
Chapter 1

As I walk across the street to my new apartment,I realize I left my keys in my car and I sighed and walked back slowly to retrieve them.

Today is one of the hottest days here and I feel like jumping into the ocean and I don't care if I'm dressed when I do it.

Once I reach my car and pull out my car key from my jeans pocket,I unlock the door and almost felt myself getting angry at the hot air that rushed up onto my face.

I picked up the keys from the passengers side and closed the door as I lock it while I walk away once again.

I got to my front door and purposely let my body fall slowly onto the ground as I felt the cold air condition hit my whole body.

I don't know how long I was laying there but I woke up to my sister singing somewhere in the house.

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up.

I noticed I wasn't on the floor anymore and was now in my bedroom under my sheets.

I yawned as I stretched then removed myself from underneath and walked out of my room.

I walked towards the sound of my sisters voice and knocked on her door.

"Come in" she sang.

I smiled as I walked in and we both looked at eachother for a few seconds,until we both laughed and sat on her bed.

"What are you doing? Do you know I have been sleeping all this time?" I asked.

She smirked and I knew what she was about to say so I rolled my eyes and stood up,still smiling.

"Ooh you were really tired after last night weren't you" she said.

Last night was one of the best nights of my life,but also one of the scariest.

But of course I won't tell her that part since she warned me not to go into the abandoned house on my old street but I really wanted to.

Ever since I was a little kid I dreamt of going in there and maybe one day becoming friends with the owner of the house,but that part of my dream will have to wait for now.

I drove to the house on my lunch break and couldn't find my way out until it was already past the time for me to go back into work so I called out and that's when my sister noticed I wasn't there.

She called my best friend Alex and once he found me we both had to find our way out from wherever I got myself stuck at.

My sister stood up in a panicked type of way and the way she did it almost made me run out of her room.

We both laughed again once I realized she was joking and I put my hand across my chest as she walked over to me,nearly out of breathe from laughing so hard.

"I am..I am so sorry Camilla" she said trying to stop her laughter but couldn't do it just yet.

I loved these days with her and I missed them for so long when she was gone.

After a few seconds she was able to control herself and stood up straightening her clothes and trying to put on a serious face.

She smiled and I knew she had something planned already.

"We are going to a bar tonight. Not to drink or anything but just to get the experience of the life outside of our house and jobs. We need something fun to do that doesn't cost much but can help us both have a great time and of course stay safe" she said.

That actually sounds like a good idea.

I've never been to one before but I know it's something she will like.

She's the party kind of girl who likes to dress up and do makeup.

While I'm the adventurous kind of girl,who likes to get my hands dirty and loves anything other people might think of as "too much".

I smiled and nodded as she put on some music and we both started dancing.

We danced and sang to our favorite songs for a long time until we didn't want to sing anymore.

She looked at the time and I already knew what she was going to say.

"7:56. It's time to get readyy" she sang.

I laughed and walked back into my room to figure out what I want to wear tonight.

I walked into my room and closed my door then walked over to my closet and opened it.

I stood there for a while thinking and trying not to talk myself out of doing this.

I looked all throughout my clothes to try to find something interesting but also not to make myself look like a kid.

Which was kind of hard since I love things that are "cute" and "sparkly" as my sister says.

I looked all the way from the front to the back and decided to ask my sister to borrow something from her,just until I go shopping on Saturday.

I walked back into her room and knocked on the open door.

I didn't see her but she called out from the bathroom and I knew she found her outfit already.

"Hey Lyla can I borrow something from you to wear tonight? You know how my clothes are and I am not in the mood to hear people saying I look like a child tonight" I said.

She laughed and came out of the bathroom in her outfit.

She was wearing the black short skirt her boyfriend bought her,along with a black crop top and some black boots and fishnet leggings.

"Wow. You look amazing sis" I said.

She smiled and twirled around.

"Thank you. Now,let's get you ready so we aren't late" she said.

I smiled and let her choose my outfit for the night,as we both stood in the mirror I felt so much older for some reason.

"Wow. I knew I looked good but wow this is just amazing. The things you can do" I said.

She choose a black and white crop top with a mini skirt like hers and some fishnets.

I don't like boots so she let me keep my black and white sneakers and we both had matching choker necklaces.

She smiled and picked up 2 black purses from her closet. One with blue diamonds and the other with pink diamonds and I chose the one with blue.

We both gathered our essentials for the night and made our way out of the door and down to my car.

Tonight should be fun.

As we pulled into the bar parking lot I started to get second thoughts about this.

So many people were all over the place and I didn't recognize anyone else here.

Lyla could tell how I was feeling and she held my shaking hand on the steering wheel.

"It's alright Cam. I'm here and we will stay together the whole night. Plus,some of our friends are meeting us here so we should be good. Let's just stay in the car until they get here and then have fun. Okay?" She said.

I sighed out of relief and shook my head.

"Okay. Okay. What friends though? Do I know them or are they your friends?" I asked.

She smiled and unlocked her phone to show me some messages between her and my best friend Alex,where he said he would be here soon with some of his friends from school.

I really really don't like being around a lot of people but my best friend and sister know this already.

My sister looked into the bar to try to see if she could see any tables by the window that we can sit at once we get inside.

After a few minutes of scrolling through tiktok,Lyla taps me and I look up to see my best friend walking towards us and we grabbed our things and met him outside.

"Hi Alex. How are you?" I asked.

He smiled and hugged us both as we all made our way towards the building.

"I'm great. How about you two? How's the new place going?" He said.

We told him about how the process wasn't easy and how much we missed our family back home and he laughed when Lyla told him about her boss and how he fired her because she made him the "wrong sandwich".

As we walked into the building,I instantly regretted this and tried my best not to walk back outside.

I didn't see anyone I knew outside..because they're in here...

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