
Ch 9 - Reproduction

Ren tried to resist, but couldn't move. Any excess struggling caused the thorns attached to the vine to dig into his skin.

Soon they were pulled into the central cavern, and there in the center was the Grinner. By his side stood the speaker, his face downcast ; a stark contrast to the demonic smile next to him.

No one dared speak. Surprisingly, the Grinner and his speaker stayed silent.

Gradually, sounds of weeping and sobs grew louder. Soon, Grog was pulled around the corner of the tunnel into the cavern. A huge vine was curled around his leg, while Grog himself dug his fingers into the rock beneath him trying to slow his descent.

"No no no no no no..." Grog cried.

The vines pulled Grog right in front of the Grinner, binding his arms and legs and forcing him to stare into those slitted eyes.

"I'mmm disssappointed Grog" the Grinner said, making Grog flinch back.

"I, I, I didn't mean to do it! The small one there made me!"

Ren cursed in his mind. Even though it was Ted's idea, he was going to take the blame!

"I undersssstand, I do. But, were I to not....punishhhh you, what would the otherssss ssay?" To Ren's surprise, fear, and disgust, the Grinner smiled even wider.

The vines around Grog pulled Grog's limbs up. Then slowly, a vine circled around his body before slowly entering his mouth.

Grog gagged, his eyes wide in horror. His body convulsed, but no matter how much he struggled, the vine just kept moving deeper.

Two more vines approached those wide, beady eyes. Grog quickly shut them, trying to keep them at bay, to no avail.

With gagged screams of pain, the vines bore their way into Grog's eyes.

Ren, Randy, and Ted were shaking with fear, but didn't dare speak a word. Who knew if they would end up like the late Grog.

Soon, Grog went limp. Seeing that his plaything was dead, the vines (seemingly controlled by the Grinner himself) dropped the huge carcass to the cavern floor. The Grinner then turned his attention to the humans before him.

The speaker stepped forward, "As for you three, your fates will be different from Grog's."

The speaker paused for a moment, seeming to be listening. Sighing, the speaker closed his tired eyes and spoke.

"My liege has decided." The speaker pointed to Randy and Ted.

"You have been selected for reproduction. My liege has asked that I explain what this entails for your...benefit."

"Those graced to be sent to reproduction will have there souls split. This process is, as you can imagine, excruciatingly painful. The soul can be split 4 or 5 times before the body becomes an empty shell. Stronger souls may be split more."

"The leftover corpse is then buried in the pit, where the demon eggs below will absorb their nutrients. Having nowhere to return, the split souls will be consumed by the newly hatched demon kin to stimulate their growth."

"The pieces of your soul will be conscious despite having been split and removed from your body. You will ensure each tear and every bite as you are wholly consumed. This is your fate."

Randy and Ted had looks of shock on their faces as the vines dragged them away towards their painful demise.

Ren only watched as his 'companions' were taken. If they were to be punished in such a manner, what was in store for him?

"As for you, the main culprit, my liege wishes to speak to you privately."


Giving Ren one last glance full of pity, the speaker walked off, leaving Ren to the Grinner and the vines.

The Grinners yellow eyes stared into Ren's. Ren felt a power invade his mind, or his soul? He couldn't tell. Wanting to avoid that dreadful gaze, Ren closed his eyes tight. We're those eyes tearing his soul apart like the speaker had explained to them?

"Not ssso fassst young one. If I recall correctly, it wasss you who looked into these eyesss before." The Grinner hissed.

Ren didn't respond, keeping his eyes close.

'It's all a dream, it's all a dream' he thought, panic taking over his mind.

Had Ren's eyes been open, he may have seen the Grinners grin widen even further, splitting it's face.

The Grinner stepped forward, it's face inches from Ren's. Ren could feel it's tongue dart out, cutting his cheek.

"If you wont open your eyesssss, I will take them from you."

The vines that had been idle dug into him as they had Grog. Unable to move, all Ren could do was scream. Blood trailed down his face into his mouth.

"Yessss, ssscream little one. Thisss iss the fate of thossse who oppossse me."

Ren could feel the vines pushing deeper, making their way through his head.

'Any moment and I will be dead. Just let it end! Stop the pain, please!'

Ren's mind was broken, his will exhausted. It was over. He couldn't escape. He would never see his family again, never marry or have children. His dreams of farming and leading a peaceful life were extinguished, ripped from his body as his eyes had been.


Heat washed over Ren and he was thrown to the floor. Ungodly screams rose shrilly into the air.

Ren heard rocks fall and tunnels collapse. A deep voice sounded over the chaos.

"Finally, I found you."

Ren slumped to the floor. Something had happened. A rescuer? His savior? Or just another demon? But who would have enough power to take on the Grinner? Who would care?

With so many unanswered questions, Ren's conscious slipped away.

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