Goddess Artemis, I went out of the tent, that little fella isn't my child alright? is what I wanted to say.

At that moment, a girl with red-brown hair and eyes followed me, "W-wait, mister Zetta!" she yelled from my back.

Dragging me towards the nearest tree after. She explains their Familias' circumstances. They've been in this forest for almost 2 years now since they are like a mercenary who visits from area to area but no matter how many monster lairs they destroyed in this area, the monster here didn't stop spawning, so she explained. And last month, they decided to distribute their party to destroy more of monsters nest. But nothing happens and devastatingly retreated and because of her decision, 2 of their Familia died because of her command by dividing their group.

Hmm this girl named Rethusa was the captain of Artemis Familia and responsible for other members command and safety. Feeling guilty and powerless, she's was about break as she burst out in tears while telling the whole story. Though, none of the members berated her decision caused by others death, it made her even more guilt as her heart feels like its going to burst out. Is what according to her and her current drama.

Why'd she said it? Simple. She wants me to help them destroy this seemingly unendless monsters.

"Realistically and Logically, I'm afraid we'll be dead before destroying this monster lairs. And I don't want Artemis-sama to die with us too" She said so and wiped her small tears away. The girl with bright smile in the amidst of the chaos just a moment ago and cheers with her members. Cry in front of the man she just met.

I still don't get it. gods descend in this world but didn't use their power to destroy monsters. They either chose to die and reincarnated again than destroying monsters? What the hell is that thinking?

Well, thats none of my concern. Weather they're playing for fun or seriously helping this world. I don't care as I too, have my own Adventure. But then again, its not hurt to help others, right?

Thinking so, I looked above the sky that was about to get dark, momentarily soon I closed my eyes for a bit and exhaled deeply. . .

※ ※ ※

P.O.V. of Lante

Hearing our dear leader cry and desperately seeking for help, my heart aches even more. . .as for why I was listening, well curiousity of course. I was actually curious why she followed mister Zetta, so I hid from the nearby tree, enough to hear their conversation

So, all those incident are still lingering deep inside her heart huh. She smiles and laughs as if none of them happens, but deep inside the guilt haunted her.

We mourn but those who died are always in a queue for the next cycle of reincarnation, is what Artemis-sama always said and we believe so.

That's why, we are ready to die in every battle for her and for others, knowing that death is below outer feet. And, being a leader is indeed very hard as the burden multiplied and Rethusa leader is carrying this burden this whole time.

I wanted to comfort her but mister Zetta said a word while looking above sky "Adventurers Adventure... is what Gramps said to a person who risk their lives for others and or even for themselves"

"If they die berating you and not sacrifice themselves without their consent knowing that it leads them to death, so be it. Be more guilty, ram your head. We have so many trees here. But if not or they did it for you, for others or for their own reason; move forward if you still have something or someone to protect. . . I don't know what or who. But, you are alive right now and they were dead. They too know their limitations, and that is their dead end. You have the right to move and facing forward. For their own sake, For your own sake. For what you are fighting for! Fight for them! Revenge for them! What's important is the present, that you are alive, so you can see through it. for tomorrow, not only you, not only of what you are fighting for to live, but what you are fighting for to die! As for the deceased, fight for them too! . . You came here seeking my help because you are unsure of tomorrow and your members lives is within your very hands. It is because you still have something to protect. And that is them I assumed?. . . So keep on moving forward! Say it! say it that you will fight and I'll lend you a hundred hands. . .But remember to do your job too, and don't slack off!" With his words and smile, I hear Rethusa leaders cried aloud and nodded.

I clench my fist as hard as I can as if it was easy for him to say those words. But I still believe in him, he is also correct. We are alive and they are dead. For us who are still here.. we have to move forward and face tomorrow.

I don't know mister Zetta's limit of strength but I believe he can help us out in this endless carnage.

"And maybe, open your heart towards your members too. . .they might help you carry that burden, the one they called friends afterall, you're not alone in this battle" he stands up and smile, looking towards my direction. Did he saw me? after that, he walked away.

※ ※ ※

Night of the same day... inside the Orario

"Urmpf!!!~ mou~ your stats abnormally rised up again!!" One of the virgin Goddess pouted and look at her only Familia member and thought 'is it because of Liaris Freese? Grrr! That Wallenwhatsitsname infected my Bell's mind' is what she thought while reaching out a piece of parchment to a boy who desperately cry on her shoulder the last time

"Yaay!! Amazing~~" the boy with white hair and crimson eye at the same time, raised his current status high, appeared in a parchment given by his Goddess after checking, as he appeard to be very happy

※ ※ ※

The Next day. The girls are all ready to roll out to destroy any lairs they already mapped out. I lookedat them from the sideline while Artemis-sama is giving them an impressive speech that made even the air calm, which nade birds chirped as if synching at her very words.

So, this is the world where Gods resides. They look human but watching her, made my heart and mind calmed down.

Eyes still closing, I am now wondering if the girls are helping the alliance raiding an enemy Faction's Boss again. Sigh.. or they've been kicked out of it because I wasn't there anymore. Nope, I'm sure my three friends won't let that happen..

Opening my eyes, I snapped back to reality and the girls are now departing. They didn't distribute their manpower and instead, they decided to destroy the monsters lair one after another in blitz with their numbers. I too have the copy of the map where monsters lair are located. I opened my inventory and thrash the map inside, Artemis-sama at the same time walk towards me, while her guard, the pallum is raising the iron fence to protect their base to defend from monsters who came, on the other hand, the child I saved is still unconscious inside of her tent.

"I'm sorry for giving you another trouble" Artemis-sama seated down near my side after her grand speech "Its alright, Orario won't run on its own", I intend not to jest but she chuckle.. I mean, thats an old joke!

"Orario.. I wish my Familia could go there someday" she looked above the azure sky.

I, then munch one soft candy that I stacked inside my inventory for the purpose of eating them while killing monsters. Sadly my system doesn't have a store. So I consuming them slowly.

Watching the scene. Artemis asked in bewildered "W-what was that?".

I answered with "Soft candy. Want some?" and reach out one towards her hand.

"You can go there.. to Orario, I mean" and so I reply at her first sentence.

With a slight pause, she responds, "But I can't leave the place where monsters are still lingering" Said said and then open the candy, putting them inside her mouth with 'Uhm' word and munch them. Well, that was strawberry flavour and one of my favorites. Of course that is delicious.

"And? you exchange the lives of your familia for others' sake?" She flinch by my words. "You can do that if they're strong enough. You can help others but remember to prioritized whom you should have to protect first.." noticing her didn't made any movement other than her lower jaw slowly munching the candy, I added--

"If they're strong enough not to die.. then I guess that is alright", I glance back and her eyes look enlightened and are staring at me "Yes.. at the Orario where the dungeon resides. They can train there to become even more stronger. Well, that is your decision and not mine" I then stands up "welp, I'll start to wiped the remaining lairs then, see you later" as I dash out.

I partially know why my gut feel is crying after saying those words.

Because, again, I said a word I shouldn't have.

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