

The story is paused because I’m editing it. The new book "heart across centuries " has been uploaded >>>>> A story of a doctor and his patient who has a terminal illness they have been through life and death together in every lifetime. They are destined to meet but not to be together. now they want to change this fate. Now I realized that "forever" was a word used to describe love, not life. She laid her head on my lap, taking one last look at the starry sky. "Take your time," she said. "I'll wait for you." and then she joined them. She joined the stars, and every death of my patients broke my heart, but only yours shattered it into a million pieces. "Should I carry you on my back to the parking lot?" he smiled and scouted down Only he knows how he feels Finally, he is going to be a father "Hey....can't you see people are passing by," she pinched his arm "Then so what? I just don't want my sweetheart and our little baby to suffer. " he kissed her cheeks "You are so shameles." she laughed This is the happiest moment of her life,being with him for even 1 minute makes her forget how she suffered in the past. "Ok, then let's go since you don't need my help," he started pouting "Ok, sorry, my little sweetheart." she kissed his cheek ------------------------- She was sitting on the dining table,she wore a perfect dress that fit her beautiful and stunning body. All you could say is wow wow wow,because the beauty is beautifying The man came downstairs and hugged her from behind, and then he placed a kiss on her cheeks. "Good morning dear," he said --------------- Two souls forever apart,one rested in heaven and one lingered with loneliness. "I've been your Guardian angel,now it's your turn to be mine,"he says as he presses his lips on her forehead for the one last time. They promised each other to meet in their next life, but due to some twist of fate,the possibility of them being together was just 13% out of 100% The love of three lifetimes she turned to leave but he grabbed her arms "Jingning I knew it's all for leng ansheng,you wants to break off the engagement and be with him,dream on jingning.you know what,you most marry me and I want to marry you not because I love you but to achieve something and then to hurt someone" he paused and stroked her hair hardly then he says"and I'm marrying you tomorrow,just wait for the show that will happen now in front of everyone"he released her then he left her standing in the garden. ----------- She holds the knife,tears falling from her eyes. "Leng Ansheng, I'm sorry, but i must avenge my parents." He walked close to her. "Jing Ning, just kill me. i think by killing me, you will understand i didn't kill......" Before he completed his sentence,she had already stabbed him .......it is a dream or reality? is he alive or not? did they end up together or not? Read the novel to find out. DON'T FORGET TO SUPPORT MY WORK AND COMMENT ALSO FOLLOW MY INSTAGRAM PAGE:@FATIMAMAINA.AUTHOR

Moonstone_novels17 · Urban
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43 Chs

part ll Chapter 15:(edited)fetch around nervously.....

Mr. Mu knew what was on his son's mind,

But gave a warning look, stern and unkind.

"Yes, do you have any objection?" he asked,

Mu Chen's eyes met Jingning's, his anger masked.

"No, I don't have," he said, his voice tight,

Then he sat down, surrendering to the night.

Mr. Mu turned to Mr. Jing, his gaze firm,

"Jing Chenyan, it's settled, now we adjourn."

"Thank you, Mr. Mu, let me see you off," he said,

Relief washed over him, the future ahead.

His daughter would marry into a prestigious clan,

And the company's troubles would be spanned.

Back in her room, Jingning sat on the couch,

Thoughts flooding her mind, making her slouch.

Something felt off, but she couldn't see,

She stood up nervously, pacing with unease.

Rong Lan entered, noticing her distress,

Jingning tried to hide it, but couldn't suppress.

She shut her eyes tightly, then snapped them open,

Walking towards Rong Lan, her heart outspoken.

"Lan, I want to talk, what's your link with Mu Chen?"

Rong Lan, on her phone, raised her head then.

"Ah, sis, feel at ease, there's nothing between,

We met yesterday at Black Diamond Bar."

She spoke the truth, their first meeting was brief,

But they weren't just friends, a hidden belief.

Jingning looked at her, no smile on her face,

"Okay..." she said, feeling out of place.

She walked to the couch, picked up her phone,

Dialed Meng Xian's number, feeling alone.

"The number you are trying to call is unavailable,

Please try again later," the response, unchangeable.

At a bar, Xilian drank to clear his mind,

Saw men harassing a lady, their actions unkind.

