
Chapter 1

It was yet another cold dark day as Skylar sat in her usual alleyway, her knees pulled close to her chest in an attempt to keep warm. Skylar was a street kid, she had no home no family and no friends, yet she always had a smile on her face even when the other villagers would hurt her. She did all she could for the townspeople and was always happy to help but as time went on she got more and more hurt until one day, she had enough of the townspeoples abuse and so decided to leave.

One night, she slowly wobbled out of her alley and began to walk out of the kingdom. However as she walked, a large raven appeared infront of her. She quickly recognised the bird as one she had constantly seen in the kingdom and the one who would sometimes give her small treats that she'd share with him.

"Hello again.." she spoke happily, the raven made small noises at her before settling on her shoulder, She giggled as its feathers tickled her neck. After hours of walking, they arrived reached the border of the kingdom.Skylar took a deep breath and crossed over to the other side, there was no going back now.

"Okay were should we go now??" she mumbled, the raven squarked loudly before flying towards the forest. She ran after him until they reached the entrance "I cant go in there, I'm a human I don't belong in there"

The raven squarked again and tugged lightly on her torn clothes as if telling her that she could go in. She shrugged her shoulders "Okay if you say so...."

She took a deep breath and entered the forest, the raven led her through the forest and made loud warning sounds when ever a trap or something that would hurt her would appear. After awhile however, Skylar spotted a small wounded wolf it looked to be the runt of a litter and there was no mother insight. She knelt down and carefully picked up the wolf cradling it in her arms, she then tore a strip of her clothes off and wrapped the wolf's wound.

"There that should help, but I cant just leave you here you poor thing...."

The raven flew up to her and landed on the floor beside her, it jumped in surprise when he saw the wolf curled in Skylars arms. "I cant leave this guy here...hes got nobody to look after him and hes hurt.... wherever your leading me can I bring him too? please?"

The raven dropped his head as if sighing at her before bobbing his head, her eyes sparkled in excitement and slowly rose to her feet again, securing her hold of the wolf, before following the raven again.

"Hmmm I wonder what I'm gonna name him...." she thought to herself as she stroked the back of his head.

After awhile of walking, they soon arrived at a large wall of thorns, Skylar knew where she was she was at the wall that separated the dark lands from the forest as an extra measure just incase a human ever made it through the forest.

"Hey why did you bring me here??"

The raven caught her attention before a strange wind spiraled around it and moments later the raven transformed into a human boy. Her eyes widened in surprise and shock as she took a nervous step back.

"Do not be afraid...my name is Draco and I am the dark lands king's right hand man. He ordered me to keep an eye on the human kingdom to keep him updated on the the current events and see what the human king was planning. Then one day I saw you and began to tell my master about you and how despite all the pain you were going through you were still happy and positive about everything"

"A-and why did you bring me here??"

"My king ordered me to watch you and to bring you to him when you finally chose to leave that kingdom."

Skylars eyes widened at the information and she petted the wolf pups head to try and calm herself. Draco held his hand out to the wall and after a moment, the wall separated allowing them to enter inside.

"Do you wish to meet our king and live within the dark lands? I promise you that you will no longer live each day in pain"

She thought for a moment and looked down at the wolf in her arms before slowly nodding her head "O-okay... lead the way.."

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