

The soul of an old and very old martial artist has migrated to another reality of the Invincible comic in which Mark has a sick little brother who will be the receptacle of this soul. This version will be a fusion between the elements of the comic book and the animated series. This fanfiction is an English adaptation of a French version of the same light novel. English is not my first language so please be patient and understanding. I hope you enjoy reading

The3Entities · Anime & Comics
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chapter 27 : Family Affair

Lucas had been clear with his brother before the mission, the goal was not to fight but to kill these monsters as briefly as possible because if they fight in the ocean, the agitation will certainly cause huge waves which will put the lives of sailors and coastal inhabitants in danger.

 For this, they proceeded in a very simple way and that was to attack each of the monsters in pairs instead of taking one each, they had to do what was necessary to kill the beast as quickly as possible and the means the fastest was the parasite's technique of entering the giant monster's body and destroying it from the inside, that's exactly what they did with the snake and it worked.

 However, it was going to be a different matter for the crab whose shell was as strong as steel and more than 7 meters thick.

 They tried to hammer it with several punches but it was not enough and also created immense shock waves which agitated the sea too much on the surface.

 Lucas waved to his brother and they hurried back to the surface.

 Lucas: It's starting to take too long and the seas are very rough, we have to stop this immediately.

 Mark: What are you suggesting ?

 Lucas: You're going to distract him so he doesn't move too much and I'm going to try something.

 Mark: What thing ?

 Lucas: A breakthrough.

 Mark: I hope it works.

 They put the plan into action and while Mark was distracting the giant crab, Lucas rose into the sky more than 2 kilometers before coming back down at high speed while spinning around at such a high speed that a tornado was created in its path.

 He plunged straight to the bottom of the ocean, even creating a big maelstrom up to the back of the giant crab where contact with the shell was established and before Mark's eyes, Lucas penetrated the shell like a heated knife could penetrate butter because of the insane speed at which it rotated.

 Lucas' body was strong, extremely strong and his strength was monstrous even for a Viltrumite especially at that age but of all his gifts, it was his speed that had experienced the most dazzling progress.

 This ignoble speed of rotation combined with the solidity of its body left no chance for the crab which was pierced and destroyed from the inside in a few seconds by Lucas.

 Once on the surface, Mark looked at his brother closely and he couldn't help but find the situation totally unfair.

 During Lucas' coma where they all thought he was dead, Mark trained hard to surpass his limits and become much stronger.

 He had even learned close combat skills in order to perfect his fighting abilities but Lucas was still stronger than him even without doing anything in particular.

As a big brother, his pride was touched even if he loved his little brother.

 Lucas: I know what you're thinking and even if you find it unfair, know that it's not a gift but permanent torture. My body is constantly under stress and its cells are constantly put to the test, which gives me permanent pain even though I have gotten used to it. Mark, I really almost died from this a few times when I had a seizure and it could happen at any time, even in the middle of a fight like with that monster the last time I fell before your eyes.

 Mark: I know, sorry about that. It's just that with this whole thing with Viltrum I need to become stronger and very quickly while you...(sighs) Lucas, I have a favor to ask you.

 Lucas: If I can be useful, I will help you. What do you need ?!

 Mark: Fighting. I want you and me to have at least one fight a day. I have to push my limits and you are not only physically stronger but your fighting techniques are terrifying. I don't know anyone else who could help me like you and by doing this I will gain more combat experience.

 Lucas: It works, when do we start ?

 "Now…" Mark said as he rushed towards Lucas who looked at him smiling. He threw a punch at Lucas and that was the last memory he had before everything went black.

 Lucas avoided the blow with a simple movement of his head and countered it with a right hook right to the bottom of Mark's chin who was sent to sleep.

 The worst part of all this was that Lucas hadn't really used strength or greater speed than Mark, but simply perfect timing and diabolical precision.

Marc was capable of the same thing, which is what he did with the Viltrumite he killed but he needed extreme concentration in the middle of a fight to reach this state. 

 Mark later woke up in one of the mansion's bedrooms. He felt like a slight migraine before remembering the last moments before the blackout that made him wake up there.

 " Shit ! Lucas!" Mark cursed before heading downstairs. He found everyone outside and saw Lucas talking to the others while they seemed to be listening attentively. Debra saw Mark coming and went over to him.

 Debra: Honey, your brother told me you got tired after you defeated the sea monsters. You're better ?!

 He looked at Lucas who gave him a meaningful smile and after sighing, he confirmed to his mother that he was fine to reassure her and he sat next to Eve who was carrying the child while listening to Lucas speak .

 Lucas: ...That's why I think it's important for everyone here to take the power pill for those of you who are still just humans.

 You must be able to defend yourself with or without us. Viltrum gave Mark an ultimatum but I'm not sure he'll keep his word because after all, Mark showed them that he was clearly hostile to them. Amber, you are my girlfriend and you must not become a weakness, Art you are mom's boyfriend and just for the sincere affection you have for her, you are more of a father to me than Nolan will be never so I don't want anything bad to happen to you.

 It's not just Viltrum who can be a danger, the bastard I faced when I woke up, there could be others like him or entities who came from elsewhere to dominate this world. No one here should be vulnerable when we have the opportunity to become stronger. I ask each of you to protect this family.

 Others :…

 Amber: I'm going to take the pill.

 Art: I'll take it too but I won't necessarily use these powers.

 Lucas: I'm not asking you more, even if I'm strong, I'm not totally invulnerable and one day it might be up to one of you to save my life or that of one of us. 

 We must leave no stone unturned so that what happened with my mother never happens again. (hands out the pills) Take them, you can take them whenever you want from now on but I advise you to swallow them as soon as possible.

 Eve: Lucas, I have a suggestion.

 Lucas: Why are you addressing me like I'm the boss here? Just suggest your idea Eve, you're part of the family.

 Debra: He's right Eve, you don't have to blush to express yourself.

 Eve: Okay, thank you Ms. Grayson. In fact, Amber and I had considered a trip for everyone to Africa.

 Lucas: In the little paradise you created ?

 Eve: Yes, so everyone can relax and have a good time. A bit like a vacation. It's a very calm and relaxing environment if they have to take the power pill.

 Mark: That's a great idea.

 Lucas: Yes, let's do that. When do you want to go?!

 Amber: Eve and I didn't have anything planned so it's good for us, we can leave anytime from now on.

 Lucas: (Looks at his mother) Mom?!

 Debra: Same, I quit my job so all I have is free time.

 Lucas: Art?!

 Art: Well, taking some rest with Debra away from this store for a while will do me a lot of good, I think. Plus, I've always dreamed of visiting Africa.

 Lucas: Then we will go tomorrow morning, everyone prepare for the trip. I also have some things to check over there with Saeko.

 Saeko: In Africa?! Very cool !!

 Amber: Actually, I'd like to invite someone more.

 Eve: Who is it ? You didn't tell me about it.

 Amber: This is Britney, the sister of the hero Brit who also has the same pseudonym as him. She's been teaching me how to fight for almost a year and she's actually a big Lucas' fan. She begged me to help her meet him.

 Lucas: I see who you're talking about. She's the queen of the pits and an excellent fighter, you didn't tell me you were learning to fight. I don't see any problem in meeting her.

 Amber: Cool, I'm sure she'll be happy with it. Since we're leaving tomorrow, I'll ask her to come here this evening if you don't mind.

 Lucas: No problem , there are still 4 rooms free. Does anyone have anything else to add?! (silence) Well, then we'll do it like this.