
New World, New Me!

*Tai Main Household*

Shooting up from his bed, a young 20 year old Anthony Stark better known as Tony Stark shot quick gazes across the large unfamiliar bedroom that he was sleeping in just moments ago.

"Where the hell Am I?" Tony whispered to himself.

"Sir I did a scan of the geography of the planet and I'm afraid to say we're not on earth."

Straightening his back with a slight scare flashing through his eyes as he adjusted his earpiece, Tony said "Jesus Jarvis, you gotta give me a heads up before you talk to me. Where are you anyway? And did you just say I'm on a different planet?"

"Sir, I believe I'm currently in your arc reactor but I'm not entirely sure how as I don't have any recollection of you uploading my mainframe. And yes, I'm 100% sure you're on a different planet. While you were unconscious you were taken in by a group of people who brought you back to this household. As for why I'm not sure. I believe it was by good intentions." Jarvis Answered slightly confused about their intentions.

"What would I do without you Jarvis." Ending his conversation temporarily with Jarvis, Tony noticed glasses on the beds side table.

"Oh thank god…" Wearing the glasses, Tony was able to have Jarvis scan the items in the room.

"Sir, there are many unknown materials that consist of the makeup of this room but some materials used here are similar to earth's own.

"Jarvis can you do a scan of this place? How many people are in this house?" Tony asked confused about the place he was in.

"Sir, there is currently 78 people in the household, and two that are approaching this room" Jarvis answered.


Two people entered the room, one woman that was old enough to be the younger girls mother "Big brother! You're awake!" a little girl perhaps 8 years of age ran up to Tony and jumped on the sitting up Tony as she wrapped her tiny arms around his waist and gave a death threatening grip full of love.

Tony thought confused 'Brother? When did I get a sister?' and noticed as he looked at his own arm, it was strangely white? A bit too white for his usual skin tone. And not only that it looked skinnier as well.

"Big brother?" The little girl looked up at him confused, slightly scared. "Brother don't tell me you lost your memories when you were found unconscious in the wellness forest!

"Now, now. It's normal for your big brother to be disoriented after resting in his bed for 3 days. The beautiful long black haired older woman walked towards Tony. She rubbed her unblemished white hand on his cheek lovingly, "Tony, how're you feeling? Do you need some water or food?"

"I-I-uh-" Tony never had a chance to be raised by his mother as she died in a car crash when he was extremely young and now another woman who looked into his eyes as if he were in the center of her world.

"It's fine, just rest I'll go ask a chef to make the food. Come now Lin Lin lets bring Tony's food together and let your brother rest for a little more." the older woman beckoned for her daughter who reluctantly got off her brothers lap and held her mother's hand "Big brother I'm coming back so don't fall asleep okay! I'll be sad if you don't wake up again…" she said as she left and closed the door behind her.

All the while Tony looked at the door, wide eyed.

Getting out of bed, Tony started to panic "Jarvis! What the hell was that?"

"Sir I believe not only are you in a different world but also in a different body. As I scanned the planet I've noticed the lack of technology and the internet, this world is completely runned by a different, unknown power source. If I ma-"

As Tony was walking back and forth in slight panic he dropped to one knee as he clenched his head with both of his hands "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! What's going on Jarvis!"

"Sir I-I don't know what the cause for this sudden burst of pain is."

Tony continued to clench his head in pain as burst of unfamiliar memories invaded his head, filled with a life he had never lived. The billionaire's memories started to mix with the unfamiliar memories who presumably was the previous memories of the body he was in.

As the headache started to disappear, the sweat covered billionaires reopened his eyes, this time with a different light, one with comprehension and understanding of his current situation.

"Seems like I'm an orphan huh…" Tony whispered to himself. Although this body had the same name as him, Tony Stark it seemed that he was adopted when he was young by the Tai family after he was recognized as a genius cultivator reaching the 3rd layer of the profound realm at the young age of 15 and is currently at the 9th peak of the Profound Realm, almost breaking through to the origin realm. But Tony didn't really care about the previous bodies achievements, after all, who was he? He was Iron Man, the youngest Superhero and the leader of the Avengers!

