
2. lake of wonders

The boys had punched the shit out of each other and were in the infirmary with annoyed looks on their faces." Dude..that was just a joke man! You were all angry bout it.." said blake who had a sore cheek from the punch which nearly knocked his teeth out.Sapphire was cold and annoyed" To me..it aint a joke.. I hate that term and never say it again..or else..I may knock you out." Blake knew that as nice as Sapphire was ..when he was mad he could take anybody down . The dumb Alphinor walked in on the boys and gave Sapphire his notes with her usual greeting " hello boys! Here is your notes sapphire, and also our daily ritual." She took out the homemade bracelet and tied it on him." I dont know why you do this..even if it is nothing to me.." said sapphire as he looked up polite but lazy." I told you that I do this because I like you and would stop when I give up on you which is never gonna happen" She tied it on his wrist with great care.Sapphire cycled away after school and blake was with Alphinor. As ignorant and emotionless as he was,he thought Alphinor as a friend and said" You do know that he will never accept right?.." he told his ignorant friend who was smiling all the time." I know..and its because the spring hasnt come for me yet..when it does..I will still be there.." She always smiled which made Blake always curious about her emotionless smile. Blake walked home while Alphinor went on her way. She was all alone in the house and had no company." I guess dad and linda is late .." she was wearing a weird grin as she walked out of the house.She headed to the dark cave that she found in the woods nearby and it was a bit late. She was fond of this place and always went to there for a bit of peace with shiro. The moon was beautiful and there was the mysterious statue. The statue was of a goddess who was writing stories.She for some reasons liked the statue and found herself talking to it. " isnt it beautiful shiro?" she gazed at the goddess covered with moonlight . " not like any of you would speak to me.." she patted shiro on the head." if fatty here spoke ..I may as well be crazy." " then you must be crazy." Alphinor gazed at Shiro with shock at the sight of it talk." And dont call me fatty .." The cat was talking.. and pointing at the lake ." what is it shiro? " she looked at the unusual place he pointed at.The lake. The goddess in the reflection was..not the same! the cave was replaced by blue sky and faires surrounding the statue . Shiro was beginning to get restless.She put her hand in and was amazed." there is no water??!" Her hand was dry as she felt the gentle breeze . suddenly shiro pushed her and in she went.

please give me some comments!! im new here and I was invited here from wattpad so ...dont mind my horrible writing

rindolkercreators' thoughts