
Into The Abyss(Undying Love)

Imagine an unfortunate victim attempting to rescue himself from a dungeon or a hole or the basement of an old, dilapidated building everytime he realizes that his abductors are already sawing wood, their limbs looking lifeless and their eyes shut tight as if in a trance. He goes ahead to steal one of their daggers lying on the ground, and then cuts off the ropes he's tied with, meticulously, and quietly enough. He's finally free and then creeps out of the building, climbing fences and tall trees, his legs tugging at thorns but he keeps trying his best to escape. He sees the town in a distance after running for hours. He heaves a sigh of relief, only to fall straight into the arms of another one of them, waiting at the gates for any victim wanting to escape. What do you do to save your head when that thing you thought you're finally free from, pops its ugly head and jeers at you and you keep running into it on your way out? A South African-American teenager, Ashley Amahle Butler has all her life, served punishments which should only be meted out to offenders despite not being a criminal. Running was not easy but it was her only option, and the more she ran, the more she sank into the abyss of life. She was going to get a new beginning somewhere else, and stop living as a victim. She had just one supporter in the whole wide world who wanted to give her that newness her soul craved. Eventually, she did get a new beginning but it was far from her wildest expectations. Find out if Ashley slipped into the sweet by and by, or made it out of the abyss with her scars.

Joyce_Taiwo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Six-- Coming And Going

Ashley sat on the bed, listening to music from his phone. He still had the same password he had when they first met, and so she had been perusing his phone out of boredom.

He had intentionally remained in the bathroom, for all she cared because she stopped hearing the shower splash a long time ago.

She didn't want to ask him why he was behaving weirdly but she knew she had to ask. For some reason, she thought he was starting to get bored of her or didn't like to see her broken leg. Maybe he thought her nearly severed leg made her ugly now.

So, she ransacked the wardrobe while he was still washing himself because she felt the need to impress him.

Luckily, she found a new, black lingerie. Without thinking about who owned it and how it got there, she slipped it on.

It was a little tight around her hips and incredibly short. But she liked it.

After admiring herself in the mirror for the umpteenth time, she brushed her hair and pulled it back, then laid on the bed seductively. She had never done something like that and so she was a little nervous.

"Baby, you're still in the bathroom?" She bellowed, unplugging his earphones from her ears.

"I'll join you in a minute" he whispered and soon enough, he was out of there, clad in a towel from his waist down. His chest was bare, and his hair was wet.

For a minute, Ashley forgot to close her mouth as she openly sucked in this young man's beauty. She knew she would never get enough of him.

"What are you doing?" He asked, pointing at her mouth.

"Nothing. I saw ...I saw this lingerie in your closet and tried it on. How does it look?"

"Are you serious? I hope you saw your name on it, sweetie? It was going to be a gift for you. My special gift to you, so when you sleep in it, you'll always remember me" he scratched his head, walking up to her. A smile was playing on his lips

"Oh. It's mine?" She stood up and embraced him before realizing what she just did. "Thank you, baby. It's very cute" she embraced him more tightly.

"Careful, my towel might fall" he whispered. Ashley simply giggled and loosened her hold.

"Why have you never done this when we were together?" He said, lifting her chin

"What do you mean?"

"Why have you never thought of seducing me before now?" He licked his lips with wonder in his eyes.

Ashley stared at him. His dreamy, turquoise eyes were not on her face, they were definitely somewhere else.

Ashley knew he was staring at the swell of her breasts in the lingerie, and she shivered within her.

Since their relationship began, all they ever did was kiss and hold each other plus a little groping here and there and nothing more.

"I wanted to get you to talk to me. Why are you avoiding my eyes?" She drawled.

"Because I can't believe you're here" he said pulling her closer to his bare chest. "I wanted to kiss you, Ash. I wanted to stare at your pretty hazel eyes everyday and play with your dark hair"

He leaned in to brush his lips on her neck.

"I wanted to do things to you but I didn't know if you were okay with it.

I wanted to make you mine everyday and take you around the world. I was never going to leave you. I don't care about the riches of this world. All I care about is making you mine and happy being mine" he said dreamily, kissing her earlobes slowly.

A few moans escaped her lips and she tried not to lose her voice.

Ashley glanced at his face once or twice and she thought she saw a few tears drop down his eyeballs.

"Baby, why are you talking in the past tense ?"

He didn't respond. Instead, he lifted her chin and stared at her flushed face. "You are so beautiful, Ash. You don't deserve everything you went through.

I love you with every breath in me and that will never change"

"I love you too, Nick. Why are you crying though?" She instinctively wiped a tear off his beautiful face and tried to keep her own tears at bay. "Why are you crying?" She asked again.

"Please don't leave me again" he pleaded with his dreamy eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'll be here everyday. Why are you so emotional? I've never seen you like this" she laughed.

"I'm scared you'll leave me"

Ashley pulled him towards the bed and kissed away his tears, then she held his hands firmly and said, "I promise that I'll never leave you. I made that promise to you on my seventeenth birthday, didn't I?"

"How long?" He questioned. "How long will you be here for?"

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind. Let's just enjoy the moment, sweetie" he said, leaning in to kiss her. He began with a peck and then graduated into munching her lips softly. His kisses were usually slurpy and she always liked it that way.

He moved on to the nape of her neck and licked every inch.

He could feel her body shiver underneath his frame. It aroused him because he stopped being so slow, and started to be aggressive with every touch. He sucked on her tongue and smacked her bare butt as he did so.

Then, he scooped out her succulent breasts and softly massaged them in his palm. It was his first time touching them and she didn't stop him. Her body was warm against his damp skin.

He slowly lifted the lingerie and massaged her thighs. Then he pulled her close again as if being inches apart would take her away from him.

"Baby" she whispered in between moans, stealing glances at his turquoise eyes. She moaned his name non-stop but he didn't know if he should respond to her.

He didn't want to stop. No, he didn't know how to. Their eyes met when he slipped his fingers into her panty. She was already very wet down there and it pleased him.

He slipped his fingers into her continuously and her breasts gently slapped against his bare chest as he did so.

Her moans overclouded his ears and he fingered her faster, his erection increasing each minute.

But he stopped all of a sudden when he realized that she had been crying non-stop. The warmth of her tears had filled his chest.

"Are you okay?" He whispered, grabbing her face. Her eyes were shut but she was still crying profusely. He had heard her cry since they began but thought it was just an outcome of pleasure but he had been wrong.

"Ash, look at me please. Did I hurt you?" He felt bad and tried to make her open her eyes.

He embraced her and kept asking if she was okay.

"I'm so..sorry...I couldn't get my father's face out of my head. I forgot it was you touching me. I'm sorry for ruining this moment, Nick" she said, more like whispered, her voice restrained with tears.

He embraced her and patted her back passionately, her cries reverberating the room.

He remembered that she had told him sometime ago about how often her father abused her but he didn't know it had been that bad. He thought he had only made some advances at her.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled because he didn't know what else to say.

"I'm sorry too"

"No you shouldn't be. I'm sorry, babe. I guess I have to get you used to me"

He patted her until she fell asleep in his arms. Then he laid her on the bed and watched her sleep. He thought he was dreaming and he didn't want the dream to end.

He watched her until he fell asleep too.