
Chapter 1; Hopeless

The world of Ellie collapsed when she learned that she won't graduate. She knew she had been careless in her studies during the past months, and she was called to the administration's office several times warning her that she would lose the chance of being a summa cum laude if she continued to be negligent.

This only happened when she found out that Noah, her boyfriend of 5 years who is an engineering student graduating this year like her, got another woman pregnant, and he needs to marry the woman.

They have been together for 5 years, but nothing happened between them because she believed that her virginity is sacred and should only be given after they get married.

She lost interest in everything, and even if she went to school, she felt disconnected from herself. So, she decided to skip classes and go to the mall alone to distract herself. She often spent time in the arcade, playing games and trying to forget her troubles.

Ellie POV

I did not inform Mama about what happened between me and Noah. She has become close to Noah, so I'm sure it would hurt him and make him angry on my behalf. However, I can't hide this problem from Mama anymore. She has been excited the whole week for my upcoming graduation, and her world would surely shatter if she finds out that I won't actually graduate. Mama has high expectations for me; she proudly talks about me to everyone she knows and our relatives. She's a single mother, but she raised me well, which makes her very happy.

Miss Marquez, it saddens me to say that you might not graduate this semester. While your grades were high in the 1st and 2nd grading periods, your performance dropped significantly in the 3rd and 4th. I've been told you several times that you might lose you chance of becoming a summa cum laude, but now it seems you won't even graduate. Mrs. Cruz said with disappointed tone.

Ma'am, I am kindly requesting if there is any way to remedy my situation. Can I retake the exams? I really want to graduate .. I am desperately pleading to Mrs. Cruz for her understanding.

Ms. Marquez, the final grades have already been released, and there's nothing more we can do about it. I've given you a chance several times before for this, hoping you would make things right, but you chose to ignore it. I heard the news about you and Mr. Noah Javier, but this isn't a reason to ruin your future. You are talented and admired by your classmates; I hope that next time, you'll return to being the person you used to be.

I left the Dean's office feeling lost and teary-eyed. It's too late now; I can't undo everything. I let myself be affected too much by Noah, and now I'm feeling double the pain. As I walked through the hallway, I could feel the eyes of other students on me. Next two days is the graduation ceremony, and I, the leader of the student architects, have failed and won't be able to graduate. I left the school feeling like I'm carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders.

Ethan POV

It has been a month since Kate and I parted ways. She went to France to pursue a career as a fashion model. I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't be held back. I gave her the choice between me and her dreams, and she chose her dreams. I know that because of her decision, we are truly over, even though she promised to come back and marry me. Deep down, I know it won't work out.

I've been wandering for two months, unable to shave properly, so my beard has grown quite long, almost covering my face."

Driver, take me to Golden Bee Bar," I told the taxi driver I hailed. "I'm going to drown myself in alcohol again; it's the only way to forget Kate. This time, I took a taxi because the last time I went there, I had a car accident. Luckily, there wasn't much damage, and neither of us got hurt, so it's okay."

Upon arriving at the bar, the loud music and laughter from people enjoying their drinks greeted me. I looked for a spot that was somewhat distant from the crowd, seeking a bit of solitude.

On the other side, I saw a woman who seemed like she had just arrived. She sat on the side and ordered a shot of tequila. I noticed the expression on her face as she took a sip; it was probably her first time. I thought to myself.

As the night progressed, I couldn't help but observe her from a distance. There was a hint of vulnerability in her eyes, as if she carried a burden that weighed her down. I wondered what brought her to this bar, seeking solace or escape, just like me.I glanced at the woman, and indeed, she had a lovely and natural beauty that stood out among the heavily made-up women around us. Unlike them, she wore simple jeans and a t-shirt, with no makeup, yet her inherent beauty shone through.

As time passed, there were moments when our gazes met, but we remained strangers amidst the see of unfamiliar faces. The music played on, conversations murmured, and glasses clinked together. It was a chaotic symphony, providing the backdrop to our individual stories entwined within the walls of the Golden Bee Bar.

I approached the woman and said, "Miss, maybe you've had enough of that," expressing my concern. She immediately shook her head in response and said, "Could you please leave me alone, Mr.?"

But I didn't leave and sat beside her instead. After a while, she spoke, "Are you interested in me?" Her words were slightly slurred, indicating that alcohol had taken its toll on her.

Feeling a mix of concern and curiosity, I replied gently, "I just wanted to make sure you're okay. You seem like you've had quite a bit to drink."

Her eyes softened, and a hint of vulnerability showed as she nodded. "Yeah, maybe I've had a bit too much," she admitted, her guard slowly coming down.

She stood up and planted a kiss on my lips, surprising me. I looked at her, and it was evident that she was quite drunk, as her eyes were starting to get glassy.

"You know, you look scary," she said with a chuckle, a mix of playfulness and tipsiness. She then stumbled away from the bar with a swaying gait.

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