
Into The Forest Of Secrets

In a world, ranks are everyone's faith. You are decided as a king or nothing more than a useless being. Laxy, a human, was part of one of the lower ranks and was treated as nothing more but a maid. Their world wasn't peaceful; they lived amongst mythical creatures and thus a beautiful forest that created a home for these creatures. Until the forest started to become alive, creatures would disappear, making them go extinct, even cursing their land. Laxy goes on a journey to visit the forest, hoping to unravel its secret. She had to prove herself a lower rank, but she had to stop the forest from cursing them. It was her legacy.

RubyStarz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 1

Laxy POV

As I finished mopping the floors, I wiped the sweat off my forehead, relieved to be finished finally. This job isn't how I imagined my life, working in a vampire house like a mansion. I picked up the bucket with the mop and walked down the long hallways. The estate had expansive windows, the sun lighting up the room and hitting the walls' crystals. A big chandelier was hanging from the ceiling with the candles up, the floors shiny and clean.

I walked down the stairs. The smell of fresh food being cooked filled the air. As I reached the bottom step, a red carpet neatly covered the floor. I walked into the dining room, where the owner sat, holding a cigarette in one hand and a glass of wine in the other. He has sharp features with a cold expression, his hair pushed to the side, red fading into orange. His cold, almost ancient, emerald eyes stared at the wine moving as he gently swirled the glass between his fingers. He didn't bother dressing fancy, but a leather jacket with ripped jeans and his aura was intimidating enough that you could feel it miles away. In his presence, he can make anyone cowers in fear. His name was Aiden, the guy I worked for.

I made my way towards him as shivers went up to my spine. He looked at me, eyes cold and dead, but his stare was enough to make me stop in my tracks. His gaze dug through me as if he was watching my mortal soul. No one said anything. We just stared at each other until I finally spoke.

"I finished all my tasks, sir," I spoke, somehow without shaking.

He silently stared at me with no words; I began to shift under his gaze, which brought a smirk to his face.

"Then you are free to go. I will send the money," Aiden's voice held no emotion.

I nodded my head and turned around quickly to leave, not wanting to spend a minute more in a room with him. Yet, something about him made me crumble in fear. Could it be his look, his rank? Or simply because I am a weakling.

As I stepped out of the mansion, I was finally able to breathe. The fresh air calmed my nerves, and my body relaxed, my job was over, and I could head home. It was snowing, yet the weather was cool and breezy. The trees' leaves danced with the wind as snow fell onto the ground, as winter pansies bloomed and their petals started to open. One thing that kept racing in my thoughts was Aiden. There were rumors about him ruthlessly killing anyone who dared to cross him. People say that he has others who work for him. Those people would punish anyone in his command as he stares at them with a smug face. Those he punishes come back alive or come back dead, yet they wish death over survival once he leaves them to suffer. I never witnessed his dirty work, never met one who suffered in his hands, and yet I crumble in his presence.

I walked down the rocky street leading to the gathering of stands and shops, crowded as always. I looked around the area where they were selling food, rare items, and some mythical creatures. A soft melody started playing, whispers that sent shivers up anyone's spine. The voice was soothing yet angelic, but the song was eerie; I turned my head towards the forest from which the voice came. There laid a dark path. The entrance covered trees that could reach the sky and flowers that covered either side of the tracks. Everyone knew that forest, the one that stole mythical creatures without remorse with its haunting melody. The weird part is that it's only mythical creatures; anything else that's "normal," like a Siberian Tiger or a bird, would enter the forest, yet they would always come back out. I should know; I have a pet Siberian Tiger at home. He would always go into the woods for a couple of days, or even weeks, and come back home as nothing had happened. What made the mythical creatures so unique that they would disappear from existence?

The soft melody slowly started to fade away as someone tapped on my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked behind me to see a guy. He looked to be around 5'4" or 5'5". His features were covered, hiding behind a black mask and a black hoodie. I could see his eyes. They were a soft, clear aqua, yet the shine in them was gone, as it was dull and lifeless. He cleared his throat softly as I realized I was standing in his way.

"A-ah! My apologies, " I said, moving out of the way quickly.

I watched him walk past me to the shop I was previously blocking. He didn't speak but pulled out a paper, presumably listing what he needed. He bought what was on the list, I got a glimpse of what he believed: a raven feather, a mermaid scale, a fairy wing, and lastly, something that looked like a horn, but I wasn't sure. The horn looked sharp, which could probably cut through paper like silk. It was dark at the top, brightened to red as it went down the funnel. I had never seen one before, as it looked magical.

"This is the last of their kind," the shopkeeper said as he showed it to the man, "The Elhorn creatures recently went extinct. May you use it well. These are rare not because they are extinct but because the Elhorn would protect his horn with deadly venom. We cleaned it thoroughly after we caught it. Not only that, it is used to make the greatest resources and potions yet!"

The guy's features didn't change as he pulled out a small money bag and gave it to the shopkeeper. After that, he took his leave silently. I watched him carry the horn as he disappeared from my vision. What was an Elhorn, and how did they go extinct? That question made my eyes shift to the forest. Could it be the forest? I decided to look more into this.

I started to make my way to the library not too far from the stores, and as I entered, I saw a shifter out of the corner of my eye. He had long, silky purple hair. His eyes were a bright red color, and his fox ears perked up in excitement. His ears had black tips that brightened into orange, and his tail wagged when he turned the page of a book he was reading. His face held an innocent look with his slight smile and sparkling eyes. Everyone knew him, and he would always come to the library and start reading book after book. Some say he can stay reading for hours. His name's Preston Suzaki, and although people know who he is, they don't know him personally as neither do I. I will admit I have seen him help around town as much as he can. He seems sweet, but what lies under his mask? I, unlike everyone else, don't believe him to be as innocent and sweet as he looks.

Something about him sends goosebumps up my arms, yet I can't place my finger on it. What dark secrets is he hiding, and why is he covering it up with this facade. When he looked up, his eyes met mine, giving me the sweetest and gentlest smile, but I didn't feel the warmth of it. When I turned my gaze to his eyes, they didn't match the spark of his smile. It made me feel cold on the inside, and it felt as if the air thickened around me. Who was he? I returned a small smile before making my way to the shelves. I walked down the rows looking for the letter "E" before my eyes stopped at Elhorn.

I purchased the book and made my way home, walking on the stone-gravel path, my house coming into sight. I lived in a small house-like cabin as I saw my Siberian Tiger waiting for me at the window. I opened the door, walking inside to be hit by a wave of warmth. I closed the door behind me and sat down on the couch, putting the book on the table. When I looked out the window, I felt the couch sink a little, and something heavy lay on my lap. I turned my gaze away from the window to see my tiger resting peacefully on my lap. I ran my fingers through his fur. I looked back over at the book. I couldn't help but wonder what to expect when I decided to open it.