"Hey, what are you doing?" he approached with ire,

One man looked at him, his eyes filled with fire.

"None of your business," the man did sneer,

Xilian slapped him, his stance clear.

"Leave or I'll call the police," he warned,

The man smashed a bottle, his anger scorned.

But his friend held him back, whispered in his ear,

"He's the Mu family's elder son, let's disappear."

The man glared at Xilian, then walked away,

Xilian covered Meng Xian, leading her astray.

From the bar, Meng Xian spouted nonsense, drunk,

"Mr. Handsome, do you like me?" she sunk.

"Handsome guy, come let me hug you," she said,

He smiled, "Silly girl," shaking his head.

The next day, Meng Xian turned on her phone,

Saw notifications, messages, feeling alone.

A call from Jingning, she picked up in haste,

"Hello?" she answered, her mind in a daze.

"Meng Xian, what disaster is this? What's wrong?

After all you've done, you're sleeping along."

"Jingning, what are you talking about?" she asked,

"Go online and see, your actions unmasked."

She went online, saw her trending pictures,

The little princess of Meng family, in mixtures.

A man kissed her cheek, another hugged from behind,

Memories of last night flooded her mind.

But she couldn't recall the face of her savior,

Realized something was off, a strange behavior.

The room wasn't hers, unfamiliar and grand,

A maid entered, tray in hand.

"Good morning, Madam, here's your breakfast,

The young master awaits, in his study, steadfast."

Meng Xian's heart raced, confusion in her eyes,

Who was this young master, and what were his ties?

Meng Xian's heart raced as she tried to piece together the events of the previous night. She looked at the maid, her mind filled with questions.

"Who is the young master?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

The maid smiled politely. "The young master is Mr.Mu Xilian. He brought you here last night after he found you in a difficult situation."

Meng Xian's eyes widened in realization. "Xilian... he saved me?" Yes she remember him,her father used to talk about him because the Meng family signed a contract with the Mu family,even though she never met in person nor did she know how he looks like.

"Yes, Madam. He was very concerned about you," the maid replied, placing the tray on the table. "Please have your breakfast. He is waiting for you."

Meng Xian nodded, her mind still reeling. She quickly ate her breakfast, then made her way to the study room. As she entered, she saw Xilian sitting at a large desk, looking over some documents. He looked up and smiled when he saw her.

"Good morning, Meng Xian. How are you feeling?" he asked, his voice gentle.

"I'm... I'm fine, thank you," she replied, feeling a mix of gratitude and confusion. "Thank you for helping me last night."

Xilian waved his hand dismissively. "It was nothing. I'm just glad you're safe."

Meng Xian took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. "Mr. Mu , I need to know... what happened last night? Why am I here?"

Xilian leaned back in his chair, his expression serious. "You were at the bar, and some men were trying to take advantage of you. I intervened and brought you here to keep you safe. I didn't want to leave you alone in that state."

Meng Xian felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Thank you, Mr.Mu . I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been there."

He nodded, his eyes softening. "You're welcome. But there's something else you should know. Your pictures from last night have gone viral. The media is having a field day with it."

Meng Xian's heart sank. "I saw the pictures. I don't remember much, but I know this is going to cause a lot of trouble."

Xilian stood up and walked over to her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll handle it together. I'll make sure the truth comes out and that you're not blamed for anything."

Meng Xian looked up at him, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you, Mr Mu. I don't know how to repay you."

He smiled warmly. "Just take care of yourself. That's all I ask."

Meanwhile, back at the Mu family home, Jingning was still reeling from the announcement of her engagement to Mu Chen. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was off, but she didn't know what. She decided to confront Mu Chen directly.

She found him in the garden, pacing back and forth, his face a mask of frustration. "Mu Chen, we need to talk," she said, her voice firm.

He stopped and looked at her, his eyes filled with anger. "What is there to talk about? Our families have decided our fate without even asking us."

Jingning took a deep breath. "I know this isn't what you wanted, but I will find a way to make you happy "

Mu Chen's expression softened slightly. "Do you think I will fall for you?"

Jingning stepped closer, her eyes earnest. "Let's start by getting to know each other. Maybe if we understand each other better, we can find a way to make this work."

Mu Chen nodded slowly. "Alright. Let's give it a try."

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