In the era of the ruling elite, the ambitious and unstoppable Charlotte Benette goes head-to-head with the enigmatic billionaire Alexander Stone. Her investigation puts them into a world of lies, vice and danger and each discovery not only draws the noose closer around her but also the determination. While investigating further, Charlotte comes across “The Network,” a criminal organization at the core of Stone’s business that works as a part of an organized crime syndicate involved in everything from money laundering to political conspiracies. In the midst of it all, the mood raising tension and suspense, Charlotte’s social bonds are strained. Her friendship grows closer with her fellow officer, Jake Marlowe, creating a strong partnership despite the threat from enemies. At the same time, her editor, Mark Thompson, also faces a dilemma between the concern for her safety and the demands of the investigation that leads to passionate arguments and deep concern for her. Charlotte stumbles on a secret locker that contains all the proof material in Stone's office. As this becomes a matter of life and death for her, Charlotte has no other choice but to stay in the dangerous zone of Stone's world, powered by the desire to unveil the truth. When danger escalates and everything becomes more at risk, a suspenseful moment begins. A moment that will not only be a test of her profession, but also of her character, and of her feelings since she becomes attracted to the man she has been assigned to expose. What will she choose? Will she respect her feelings more than her values? "Investigation Gone Bizarre” is a work of mystery, crime, love and adventure that engages the reader at every step and put them on the edge of their seats waiting for the next disclosure of Charlotte.
The city was alive and breathing, lit up with neon signs illuminating the dark canvas of the skyline. Tall buildings loomed overhead, and the windows flickered like the stars of an urban night sky, each harboring tales of dreams, achievement, and mystery. The pedestrians on the streets below went on living out their existence, their day-to-day routine oblivious to the machinations of power that lay over them. To the citizens of the city, luxury and extravagance were not mere excesses but class status symbols. New York was a city of lights and shadows where people came to make and break their future; everything could turn into failure or success within a few moments.
The streets were filled with posh stores filled with contemporary styles and esthetics to the last detail. Luxury restaurants echoed with the top elites, business negotiations over a glass of wine. It was a pulsating setting, in perpetual state of flux, its tempo defined by those who tried to forge its destiny. The magical city continued changing as darkness started approaching. Day switched to night, and the darkness was painted with lights which seemed as if they wanted to tell something to those that loved the night.
This peaceful scene in an urban orchestra was disrupted by a young journalist named Charlotte Bennett. A woman who seems inspired by curiosity and the desire to uncover the mysteries of a city. She moved confidently on the streets of New York, her sharp and intelligent gaze perceiving all the nuances of her surroundings. She observed an expensive watch on a wrist, a whispered conversation, the flash of a limousine passing. She was unique because wherever she went, she was always able to point out things that others ignored in the journalism industry. Her peers appreciated competitiveness and could not help teasing her regarding her instinct, comparing her to a bloodhound in the process of perceiving a story.
That night, Charlotte was on a mission that can be described as an adventure, because it is dangerous. The energy of the city enthralled her and filled her with determination; intensity and the beat, surrounding and inside her, synchronized. This made her recall the tip she ever received, the story that could be behind so much security. This was what she lived for. The adrenaline of the pursuit and the chance to correct mistakes as well as the vices of other people. As she made her way through the throng of people, she felt the sensations of excitement welling up inside of her because she knew that this one night could mark the beginning of something monumental.
It was not very easy for her. Charlotte was a lady who was brought up in a small village, and she dreamed of becoming a great person someday. Journalism was always her calling and a freedom fighter of sorts for the oppressed and those who suffer from the vices of society. Originally, when she first set foot in the city, she had a suitcase and book in her hand, and now she's in a new position altogether. In fact, due to her hardworking nature and the spirit of determination, her employers at The Herald, a reputable newspaper company in the city, had not failed to note her efforts.
Her office was always full of papers, clippings and notes written on the walls and corkboards. The smell of powerful coffee was felt very keenly, which pointed to long working hours trying to follow leads and construct cases. Her colleagues always did not understand how she was able to link some bits of information that could seem to the layperson to be unrelated and narrate the truth out of it. This was the reason she had been given the nickname 'the Bloodhound.'
Looking at the life of the told character, it is possible to note that even being a rather attractive and prestigious occupation, Charlotte's work was not without risks. She's no stranger to threats and attempts at intimidation by influential individuals who want her to withdraw her probe. She never expected that something as straightforward as babysitting was going to take her through the most significant test of her life. Alexander Stone was not an ordinary target; he was a man with an influence that penetrated into the upper tiers of society. The information given to her about some company was quite general but seemed very promising as it involved money laundering schemes, insider trading, and other fraudulent actions. The implications that such a story raised were far-reaching, threatening to bring into question the integrity of the city's upper echelon.
To that, Charlotte had her eyes fully opened, but her attitude was strong and determined. She was a woman of very high principles and had devoted her whole life to establishing the truth, and she could not be easily threatened by anyone. As she moved through the city, she was acutely aware of the heavy burden she was carrying and the excitement too. The prospect of bringing one of the most influential citizens of the city into the public spotlight instilled a mixture of responsibility and enthusiasm within her.