
chapter 1

As the day began to break, faint light entered the luxuriously decorated room from the floor to ceiling window,brightening the dim indoors.

As the light began to brighten the person on the bed steered but showed no sign of waking up.

There was a knock on the door. "Master,the food is ready." The person outside the door said.

"Coming."The person on the bed finally opened their eyes,got up,put on the fluffy slippers and headed to the bathroom. Finishing the daily routine he headed towards the dining room.

The food was already on the table and the person who prepared it was standing there waiting for him.

'Ah what a capable servant she is,if only she was a ordinary servant and not send here by the agency to keep an eye on me I would have kept her.Alas what a pity.' the person who had just arrived at the dinning table though but there was no trace of pity in his heart .His name was Jack ,well the name he was currently using was Jack his real name was 001.The first artificially created human being who's sole reason for being created was to serve as a killing machine for the agency who created him.

001 was the first human being to be artificially created. The agency created total of 100 of these super beings but 001 was the strongest and somehow had self consciousness and was able to disobey the orders given to him which the others were not able to.the whole point of creating these beings was that they were strong and would not betray the organisation.But because he was the strongest and did not have any rebellious thought he was kept alive till now.

'though he don't know for how long the organisation planned to keep him now that they ruled almost the entire world and had no one who would oppose them.' Jack though as he swolled the sweet, fluffy pancake drizzled with honey.'not for long it seems.'

After finishing the delicious breakfast Jack turned on the TV layed on the sofa (if you can lay down why sit up)and started watching the dog blood drama.

As it was nearing the noon the servant whose name Jack was too lazy to remember went for "grocery shopping ".

"Seriously a bomb! couldn't they come up with something else afterall I'm 001!!!" Laying on the sofa with a bag of potato chips in his hand and the TV playing the drama Jack complained."It seems like I only have 10 seconds left to live.....oh my God! How exciting!!!"




"I wonder how death will look like.Will I be finally able to see what happens after death!!"




"I hope that the life after death is exciting."




"Although I really am looking forward to death and don't really have any strong desire to live ,doesn't give anybody a right to make a move against me."


"So I left a small gift for them I hope they enjoy it"Jack murmured while smiling happily


With a loud boom the whole villa where Jack was residing and the surrounding area was destroyed, nothing not even a single thing was left intact.

At the same time at the headquarters of the organisation a bomb which was hundred times stronger exploded

if anyone want me to continue the story they can leave leave a comment and if there are any ideas and suggestions regarding this story they can share it with me through the comment section

nerd679creators' thoughts
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