
The story of I, Me and Myself (not completed)

Book 1 Chapter 1 Introduction

Who is I? If I is me then!

Who is Me? And if me is I then!

Who is myself? Dang it!!!!!

It's a enigma with no solution!

Instead I should be focused own myself, and living a life how me shall please. So let's kill two of them and focus on 1 for each of time.

It all started with the death of "I" which was followed by demise of Me….

Year 2022, 20th Sept. "Forgetting myself and losing control of oneself turning into selfless, myself turned into "I" first them I became Me.

Me represents Chaos and self indulgent, and I represents Order and self control, and myself is peace and harmony seeks Balance.

The Story of I, Me and Myself is philosophy, a belief and a principal. It follows logic and rationale but sometimes it convinced himself through emotions and strings that bind us together.

I can't say for certainty what came first Man or God, as this argument is pointless and time wasting. And Time is biggest constraint set upon us by Nature if spoke in scientific terms, let's begin the journey to endless possibilities from the beginning of everything.

We are talking about when there was no space and time no laws of physics were binding Man, let your imagination guide you and let it break all restraints and limitations set by mortal plane earth, earth is not flat anymore, earth is round, earth revolves on its axis jump out, we are on moon, moon is revolving around earth, jump again into void filled of debris and asteroids. We see whole solar system is revolving jump out of this plane, we see our galaxy is revolving if we jump out again we will see whole observable universe is revolving and expanding many laws of physics and theories to explained are contradictory at this moment. The theory of Big Bang or Big Collapse or Big Freeze could not explain the current phenomenon, but if we approach them objectively will all three theories as guidelines we will discover our answers, Our rational thoughts could only reached us here now to go forward in uncharted territory so called dark universe we will need better technology a better approach. For current era, we are limited to this until a we reached new age of technology. Currently we are living in age of information. So let's use our imagination and step forward to discover our own truths. As saying goes, "those who died yesterday had plans for this morning, and those who died this morning had plans for tonight, life is too short, don't take it as granted, in the blink of an eye everything can change, if you don't change and adapt with time you will left over by time. I'm writing this book so I can live more…

This is story of myself, I was created from Cold Fire possessing the cold and indifference & calmness, Me was created from blazing flames possessing the characteristics of fiery and restless & caring, myself was born from the free will possessing balance, harmony and tolerance.

The story of I, Me and Myself is long one, and I will tell you when I have spare time let me tell you instead some short stories I have heard or read when I and Me were alive….

In this story of I, Me and myself are used as abstract nouns.

The Story of I, Me and Myself is philosophy or belief and a principle to live. Most of times, logic and rationale are dominant but sometimes it slipped and let loose emotions and desires. To define I, Me and myself I need to answer 3 questions Who? When? & Why?

The first question, question the existence and the meaning of existence, and it is same as to explain what is life? It has different answers all times and different theories to explain this phenomenon. Then there is this enigma who came first egg or hen. No one can say for certain who came first the other day I was watching discovery channel and the guy was explaining the big bang theory and the creation of Man, according to him there was no God as there was no time for God to do it. I was not convinced if He can be understood by mortals why would He claimed to be God. The creator should be not bound by the laws or physical limitations that are bounding us to this mortal world, few centuries ago we were believer of 2D plane that Earth is flat but today we know it is 3D sphere and there is no chance of falling down i.e. there is no end. But everything has beginning and end. Earth circumference is 40,075km. If it could be measured it means it could be reached. As we jump out of this sphere we are pulled by the earth this is pulling force is called gravity and then Mr. Newton was hit by an Apple that inspired him to write the laws of motion and gravitational force. But he failed to explained the characteristics of this force i.e. why this occurs. Then I read Albert Einstein's theory of relativity and from it we can see explanation of this occurrence but there are still things are missing, then theory of particle, waves and latest string theories came to explain the existence of matter.

To better under stand this we will divide universe into two universes Macro and Micro it is same as in Chinese cultivation novels Outer and Inner universe I don't know and don't want to know who came up with this idea first science or religion as life is too short to spend time on this meaningless thing.

So where we left it, at explaining the existence of matter, first theory says that at microscopic level there are fundamental particles that make up to form basic atoms of an element. But this theory was not enough to clear all doubts so later wave-particle duality theory was passed which better explains the existence of matter but there was still some magic happening at microscopic level known as uncertainty principle so latest string theory came to answer all this. The most fundamental units of a matter are strings that moved in different sequences and vibrate to create Micro and Macro universes. Let's call micro universe as Subatomic universe and Macro as observable universe. If you have read this far congratulations you have now basic ideas of today's scientific world. The current age is called information age, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Simulations of real world is being done to better understand this world. But we are still far away from absolute truth, and we will never reach absolute truth as we are short lived species average age around 60 years, which can be divided into Birth, Age, Sickness & Death. Some people can live more than others but I want to live eternal so to fulfil my wish this novel is my first step… this chapter will save my thoughts so when I'm old or on my death bed I want it to be republished along with my biography so I can leave a permanent mark on this age so when future kids learn about today's age they find my name. Thanks to readers of this book, 1 new reader means 1 extra persons will remember me and fulfilling me desire. #Song name: Centuries….

"Some legends are told

Some turn to dust or to gold

But you will remember me

Remember me for centuries.


Random thoughts after reading so much fantasy and reading text books

Nabeel12345creators' thoughts