
Chapter 1 : Shocking News

It was nighttime. In a dark living room, only a tv light was illuminating the room. The news channel was open on the tv. Only the news sound could be heard in the living room….

[Xena company has decided to buy the whole Fantasia Game and its company at the last sec for 40 million dollars.]

[This shocking news of Xena buying the most negative-rated VR game is breaking the media of the whole world.]

[Everyone is discussing why Xena, one of the biggest company, also with their most advanced AI technology would be interested in the Fantasia Game]

[Even though Fantasia was one of the first large-scale VR games, now there are many more VR games larger and better than Fantasia. Even Fantasia had announced that the game would shut down this year 6 months ago.

[Why would Xena company be interested in Fantasia at the last moment? Are they going to develop it with their Advanced AI?]

While news and media were being flooded with news of Xena company and Fantasia game, Louis McKay was laid on his bed wearing a headset. He was actually playing Fantasia at this moment. Even though this game is too broken with infinite bugs and loopholes it gave him a new life. So he couldn't leave it no matter what. He is the only one to play this game till now when there is not a single other player left anymore. But he still enjoys it in his own way. Just like right now he is collecting some poisonous looking plants.

Suddenly he got a mail in his mailbox. It was quite unusual to get a mail in this game. No one plays the game anymore, even the dev announced that in a year the game server will shut down. So he didn't expect to get a direct mail in this game. He suspiciously opened the mail. After opening the mail he was surprised and really happy seeing the content in the mail.

A few minutes ago, Inside the headquarter of Xena company, the chairman was seated on his chair on the top floor of the building. The room was filled with many advanced computers. There was even a large display covering the whole wall in front of him. On the right side of his chair, there were many control buttons as well as a small display. A young lady in a black suit was standing beside him with some paper in her hand. She was extremely beautiful with long black hair and sharp eyes. She had long legs and a golden body shape with her watery eyes any man would want to covet her. But if you look at her closely you would notice that you are somehow able to see through her almost like she is transparent. It wasn't actually a person but just a hologram. She glanced at the chairman who looked to be a middle aged man wearing a lab coat. He had sharp features, his hair was black but there was some white hair mixed in. Without looking at her he asked her,

"Were you able to integrate with the game server, Xena?"

The holographic office lady was actually Xena, the most advanced AI system in the world. She replied with two words, "Yes Sir"

He nodded satisfied with her work, "Good then shut down the game server and start working with it as I said."

"But sir without informing players about it, won't it be inappropriate?" Xena looked at him with confused eyes.

But the chairman was the one who looked back at her with even more confused eyes"Huh? There are actually some players left who still play this game?"

"Only one," She replied. "After I integrated with the game server I noticed someone was active and playing the game. So I checked the database and saw he was the only player who has been playing this game since the game was released 3 years ago."

"Interesting there is actually someone who was able to play this game for 3 years with all these bugs and problems? And there weren't even many updates to the game because the game dev was busy trying to fix all these bugs and loopholes. He has been playing this game with little content for 3 years?"

"Yes sir, he has been playing the game every single day for 3 years and I noticed he had to log out and log in over 20 times some days probably because of bugs and game crashes. But he still seems to come back and play the game." She said indifferently, looking straight.

"Hmm.." Chairman pondered a moment before saying, "Send him a direct mail in game if he is online right now and convey my word."

"Yes sir" She bowed and sent the mail…..

[Dear Player Louis, This is the chairman of Xena Company, thanks for all your hard work and supporting this game till the very end. The Fantasia has been brought by Xena company and will be developed under Xena company in the future. After the transfer of the game ownership, the game will go under maintenance for a long time and will be released properly in the future. You have 24 hours to do what you need to do. Player Louis will be rewarded for supporting the game all these years when the update is complete.]

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