The apocalypse came to humankind but not like we were expecting it to. The see didn't rise up like we were anticipating it. We thought it would rise by 8 to 10 meters. No! It did rise, but by 30 meters. Far to high for our dykes to stop and far to fast to run. The world awakened and drowned the civilization that we knew.
But that was only the first disaster to come.
The second one was the endless night. The world was covered by storms and only some bigger islands that still existed out there where able to create technology to stop the storms from covering the sky.
Food became rare and not many survived. But the true horror was waiting behind the deep fog. It was watching the humans.
Then a time span of 50 years began known as the time of prosperity and happiness. Man laughed, woman smiled and kids played games. But all this was going to end when the kingdoms declared war at each other. Controlled by greed they fought and killed each other and still these watching eyes waited.
The war finally ended but nothing was won and all was lost. Three of the twelve machines that created the storm and fog free zones were destroyed and lost forever and still THEY WATCHED!!!
10 years later the humans began to explore the zee an endless ocean of darkness and horror. They found many riches but also many horrors that they wished to have never found.
The first horror were the mutated beasts. Ginormous in size and always hungry. The most feared creatures were die Megalodons and the leviathan, ancient crabs with an endless hunger for human flesh.
Next were the half ghost beings. First the klabautermans little demons that looked like a crossbreed between human and octopus. They are something you don't want to have on your ship. If you are lucky they will just eat a little bit of your supplies or one or two crew members, but if you are unlucky they will eat you and everyone else on you ship wich leeds to it sinking.
The next are the Headhunters they are restless souls that took over their remains and started to search for what they desire. They are close to immortal and once they set their target they will never stop until they have it.
Next the Drowned they are zombies and vampires that were spitten out by the zee. Restless souls which never found peace but the difference to the headhunter could not be bigger. Where a Headhunter never gives up the Drowned will lose their target very quickly and will search for another one. Where the Headhunters are close to immortal the Drowned will fall apart quickly. Only the vampires under them have a true will and are always in charge.
Next are the Leidheimsucher they are monsters always in search for the next target to torture. With nothing else in mind they are one of the most powerfull tools of the Drowned.
And last are the sirens they are the horror for every man because they will drown and eat you when you get caught by their song. But for women they are a blessing. For they will protect and feed every woman who wants to be save at their side. But it comes with a cost. They will have to bear their children and raise them to adulthood.
The true ghost beings are things like the flying Dutchman and spektral beings. They mean no fret to the body but an enormous to the mind.
But the last one is the beast of the Bermuda triangle. A being that is known to anyone but was never seen. For the ones that see it are doomed to die. Even the Headhunter fear it and it is the nightmare of all sirens, for they are its food.
But to me it is my closest friend and enemie for I am the monster itself.