
The beginning

My eyes flutter open, waking my mind up but not my body. The same dream, the same place. The same boy. I didn't know who he was, why he was there or how he got there, but he stayed there.

My eyes darted across my room, looking for any sign of light. It was obviously still night or rather early morning. I had been waking up like this lately. Too early to have gotten a good sleep but too late to fall back into one. I search for violet, my adopted sister. She is nowhere to be found. She usually creeps into my room at night. My bed was more comfortable than hers. I'm sure she wanted to wake up alone today. To gather her thoughts. It was our 16th birthday after all. The day you find out if you're an outcast, a lab rat or a regular human being.

As my search around my room continued I spotted the lit up screen of my phone alerting me of an email. Of course i knew who it was from. It was the council of course. They send out emails to all new sixteen year olds. Telling us how proud they were that a new generation of "gifted children" would be seen. It was the same autogenrated email every time. The council was possibly the biggest example of hypocrisy in the entire world. After we sectioned ourself off from the rest fo the world and the council took place as our government, the people got more and more upset. They used silence to control us, silence and fear.

If you had a power that they deemed dangerous in any way shape or form youd be killed, or tested, or tortured like a rat. If you had powers that were deemed "okay" you were allowed back into society. But your peers would do the councils job for them. You were a outcast, bullied, abused and so much more. You were the dirt under their shoes. You were scum if you had powers. You see, powers were originated from a defect of inbreeding. Thus the bad reputation. Of course now it had nothing to do with that but the bad name stuck and stayed.

I took a deep breath. Ready to wake up my body aswell. I slowly sat up. Leaving the warm hug that my bed kept me in. I stretched my arms out. Searching something to grab but of course nothing came to my fingers. I sat there for a moment. Fingers rubbing my head. Kneading my skin back and fourth. Hoping for this aching pain to go away. I always woke up with headaches. They plagued me as did my strangely vivid dreams. I stood up, quickly walking out my room and down the stairs int to the kitchen. It was still cold. The floors still chilly from the morning breeze. I quickly reached into a cabinet and found the box of matches that was tucked away inside. I struck the red tip of one of the matches on the rough side of the box. It lit up, the flame dancing and flickering , offering a dim light around my fingers. I quickly brought the flame to the wick of a candle, it lit up. I snuffed out the flame of the match and watched the candle flame twirl and twist. the flame danced across my eyes, I could feel the heat it emitted as its embers floated away.

Soon my mind pulled me back to reality. Pulling me away from the candle. I shuffled over to the light switch, flicking it on. It took a moment but the lights blared soon enough, lighting up my kitchen and living room in one effortless sweep. Revealing my cheap, worn down furniture. My chunky tv which we could barley watch anymore. Believe me we werent poor my mother just didnt like buying things we didnt need.

I began to ready the coffe, quickly pouring the powder like substance into the pot. Then setting it on the stove. There it sat. as i waited for it to be done, my eyes fell to the seat where my father used sit. I didnt want to think about that old bastard. He walked out on my mom the second we faced a hard time. Of course, he never spoke to either I or violet ever again.

I moved the coffee pot away from the heat. Then turing the stove off. As I poured myself a hot cup of coffee the steam entered my nose, making me breath in coffe flavored air. The caffeine mustve woken me up because finally I could open my eyes without having to squint because of the bright light. My kitchen was nothing special. White and black tile floors with a lavender paint job coating the walls. A few posters hung around, some paintings. There was a rack where my mom hung the pots and the pans. The ceiling was dirty, partly because none of us were tall enough to clean it and mostly because we didn't care too. There were no dishes in the sink, violet had a thing for neatness. If there was a mess violet would clean it. One of her more use full traits. There was not a time where I would fine violets room messy. Sometimes when I would go out for a day or two id comeback to find my room perfectly in order. Id slip violet a few bucks even though she never asked for any money... Because of this our house was never too messy. It was always so clean you could eat off of the floors.


I swung my head around to face the staircase. There I found violet creeping down the stairs. Her balck bob swaying with every step she took. Her hand was to her face, rubbing her eyes. Her pale skin beamed as bright as the lights did. He black tanktop and shorts was a nice contrast aswell. Many found violet attractive but little admitted it. She wasnt really talked to at school. Aside form me, and my friend setha she didnt have much friends. I wouldnt even say we were friends it was rather we tolerated eachother.

But violet did genuinely like my friend Setha. We used to have to play with her out of pity as children and it kinda just became a thing.

"Yup, coffees ready. If you want some." I offered.

"Uh yeah. I think i'm gonna need to be fully awake today." she said.

I chuckled slightly.

She slugged over to me slowly. Every now and then wiping her eyes again. We all needed to be awake today. Chances were, we didnt have powers but if someone esle did and they were just finding out then that would be a problem. You see, the powers "found us" as my mother would say. Chances are you would fall asleep, and have a dream about them. But that was only if you were lucky. Some could be just walking down the streets and all of a sudden they're shooting fire out of their hands. It was dangerous. My mom kept us in the house for that exact reason most of the time. But after today that rule no longer stood. We all mutually agreed on that. After 16, we were no longer my moms problems, we are our own.

"Are you scared?" she asked

"No..I mean, I don't know really"

We both were silent for a long time. Sipping on our coffee. No one dared break the silence. This was how most of our interactions were. As i said, we tolerated eachother. Somedays we would be screaming in laughter with eachother, violet, setha and I. Setha was really the only person who made an effort, other days id be screaming my head off at violet. Violet had no boundaries, as i said before. She frequently went through my room to clean it. Sometimes in the process she would stumble upon a object that broke the rules of the house, wether it be a bottle of beer or a item of clothing my mom wouldn't approve of she would tell and I would get mad.

Violet blamed me for my dad leaving. She was always closer to him. They used to team up on me. They would blame stuff on me, make me do chores or just plain make fun of me. It was all in good fun but sometimes the lines were blurred. So I drifted apart form both of them. My dad leaving left violet sad. So she tried to grow closer to me, it of course failed but it was heartwarming knowing there was an attempt.

The stairs creaken once again. This time I didn't turn my head for I knew who it was. it was my mom.

"Morning ladies" she said in her chipper voice. "How are my dolls today" thats whats she called us.

"Mighty fine madame" I joked. She shot me a sarcastic look. Violet stayed concentrated on the dried whatever on the counter. Rubbing her hand over it faster and faster.

She poured herself a cup a coffee and sat down next to us. Violets eyes till fixated on the spot, her hand being more violent. Suddenly, she slammed her fist Down on the table.

"Violet! Dear..sponges exist sweets" she said pointing in the direction of the sink.

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