
Getting Holed into a Fantasy World (Made by God of Technology)

"I would like to ask ya," the C#nt God pointed his beer to the God of Earth, "Why are ya ganging up on a little lad?"

"Come-on!" the God of Earth held his hand up in protest, "I only wanted to get a grand introduction going before we send him off."

The C#nt God sneers at him,

"Well, ya suck at this type of stuff." he whiffs and chucks his beer can towards the God of Earth.

Effortlessly, the God of Earth grasps his hand and crumples the flying can into non-existence. The British God sips his tea cup by the sideline,

"Indeed, these introductions to special individuals are not your cup of tea, Sir Earth," the British God flatly says, "This job is more suited for modern gods like Celebrity God, Goddess of Metro or Pop God."

"They went to a festival in Coachella, for the past two years!" the God of Earth retorts, "They even dragged Music Goddess away with them."

The Cowboy God slaps his hand on his face, an insult to the God of Earth for being an idiot.

"At leas' you come up with som' dumb idea, good enouf for us to take care of yor sh#t."

"Oi," the C#nt God butts in, "Your still dead drunk like a dead man. Walk off to the john will ya?"

"Fine, ya c#nt!"

The Cowboy God stumbles away, looking off like a man without his horse.

"So, what do I do?"

John Carper stand near them, looking quite impatient.

"All I hear is these phony cos-players trying to prove they're good, when they clearly suck."

"Indeed," the British God shook his head in agreement, "They are terrible and I must apologize for their lack of talent and skill."

The cos-playing group all turn their heads away, trying to deny any of their attire as being terrible.

"So," John Carper breaks the silence, "Why am I here?"

"Good question," a person speaks up, "The God of Technology has created a world that interacts similar to that of a fantasy world. In inhabits both eastern and western ideologies of fantasy and in test trials, so we tasked some deceased people to try out the world. However, they were bored after defeating various monsters and committed suicide to have a long earned rest."

"Sooooooooo, I'm going to beat up monsters and save humanity," John Carper sighs, "I was hoping for something better."

"You will..." the God of Earth snapped his fingers and the floor underneath John Carper suddenly caves in and formed a hole.

"WHAT THE F#CK!" John Carper yelled as he fell through the hole.

"HAHAHA!" the God of Earth laughed as he watched the mere mortal fall to their mash-up fantasy world, "Look! Who's laughing now!"

"I dare say, Sir Earth," the British God scoffs down his last drop of tea, "Are you certain it is appropriate to send that defenseless lad into that world already?"

"Yeah!" the C#nt God pounded his beer on a table he instantly manifested, "You haven't even prepared anything for that chap."

"Don't worry," the God of Earth reassured everyone, "He'll land safely on the starting point of the world."

The God of Earth elegantly waves his hand in the air and a giant holographic screen appear behind him.

"I can even show you the proof," the God of Earth proudly stands in his Professor Oak attire, "He's safe and sound."

On the screen, a young boy is flapping his arms in the sky, panicking since he is five thousand km from the ground.

"I think a bug appeared at spawn...." the God of Technology whispers, "I think I'll find God of Literature to help with the program." and he slowly scurries off.

God of Democracy quickly issues a vote as soon as God of Technology disappeared,

"Who here wants to evoke technology away from God of Technology? Please raise your hands."

All the gods and goddess raise their hand except for Lazy Goddess, who is sleeping on the floor.

God of Literature:

*cooking black ink spaghetti in the kitchen*

"What books should I read later?"

Goddess of Words:

*eating the fishy dumplings*

"Why do they taste like chocolate?"

*continues eating*

Cobias_Tenemcreators' thoughts