
CH 1 An introduction to the World

The sun shines down warmly towards the citizens of a city located on an island that exists only in myths. A paradise built atop islands, ones that float high above the clouds.

In this world, there exists an energy, in our world it has many names, Qi, Ki, Prana and they are said to be the things that allow us to live, here it's called mana, and it has a much larger role.

In this world, mana is the very embodiment of energy, it gives the beings of this world the ability and capacity to do things such as moving, talking, and breathing. It is what allows the people in this world to live, but there are also other uses for it.


Magic is the usage of mana to interact with the physical world, to an extent. The laws of physics still apply in this world(mostly). Doing things like creating fire out of nothing is impossible due to it contradicting the law of the conservation of mass as well as energy you say? well, that's where mana comes in. The beings of this world can control mana to do things such as creating a fireball out of thin air and maintaining it. When someone or something uses magic, they use mana. The more mana is used the more influence the magic has on the world. in this scenario, they use their souls to control mana and they create a fireball using said mana to act as a substitute of a medium the fire can burn. Magic is not only limited to fireballs though, other than creating a fire, if one has enough knowledge of the laws that govern the world and enough mana, they can work their way around some of the laws that govern the world such as gravity and an example of this being done is in Avalon, where our story takes place.

The floating islands of Avalon. It was built by the gods during times of old for reasons unknown. The fact that nearly every intelligent being in this world was transported to it is also unknown. What is known though is the fact that any attempts to reach what lies below the clouds has ended fruitless with everybody that has ever made an attempt never return.

Despite the uncertainty of what may lurk underneath the clouds, the people of Avalon live their lives filled with happiness and joy, only a very small minority ever commit any crimes. This is also due to the people governing over this series of islands. The Royal Imperial Institute of Avalon. This academy consists of a few teachers and the headmaster who is the person with the most amount of power in Avalon. The institute or academy is able to handle the entirety of Avalon mostly due to the members of the school. It is a place only for the elites of the elites. The top 1% of the 1%. A gathering of geniuses that have come from all throughout Avalon. The ones who teach them is also very similarly feared if not more due to the authority they hold. And, the most feared of all, the headmaster. It is unknown who this person is, the only reason everybody who ever thinks of committing crimes stop at the very mention of this person is due to the overwhelming power he/she has showed years ago.

Roughly 200 years ago, Avalon was burning in the flames of conflict. There were numerous 'kingdoms' that seeked to rule over all of Avalon. This period of time was known as the Era of conflict. A pretty straightforward name. It was crime filled time with horrendous and unspeakable acts being done on a daily basis all around Avalon. The people that lived in this era lived a life of suffering. Suddenly, their saviour came. Nobody knew this person's name or figure, all they know is that he/she completely decimated any opposing forces and united Avalon.

Even if 200 years have passed, the lifespan of the people in this world, especially elves and dragons, are substantially longer. So although it might be history to most humans, to some other beings, their memories of that time is still very fresh.

After 2 centuries, the academy 'that' person built all those years ago has come to prosper and become the most feared group of people in all of Avalon with him/her acting as headmaster.

This is where and when our story takes place, in an era of prosperity, where the beings that live atop Avalon live a life in paradise, no crime, poverty, hunger or any sort of displeasure. But is it truly a heaven for all? or is it all too good to be true (you know which one it is, the story wouldn't be interesting otherwise ;) ). Come along with our dear protagonist and witness as he rips apart the bubble the citizens of Avalon have been living in, and maybe even finding love?

btw, i'm sorry for not posting anything recently but i'm not a writer. I only write it when i feel like it as i myself would much rather read.

So just as a heads up, don't expect much from this, i might not update in weeks or months as it's not really even a hobby, it's more of a 'Why the hell not?' you know?

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