
A dog's life (4)

The remainder of the day Iruka spent by lazing around and waggling his tail. No one could fault his behavior.

He chased happily after some sparrows or rolling into the grass, playing around with some of the other animals. Everyone who saw him smiled. It was just a cute sight and the little pup seemed to having the time of his life.

The same could not be said about Tsume and Hana.

Each time Tsume saw Iruka, she would get reminded about her encounters with him. She felt angry, frustrated, ashamed...and aroused.

'How could I let this happen? Not just once...Twice!'

Tsume thought as she buried her face in her hands. The upheaval of conflicting emotions she was experiencing were driving her insane. She tried her best get her emotions under control but at the same time she avoided one particular pup.

She was so occupied with sorting her feelings and avoiding Iruka, she neglected her little flower, Hana.

Contrary to Tsume, Hana was trying everything to be as close to her pup as she could. To any onlooker it would look like a little girl who was just playing with pet, but only two knew that it was more to it.

Hana had just stepped into puberty and she could already feel her body react in a different way. It was a bit scary but exciting for the otherwise shy girl.

Lately, whenever she was showering or drying her private area, she felt a tingling sensation. Sometimes she would use her fingertips to caress her little flower and every time she would feel wonderful.

But she was too inexperienced to know what more to do. That was until she saw her mother using her fingers. She was supposed to be sleeping but she woke up wanting to pee.

After finishing her visit to the loo, she noticed her mother's room's light still lit. As she was already awake she thought to join her mother. Maybe she could hear some story or talk about something. She always enjoyed spending time with her mother.

But as soon as she reached the door, she heard sounds coming from her room. It sounded almost like her mother was whimpering. This scared her a bit, so she peeped first.

At first she was confused but after a moment, her eyes widened. She couldn't belief that her mother was doing the very same thing she tried to do.

The more she looked the more she felt mesmerized by the sight. Unknowingly her fingers reached under het little pink dress, inside her flower-patterned panty.

People often mentioned that children emulate whatever they saw their parents doing and they were once again proven right. Unthinkingly, Hana's fingers copied each of her mother's movement.

That night Hana experienced pleasure like never before. She was shivering and panting. Luckily for her, Tsume was too invested in her own pleasure that she failed to notice her daughter.

At one point, Hana felt her fingers go over a bit that felt like a little nub. And ow god, she felt as if she was electrified. The intense simulation of pleasure made her squirt a stream of water down.

It had been so stimulating that she felt her knees buckle and she fell on the floor. Thank god, the floor was solid, so not much noise was created.

Intuitively Hana knew she had seen and done something her mother would not like. How she didn't know, she just knew she had to keep this a secret. She tiptoed back to her room and tried to sleep.

From that day onwards she tried to peek whenever she could. She of course could use her fingers without risking anything, alone in her room, but somehow she felt even more pleasure when she did it while watching her mom.

Last night was again such a night when she woke up and saw her mother's room still lit. She tiptoed back, but what she saw opened a new world for her.

When she left her bed, she hadn't paid any particular attention to the pup sleeping beside her. But the pup had already left her side. It was now between her mother's leg!

It was licking her mother there! But what fascinated Hana even more was her mother's facial expressions. Never had she seen her mother in such ecstasy. Tsume hadn't realized herself but her tongue was hanging out, while saliva dripped from it.

Hana was so stunned that she didn't even notice her own fingers in her pants. She didn't even need a long time, her mother's expressions exited her so much that she came just by the sound and view in front of her.

She hurried back to her bed after that. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She felt scared and excited. Soon she felt the dog return. She stayed still. She didn't know how to react. She was unable to sleep the whole night.

She was till unsure how to proceed further. But she kept thinking about last night. She had already experienced her own fingers. She really wanted to experience whatever her mother had done last night.

Whenever she played with the little pup, she tried to push its tongue to her private parts.

Iruka had been confused by the actions of the girl at first, but seeing her blushing face and how she did it only when they were alone, he became suspicious. Suddenly he smelled an aroma he had not expected. It was sweet like nectar from a blooming flower.

'Is she...in heat?' Iruka thought with a mischievous grin. The first opportunity he got when the girl pushed him down, he licked her crotch. He felt her body jolt but soon he heard the girl giggle.

'This will be easier than I thought.'

Hi dear readers,

it has been a long time. But here a chapter.

I will try to release 1-2 chapters each week from now on.

Special thanks to Passing_Through, who keeps giving me power stone. I was not planning to start writing this novel so soon, but his stones motivated me just that much!


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