
First Contact

God of the fifth Sun coughed heavily spitting up blood, as he looked up at the face of a (mid twenties) man "RUN" was the only word he could say before he took his last breath.

William was a man in his twenties who never really accomplished much in his life, what he was good at was creating fantasy short stories in his mind about what life would be like if he had just one wish. Will as his friends would call him had an alright life he went through the motions got a good paying job and even had a kid relationships never really worked out for him though the mother of his child just up and packed her bags and disappeared of course will took care of his son the best he could but he felt like a failure for messing up so often.

Will was a Truck Driver he didn't make a lot but it was enough to consider him lower middle class or upper lower class he was financially stable enough to not need government assistance for anything so this was a good sign that he made plenty.

The one thing William couldn't get past was the fact that he wasted all of his potential when he was in high school it made life difficult his grades were barely passing not because he was stupid but because he lacked the motivation to turn in his work or even do it sometimes he was also gifted physically he could have had a football scholarship through any college if he'd been smarter about weather practice or girls were more important.

The result of all of the missed opportunities was a job that kept him from home for months at a time and a failed marriage to a woman who seemed to disappear without a trace.

On this night William looked up at the sky to admire the stars they were especially beautiful when he drove through the dessert feeling like He needed to piss suddenly he checked his gps for the next closest rest stop to see the closest one was 2 hours away grimacing at his situation he decided to just pull over and "check my tire fluid levels" (piss on the tires) "I can't believe how nice it feels outside right now it's mid fall and the middle of the night the dessert should be freezing but it's actually pleasant."

As Will was finishing up his leak he noticed a shooting star shower it was beautiful lamenting that he left his phone/camera in his truck he just zipped up and watched but one looked odd it flew in a weird trajectory and before he could do or think anything it shot overhead by only 5-6 meters and crashing to the ground so hard that even though it was just half a kilometer away it knocked William off of his feet.

"Sh*t that was close!" William thought "If that has been any closer I might not have lived!" After he got his thoughts cleared out and calmed down he realized the opportunity before him " I might find a Meteorite that's made of something good like diamond or something I have to check it out!" William rushed over on foot before reaching the crater though he needed to catch his breath he was terribly out of shape weighing almost 158 kilograms at 1.8 meters tall he was just too fat. After catching his breath and arriving at the crater where he expected to see a rock laid what looked like a man!!!

Nearly falling while climbing down William breathed a sigh and wondered if the man had just nearly gotten hit by the shooting star "he's probably dead" Will thought as he came up on a badly injured and bloody man who was surprisingly coughing and breathing heavily the man looked William in the eye and spoke only one word "RUN!!!" The man breathed his last and his hand let go of a bottle it was so small it fit in Williams hand and it glowed green.

Every fiber of William's being was screaming run he grabbed the bottle and the necklace off of the massive 2.7 meter tall man before running back to his truck he was so filled with adrenaline that he didn't pause once and got a mile down the road before he even realized that he was driving the truck again.

After what seemed like a few hours William dropped off his trailer and began considering what to do he had no clue why a man of such hight and weight would be laying in the crater or what he meant by run! Of course it meant get outta there as fast as possible but why did he need to do so?

Lightning God Rohan landed next to his now dead enemy "look at you someone who was capable of stealing from me and then leaving my territory alive, which is very commendable but you over extended yourself and died of the wounds I gave you." Rohan smiled and stooped over to search God of the fifth sun only to find that he didn't have the vial Rohan smirked "did you think to hide it before you died? " Rohan spread his 10th sense the time sense to look for the vials energy presence only to find that it was on this planet not far away only 180-200 miles away.

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