
Died at the hands of God

After calming down William came to his senses and immediately called the police letting them know about the dead man in weird clothes and how he ran without thinking the officer on the phone was polite and kept him on the line while a squad car was sent to his location to pick him up for questioning and making a statement William complied with everything the police said to do and was polite as they placed him in the back of the squad car and took him to the station.

William gave his statement and even told them what mile marker he was at he did keep the warm vile hidden away he had no clue what it was but something primal inside him told of its value and importance.

William had been booked for the night in the general cell and given a phone call which he took and called his mom letting her know where he was and why and that he didn't suspect that he'd be held for more than one night due to the impossible way the man in the crater had died and that just in case he didn't call again in a few days it might mean he needed a lawyer.

After being put in the cell William took the vile out of his secret pocket in his shoes and looked it over privately it was warm to the touch and very comfortable the feeling it gave off was very comfortable just as he was going to put it away the roof of the building was torn off!

Rohan stood among the group of mortals and spit in disgust at how weak they all were he turned until he spotted a fat man holding his vial very calmly he reached his hand out "give me that vial mortal you have no use for such a thing with how weak you are." This startled everyone present and his words were non threatening.

Just then all the police aimed their guns at this strange being tall and domineering was a common thought throughout the station "do not waste the effort I can destroy this entire country with a thought!" the man stated as though he was making a statement of fact like "a rose is commonly red." The police being professional yelled at him telling him to get on the ground and to stand down or they would shoot.

In the next moment all of the guns in the room were turned to dust as well as the bars on the general cell holding William "give it to me!" The man yelled clearly getting aggravated without thinking William yanked the cork and attempted to down the liquid before he suddenly felt nothing like the whole world fell away and went black.

Panicking thinking the vial must have been a poison and he dumbly tried downing its contents William sighed "I guess that this is what it's like to be dead?" He wasn't sure if he was dead but the feeling of floating in a warm liquid and having no senses to speak of was a good indication that he had in fact died.

Suddenly there was a light it was warm and inviting golden rays shone through the opening in the blackness after seeing this William felt as though he was rushing through space at the speed of light like he was being pulled apart until he reached the source of this light. It was a room the size of a baseball stadium it was massive and luxurious gold engraving everywhere and every wall stood women so beautiful and curvaceous that it's was hard to keep from drooling and they all had pure white wings, was this heaven?

Just as William thought this his mind was interrupted but a calm and deep voice "this is not what you consider heaven." After a brief pause the voice started again "this is my home my own space my place of relaxation and where YOU will be judged!" The voice boomed.