
is it okay that i have the best holy ablility?

after insulting god- "HOW WOULD I KNOW THAT HE WAS GOD !?" SHUT UP! "..." as i was saying... he insulted god and he was teleported to a novel that he was reading, he said to god that he maked a "stupid trash novel" and that he would repair it if he could... i think you know the rest that happened right? ... now he needs to deafeat the demon king and the 7 demon lords with the help of a protagonist that has a yandere harem... [reads the script] "..." ... youre right this is a stupid trash novel "YOU JUST REALIZED THAT!" "SHUT YOUR MOUTH HUMAN, AND IM DISAPPOINTED OF YOU NARRATOR!" [clears throat] ... he is the worst character in the novel because he is mute and doesnt have magic... or he is the best? ------- cover is not mine

omega32 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

the training and the entry to glipmose, academy of the arcane

larrius: "you will fight a 1 vs 1 and then when your done your going to fight a 2 vs 2 with your previous opponent, did you get it?"

students: "yes teacher!"

larrius: "this is to see your combat skills and knowledge as well as your ability to fight with the help and support of your comrades"

lionel: ´´Lionel in the original story has no combat skills, being that in volume 4 when the attack on the kingdom happened, he couldnt do anything and was badly damaged in the fight, almost losing his life... but he got combat training from larrius sometimes´´

lionel:´´I need to improve that and get more magic as fast as possible´´

larrius: "get ready, grab the wooden swords and find an opponent"

Lionel would be in front of a student already prepared to start the practice fight, he would observe how the other students chose their opponents and prepared themselves too.

larrius: in three, two, one... start!

lionel and his opponent would wait for the other to launch the first attack and after a few minutes lionel would approach the student with his guard up to attack him suddenly doing a sweep to try to throw him down, something not very honest, but after all in a fight to the death you have to do everything to survive, he has to fight like a snake, attack from various weak points and surround his enemy in this way, suffocate him slowly due to exhaustion, larrius noticed the fighting style that lionel was using, It is not very to his liking that he attacks in such low and dishonest ways but in the end that style works very well and the fast but not very strong attacks are very effective as they are able to put the enemy in a constant state of defense, when the student would already be giving in and he would be tired enough to not be able to block with enough force, lionel would make several attacks directed at the legs to force him to move more and tire the student faster, at the end the student would fall and lionel would put his wooden sword close to him his neck while on the ground, since this is the way to have his victory

lionel would be a bit tired as well because he would be constantly changing positions and places while making various attacks with both his legs and his sword, lionel's fighting style was a resistance fighting style since he would force his enemies to work hard to hit him and defend themselfs, taking advantage of his thin body and being smaller than most of his age this would give him more advantage when moving and dodging attacks

After everyone finished, he would go to the student he faced.

lionel: "hey how about we put together a plan?, my name is lionel and you?

student: I'm Daniel, I think it would be a good idea for us to do that

Daniel and Lionel would be thinking about how to fight together against the other two students that they would have to face, after about five minutes Daniel would have an idea

Daniel: What if you attack them with the same style you attacked me with and I support you by making stronger attacks, you attack with fast and constant attacks towards them while I make strong and constant attacks to break their defenses and attack them more easily

lionel: "That way we would tire them out much faster and they won't be able to defend themselves."

daniel: "you got it very fast, haha!"

They would both laugh due to their master plan when it comes to fighting, in addition to this, this would fix Lionel's problem because that fighting style only works in 1 vs 1 and he recently invented it by improvising

Larrius would call them and they would get into their positions to be able to fight, with his plan already prepared this would be a little easier

lionel's great resistance is very useful at the time of the fight, lionel had this resistance because he was constantly working or helping but he is very weak physically to the point that any blow from these swords or from someone would surely knock him down or leave him in serious condition, telling that he used the connectors to be stronger since is very body weak and depends a lot on these, it was never confirmed if this was because of a disease or something else in his body

the fight would start and lionel and daniel would put the plan into practice since everything would go very well until lionel would get careless and receive a kick in his stomach leaving him weak and vulnerable in front of his enemies so that they put their swords on his neck daniel would be quickly cornered while lionel was still on the ground after a few seconds daniel and lionel would lose

larrius: good job you four, you acted like a true team in the fight

daniel: we will try next time... they seriously kicked our ass

lionel and daniel would get up and then see a great commotion in the students and the teacher

larrius: "principal glipmose how are you doing, why did you come to my class?"

larrius would be a little nervous thinking that they would tell him something about his work or that they would fire him

principal glipmose: "I came to see how my students are doing in their combat classes and if they are improving.... mmh?"

Lionel would be summoning his snake that would be formed by magical energy to take the shape of the white snake and go towards his shoulder and then wrap around his neck again, while Daniel would be impressed due to his magic and asking him questions about it and Lionel happily answering these, they would notice that the director was next to them observing the snake on his neck

principal Glipmose: "Awesome!, I've never seen a summoning style like yours, because most of the summons appear in a magic circle while yours quickly form magical energy being much faster than normal summons that cost a lot of time and that both the bearer and the beast must agree for it to be carried out correctly, tell me young man... what is your name? Could you show me another invocation of yours if you have one?"

Lionel, a little impressed and nervous, would write his name in the notebook and summon the black mouse into the palm of his hand, happening the same as with the snake. The director would take the little mouse in his hands and look at it carefully until the mouse would jump out of his hand up to his shoulder and then go to his face and gently rub against his white beard

principal glipmose: "what a friendly little friend you have here young man, I hope to see you in class again if possible and that you show me more summons at school"

larrius: "uhm... principal?, I want to let you know that my grandson lionel is not going to his academy and that he only came to help me"

principal glipmose: "oh... well that's not a problem! From now on you will go to my academy, have this letter and show it to your parents, I'll wait for you at the academy!"

the director would leave the place with a very cheerful attitude

lionel:´´the principal glipmose was known to be extremely cheerful and happy around his students and other people to an exaggerated extent but now that i see him in person he is very impressive´´

After a few minutes and after Lionel left in a hurry before it rained, he would pass by a bookstore being led by his curiosity, he would turn to enter the store and ask the store's receptionist if she had books about magical glyphs, later they give him some books which he would pay quickly to run again through the streets already muddy due to the rain, after a few minutes he would enter and find that his parents had already returned from a long day of work, he would greet them and then give them the letter and go to change and clean their already wet and muddy clothes while leaving the books on their study table and preparing some papers for the glyphos and their study on them

lionel: ´´ please say yes, please say yes ´´

a few minutes later

parents: "you can go"

lionel: ´´yes!!´´