
To accept wholly

I stared at the dark circle on my palm, unsuccessful in my attempts at curbing my rising hope. My dream, despite being wholly unrealistic and going against common sense might actually have been real.

If this were a younger version of me, I might be panicking or trying to grasp why this series of events took place. Why I was chosen out of so many. Current me couldn't care less as long as my soul wasn't tortured for eternity or something in that vein. I was happy with not knowing.

Ignorance is bliss.

As I balled my fists a new sense of determination crept up, my drive to live was being remade and I couldn't stop the smile that popped up on my face.

Damn, how long had it been since I last smiled?

I wanted to immediately experiment and figure out what exactly that being had gifted me. It took all I had not to immediately rush to my study upstairs. However, I decided against it. It would be best if I cleared and finished all the business that required my attention. This would allow me to investigate without needing to attend to anything else. The tasks wouldn't take that long, I just needed to sign some documents finalizing the sale of my company. Then I would have to pay the bills of my last visit to the hospital. Apart from those two things the only other thing I needed to do was to get some groceries and clean the apartment.

The rest of my morning passed quickly, I carried out my daily routine with an extra bounce in my step. Even the plain breakfast of oatmeal and toast tasted just a little bit better. I decided that I would rather clean the apartment first before signing the paper and sending them.

That took me the better part of the morning but signing and sending the papers took me only 20 minutes. I had the morning receptionist mail them for me. The hospital bills were paid online, and I managed to get the groceries before 3:00.

Currently, I was in the elevator heading back to my penthouse apartment, humming a happy tune under my breath.

Life was looking good.

As I reached the door of my apartment, the door of the apartment opposite me opened, apartment ph 38.

"Hey, Benjamin".

Turning around to the voice that addressed me I was greeted by the sight of Martin Sannousia. He was a towering dark-skinned man standing at 6,2 or 187 cm, he sported a rather nice beard, a full stache of dark hair, and brown eyes. He was American from somewhere in the Midwest. I never bothered to ask where exactly he was from nor about what he did for a living. He was a tenant, neighbor, and occasional drink buddy even with cancer.

"What's up Martin" I replied as I faced him fully.

"Hey, listen man, I'm gonna be heading out the city for a business trip, and with you being a death's doors I wanted to invite you over before I left."

That was one of the things I liked about him, he was blunt and didn't shy away from things. Yeah, sure man let me just drop off my groceries and I'll be over in ten. I'd wanted to say no, but I knew that once I sunk myself into my abilities, I wouldn't want to interact with anyone any time soon.

Besides, I would be leaving soon.

I entered my apartment and closed the door behind me, despite being excited about experimenting with my powers I was patient. Martin was one of the few people who I didn't mind being with. And since we would both be leaving soon, I didn't mind taking out some time to hang out with him. He already knew about my decision to end the treatment; I'd told him before going to the doctors. After packing up the groceries, I took a quick shower before heading over to his place. Most people wouldn't have but I just liked being clean before entering someone else's home.

He decorated his house much more than I did, there were pictures and vases all around the place. Though that was probably more for the girls he kept bringing over.

"Thanks for inviting me over."

"No problem homie. I can't let you be all depressed in your apartment the whole time."

I chuckled lightly at that.

"Take a seat man."

I went over to the living and sat down on one of the larger sofas and proceeded to sink into it. This was my favorite sofa of his, it was comfortable, and I loved the sinking feeling.

As I sunk deeper into the sofa I started to relax. I took out my phone and connected to his sound system and started to play some music from my Topify list. I started to bump my head as the first song came on. Yeah, this was definitely a good idea.

"Tokyo drifting?" Martin asked as he walked in with a bottle of jack daniels in one hand and a bong in the other.

"You always listen to that when you come over"

"Of course, I do it slaps," I said as I turned to face him and immediately focused on the objects in his hands. Is that a bong I see?

He had a shit-eating on his face as he looked at me." Yeah, I haven't hit one of these in a while. Figured since you were gonna die soon anyway why not take one last hit, it's better than the fucking cigs you keep choking on."

I chuckled lightly.

He's started to prep and seemed to be looking at me questioningly. "You did say that you've ripped one before, right?"

"I mean yeah I have, but that was when I was 19 and healthy."

"You don't have to man, no pressure, I'm hitting this thing regardless though."

Looking at the glass bong I replied, "Never said I wasn't gonna hit it."

"That's the spirit."

Damn, was I really planning on experimenting with my powers while high out my mind? Ah, well fuck it, said the teenager in me and for once in a long time, I listened.