"Jarvis give me a full body report, is there anything unusual?" Tony said, knowing full well that his bodies anatomy will be different than the one on earth.

"Just a moment sir… It seems your body's condition is perfect but…"

"But?" Tony said making Jarvis continue his line of speech.

"But it seems there is a complicated vein structure within your body, absorbing an unknown powerful source of energy. I'm unable to determine what this source is with my limited information. Perhaps you can allow me to search through a library of sorts as there is no internet on this planet." Jarvis replied.

"That's fine. We'll go to a library so you can scan as much information as possible but for now… Where's my dinner mom was supposed to bring?"

"Mom, sir?" Jarvis asked confused. As far as he was concerned His master didn't have a mother or father.

"Oh yeah, the headache that I just had sent me a surplus of memories of this bodies owner. And now I have one younger and older sister and a mother and father.

"I see sir, may I suggest taking a walk outside in order for you to organize your thoughts?" Jarvis suggested, concerned for his master.

"No need, I already organized my memories. Jarvis who do you think I am?" Tony asked, taking fake offence.

"Of course sir, how could I forget."

As Tony was thinking how the hell he would make another Iron Man suit, his cute little sister barged into his room, her long black hair waving side by side as she looked at her big brother with her round brown hazelnut eyes. "Big brother me and mom brought you your food!"

Tony showed her a bright loving smile. Although Tony was in a new body, he and the previous owner were now one and the same. Just that Tony was in control of the body now. Of course, his genius didn't dwindle because of the new memories.

"Slow down Lin Lin, you're going to drop your big brothers water" His mother walked into the room not having any trouble entering with her skinny 5 foot 7 tall frame. He had to admit that his mother was extremely beautiful for her age and was extremely well kept. She was in her mid 40's but if she and Tony were strangers then he would think she was not a day passed 30.

His mother's name was Tai Yuhan, the mistress of the Tai clan and the husband of the patriarch Tai Chun who was currently in secluded cultivation. His mother and father were a really rare case of husband and wife as they were married through love and not arrangement.

"Big brother are you zoning out again! Let Lin Lin feed you!" his little sister said as her mother led the tray to Tony's lap after he laid back down in bed.

"It's alright Lin Lin, your big brother can feed himself." Tony chuckled as he ruffled his sisters hair, earning a cute pout from the black haired girl.

As Tony continued to eat his meal, his mother talked with him about what he missed in the three days he was unconscious, which wasn't that much other than a tournament that was being held by the Tai family for the youths of Blackstone city tomorrow. Tony couldn't help but think that the cities names in this world were weird but didn't think anything past that. His mother suggested that he watch the tournament and not participate since he was still recovering to which Tony agreed with.

All the while he was talking with his mother, his cute little sister Tai Lin, cuddled him on his right side of his body, trying to bask in much of her big brothers warmth as possible, rubbing her head on his arm as she slid in the blanket that he was currently in. Tony couldn't help but smile at the actions of his cute little sister and his mother couldn't help but watch and do the same as Tony.

"Ah, mom mind if I go to the library later? I just want to check something out." Tony asked his mother.

Tilting her head slightly to the side, she said "That shouldn't be a problem, just make sure you don't spend too much time in there. Now I should get going you look tired." she said as she noticed Tony struggling to keep his eyelids open. After he got the influx of memories, it wore him out mentally.

Carrying her now sleeping daughter, Tai Yuhan, off of Tony's arm, she said to Tony "You had us all worried. I won't ask what happened in the forest but Lin Lin couldn't sleep properly for three days! I'll take her back to her room but I expect you giving Lin Lin a lot of attention later!"

"Yeah yeah, make sure you tuck her in her bed properly. Tony said as he waved his hand."

"Hmph, where do you get off talking to your mother like that?" Tai Yuhan said as she walked out of the room leaving Tony to rest by himself, and so he did. For the entire night.

Why did Tony wake up with an earpiece in his ear? Next release is next week on Tuesday. Near 10k words. I figured I could adopt a novel called The Child of Void of this website. It was dropped like half a year ago and I really liked the concept. Is it unethical for me to pick up someone else's work?

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