
The Invasion

The entity held the branch with an iron grip, holding ping it like a thrusting weapon. Without any prior combat experience, the entity only had instincts to guide it. Even a baby had the instincts to suck on its mother's breasts, likewise, a skeleton knew how to kill to a certain extent.

"Follow me, we must get to the gate as soon as possible!" The skeleton shouted as he started to run in the direction of the other skeletons.

"Understood." The entity followed closely from behind, brandishing its wooden stick with pride. Seeing as the stick is the entity's first weapon, the entity treated it with care, making sure not to hit it against a wall as he ran.

After 10 minutes of sprinting, the skeletons finally arrived at what seemed to be a gate. Made of cold steel and adorned with unfamiliar runes, the gate seemed to be in the process of activating. By instinct alone, the entity drew its weapon and readied itself for the very first fight in its life.

"Brother. I am very sorry that the very first thing you encounter in this world is an unfair and humiliating defeat. We are many, but we are weak. If fate allows it, may we both find ourselves living in a long forgotten and peaceful tomb in the next life. But for now, we await death." The skeleton said in a grim manner as it faced its eye sockets to the ground beneath it.

"I believe we can survive, Brother." The entity said hopefully.

"Have you not heard what I explained? Have you not understood? We are merely F-rank mobs with base stats equaling to below 10! Even our leader, an F-rank boss, only has 30 stat points. However, just one of those E-rank hunter can possess 40. We are going to fall today, just accept it so you can pass on without worry." The skeleton congested. Seeing as the situation was dire and the tomb had no hope, the entity felt dejected. Being born into death is rather hard to process, even for an undead.

"I understand the situation fully." The entity responded with a grim voice.

"Good, now hold your branch with pride and await a quick and painless death. The hunters will arrive any moment now." The skeleton plainly spoke.

Without so much as a sound, the gate flew into activity. Spewing out an entire squadron of 12 odd creatures, a portal opened from within the gates. Seeing that the invaders had come, the entity readied itself to die.

"Those are hunters...humans from a world called Korea." The skeleton explained tiredly.

"These beings are the end of us."

The humans banded together in a weird formation, placing heavily armoured ones in the front, lightly armoured ones in the back, and the remainder in the middle of the formation. This intrigued the entity, becoming something that the entity noted down in its mind. This is the very first battlefield strategy it had ever witnessed.

"Polaris Guild hunters, take these skeletons down quickly! Each kill is 10,000 won!" A human at the back of the formation yelled at the top of their lungs.

"It has started." The skeleton said as it walked towards the formation.

"What are you doing? Do you want to die?" The entity confusedly asked.

"I do."


A heavy mace came down on the skeleton's skull, shattering it into an uncountable sum of shards. With a single fell swoop, the human had destroyed the first Brother the entity had ever known.

This is the first experience the entity had every had with humanity. The first ever time it had encountered the humans, they murdered its brother. Without a doubt, the entity had only known the skeleton for less than half an hour, but it had only been alive for that long. For the entity, it had just lost a lifelong friend.

"Urrgh...that was too easy dammit! YOU SKELLIES BETTER SHOW ME SOME GUD SH*T OR I WILL TEAR THIS ENTIRE PLACE DOWN!" The murderer yelled like a fierce beast.

"Kang Yeochul, please do not overdo it, there will be trouble for us if we cause a cave in." The leader contested with a plain tone.

"Brother..." The entity murmured softly, looking upon its fallen brother's bones.

"There are around a hundred of these skeletons left, just leave it to the tanks to get it done." Kang Yeochul laughed as he swung around his mace in the air.


"The boss must be hiding in that damn tomb with the treasure, just clear up these mobs efficiently. We will get to the loot soon."

A battle began, or a one sided slaughter. The humans began their assault on the skeleton defenders, easily defeating the terrible equipped skeletons, shattering their bones to dust. With a single swing of a weapon, a hunter had just ended another existence. Just like that, the entity witnessed its first ever massacre.


"I am weak, how can I defeat these monsters? Will I really end just like you? The deity promised me more, but I am too weak. How am I to survive if I fade away now?"

The entity walked towards the combat zone, brandishing its branch. With only killing intent surrounding it, the entity had made its decision.

"I will fight."

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