The rest of the day passed by quickly as we gorged on his food, listened to music, and watched a rerun of Dexter. It was only around 9oclock that I decided it was time to head back. I was already sobering up and didn't want to get high again otherwise I would have to leave the experimenting for tomorrow.

Martin despite being nearly comatose managed to get up and see me out "Listen, man, it was great having you over."

"Yeah, thanks again for inviting me over."

"Aight see you around man." He said.

We both knew that was bullshit.

"Goodnight man."

"Yeah, you too."

As I arrived in my apartment, I immediately went to the bathroom to wash my face before heading up to the study.

I was sobered up and it was time to start my experimentation. Sitting down at my desk chair, I stared at the symbol and wondered how exactly this worked.

In the stories, I'd read when I was younger the protagonists usually had to sit down and meditate while focusing to unlock their ability.

So that would be my first approach.

I grabbed my camera, set it up, found a nice little corner in my study, and pressed record before starting.

I wanted to see if anything happened during my endeavors.

Honestly, this could literally just be mind fucking with me, but as I sat down and started my meditations those doubts were pushed aside.

I needed this.

The possibility of failure still lingered in my mind but for some reason, I believed that I would succeed. As I concentrated on the circle I immediately started to feel something, it was tugging at the edge of my senses.

I was expecting it to have taken longer but hey, never look a gift horse in the mouth.

My excitement nearly brought me out of my focus but quickly I calmed down and focused on the circle again, this time the pull was stronger, yet still, nothing was happening.

Hmm, that's odd, perhaps it needed intent? After all, the only thing I was doing with it was focusing hard. As I continued to focus on the circle, I willed for it to activate and instantly I was dragged in. One moment I was sitting on the floor of my study the next I was in a completely white space.

In front of me was a white ball of light just floating. I wasn't dizzy, in fact, I felt completely fine and looked exactly the same. At least that's what I could tell by looking at my hand.

What exactly was this gift that I had been given? An extra-dimensional space perhaps, but that didn't exactly make sense, a gift like that would be useless for me.

No, I didn't believe that this space was that simple, I just couldn't figure out what exactly its purpose was. Well, the only way to figure out would be to talk to the ball of light in front of me.

Though that sounded a bit absurd.

"Umm hi?" I said feeling a bit dumb for talking to a ball of light but that quickly disappeared as it replied.

"Hello, Benjamin"

"How do you know my name? I wasn't exactly surprised that it did, but it still caught me off guard.

"I know everything about you, Benjamin."

"Okay, that's kinda creepy my guy."

"My creator made me with this information." I wasn't sure I was comfortable with that, but I couldn't change it, so I glossed over it.

"Do you have a name?"

"No, I don't, and I do not require one because I will cease to exist once my purpose is served. So, restrain your human instinct of naming other beings."It seemed to be unfazed by the fact that it would cease to exist.

"What exactly is your purpose?"

"To inform you of your powers and answer your questions."

Interesting, that would save me a lot of time.

"Huh well, let's get to it then. What exactly is this space?" I asked.

"To begin, this space isn't exactly the gift given to you it's the intersection between you and the gifts granted by my lord. It can be altered to look however you want it to look but apart from that its only purpose is to allow you to access the abilities given to you by my maker. It's the circle in the middle of your palm."

"Hmm okay, I understand so far, I can edit this space but to what ends? Why would I want to edit this space? What exactly is the nature of this space? "I asked.

It's best explained as a filter that allows you to use the gifts granted to you without destroying your mind. As to why you would edit this space that's really up to you. The primary ability granted to you is the ability to create new planes of existence or universes. The laws of these universes and what they are constructed of are up to until the point that you deem them complete. Once they are complete, they cannot be changed, however, you will be given some leeway as you are the creator.

I started to laugh and continued to do so until my stomach began to hurt. You've got to be kidding me my new ability allows me to create universes?


"And what are the limitations?" I asked a bit skepticism tainting my voice.

"Your personal power of course. As you are right now your first plane of existence cannot exceed a certain size. The items and things created by you cannot reach a certain level of power but that shouldn't hamper you in the slightest. My lord is generous after all."

I sat in silence for a few minutes as I wrapped my head around what exactly was being said. "By the wording you used I assume then that it's possible for me to personally become more powerful?"

"Yes, you can.

I sat in silence and shock and simply motioned for it to continue.

"The Maker also gave you access to the titles and concepts system that you created when you were 17."

