
Ironman 2.

This time ironman was having some suspect over his gf.But he didn't tell it to any one.So everything was going on smoothly but there was some disturbance in lifestyle. This disturbance was not allowed in profession.So it was noticed atonce by blue team.

So to maintain it they had to do something that would help ironman to come in his previous lifestyle back.

So they started to find the reason of disturbance. So spy agents 😎were kept for it.

They secretly started noticing every minute of ironman. Lastly they found out that ironman was having some problem with his gf.So they after making it confirmed,started to find the solution for it.They found out that ironman's gf

was not in a mood to continue friendship with him.So they reported it to him.After knowing it ironman was little bit worried as well relaxed as well,because he wasn't knowing the reason.

Now, ironman was having only one mission to save his friendship.So he tried alot by making his gf in various ways.But wasn't able due to his lifestyle, as he wasn't able to give her enough time.So they broke up atlast.

But it didn't effect him alot as he was ironman.

But some how when he knew that her gf's new bf was some suspicious person.So he also started to look around him.His blue team also found some suspicion. They saw that this man was some different kind of living being.So ironman told her to stay away from her new bf.

What was the result?

Ironman was attacked.This made shocked to everyone in his team. So they also started to take it seriously.As it was not just ironman it was also matter of countries safety ,as it was not so easy to attack ironman.

Then as per the rules ironman's gf was kept in some isolated place so that she can't be founded by enemies. After that searching of the enemies was done to find who were they?

After few days when they were not founded by anyone, ironman himself started to find who were they?He found out they were some aliens who were not from this world.They came to abduct the world of ironman,but were not able as they were not successful.