Once again, I started to laugh but this time not out of disbelief but out of joy, this power was even better than I could ever expect.

The ability to create universes plus the power of titles and concepts was an incredible combo. When I was younger, I created this system of power for a novel that I never got to write. The system of power basically went like this, titles were earned in the universe based on actions that a person had taken and relied on how others and the universe saw them. Titles could not purposefully be given or attained unless they were given by the universe itself. Actions taken for the sole purpose of getting a title would end with no title or worse unwanted titles.

These titles weren't an immediate power boost but rather they increased one's potential in relation to that Title. The more one acted in line with that title and the duties of that title the more powerful they became.

For instance, if someone had attained the title of Emperor of mankind the title would increase their potential in relation to that title. So, any action or ability that involved mankind as a whole or the action of being the emperor of mankind would be easier to attain and easier to strengthen. This was only the surface effect of the titles. They also affected one's behavior to an extent and many other minor things.

That in combination with the concepts system which was basically just a rip-off dao's was truly something to be feared. There were so many possibilities with this ability, especially in conjunction with the universe creation ability. Honestly, there were literally infinite options. Only the higher outer gods of my story were planned to understand these facets of reality and this knowledge could not be shared once it was figured out.

"That's awesome and all," I said as I calmed down "but your wording of the creation ability is making me think that it's limited to only nonliving things."

"That is false, it's not limited to only nonliving things, but you can't create a being with a soul. That is to present a sort of challenge for you."

"What do you mean?"

"Your ability allows you to grow via your concepts system. However, due to how lacking your actual universe is that will take time. Time that you just may not have, plus any additional abilities given to your direct creations can't be learned by you. The only ability that can be learned come from those with a soul, beings that are not in your control. Their abilities might be able to save you."

"What?" I was shocked, this was what I had wished for, but I still hadn't expected to get it. I calmed down I needed to focus and get all the information I possibly could.

"So how will life enter my universe then?"

"Either through evolution or you bring them in of course. Though you can't bring in any living things with souls. It's only possible to transfer their souls over if they have recently died."

"You can destroy all things that you have directly created even while outside your universes, but you cannot directly destroy the life you bring in. So if they grow powerful enough they could pose a threat to you."

Huh, that was interesting. That was the challenge. For me to live, I had to gamble with my life.

"Finally, any soul you take in must be returned after death. Which means that they will get a chance to live again in this world. Though their powers will be greatly weakened."

I sat down as I tried to process all the information I had been given, there was so much potential that I almost cried from joy. However, there was a risk but honestly, I couldn't bring myself to care.Looking at the ball I said, "Thank you for your guidance, I don't have any more questions since I want to explore this by myself but before you go tell your creator that I am truly grateful for this chance."

The little white ball of light buzzed around me for a bit before fading out of existence leaving me alone in the space.I willed myself to leave the space that I now called the Fulcrum and arrived back in my study in the exact position that I had entered.Checking the time, I saw that it hadn't changed. I could have started creation immediately but that wasn't my style first I had to plan this out.

Honestly, I don't know what to make of this power. To be granted something like this purely out of chance it's not something I can really fathom. An opportunity has been presented before me. A chance to change the world. Well, not change the world, create a new world where my rules are the law.

Were my will would be undeniable, and where my defeat is only through my want or carelessness.

My battle with cancer has taken a lot out of me.

My friends, my dreams, my family.

One by one they all disappeared. I can't blame them they had lives to live, children to love and families to feed. However, now was not the time to moan or to be sad.

Angst was currently not necessary. Now is the time to think about what kind of universe I wanted to create.

Honestly, I want to start filling the universe with my stories, and characters that I had already created when I was younger but the more I think about it the less that appeals to me. I want the creation of my universe to be something like the earth when it was first embodied. What I mean is that the way humans once viewed the earth, like the ancient creation myths.

I want this to be like a story because even though I forced myself deeper into my work into success. My lust for a good story had never waned and reality had failed to satisfy that. But now I can make the story, but I don't want a predetermined story. I want the characters, the people to fill in that story. I just want to create the background of that story. Yes, that's my objective to create the background that the story pulls from.

I was not an artist, or an architect what I was is a wannabe author who just wanted to be a reader.

That sounds so dumb.

There's so much I wanted to do but I'm not quite sure yet.

I need sleep and food.

This is my chance to be something greater. To be the all-seeing observer.

However, I was given pause by the realization that the beings I would create the scenarios that would unfold, the creatures that would be born would not all be good if at all.

And I was okay with that.

Next chapter