
Chapter 1, PART 1; Hope, Struggle, Achievement

Hope, struggle, achievement. Sounds good doesn't it? Any dream, hope or seemingly impossible fantasy can be achieved with just a bit of work. A teeny tiny bit of work and you can achieve whatever you want. Don't believe me?

That's because this is something that you can't have all the time. It's what some people call 'the good life', and unfortunately some people experience this in their lives more than others. Take my half brother for example; ever since he was young he hoped for a life of luxury and power, where he didn't even need to lift a finger to get what he wanted- even if that was ticking me off. He worked hard for a few years in court, convincing everyone he was indeed entitled to his father's business and wealth, and that- before his father died, he would indeed have wanted his one and only son to succeed him and run his business in his absence, and not his toxically arrogant, two-faced wife.

This matter was decided when she eventually passed away in her sleep due to heart disease, and her son- my half brother-  took over his father's business by the age of twenty, and after adding a few upgrades and improvements, the business had doubled in worth by his twenty second birthday.

Now, I admit he has an interesting story, the boy with a rich father who never visited him, and a toxic mother who cared more about her fancy dresses and plastic body than her own son. The boy who's only family who cared for him was his mother's mother. But after his father passed away he stepped up and after a long fight, was given his father's business, using his genius to make it into something even his father couldn't.

And I must admit, his victory against his mother in court, as well as the money he's earned from his new business is all well deserved, but I could never admit that to him, because of how stuck up and arrogant he is to me, ever since our first meeting he hated me with all his heart.

It went back and forward, he picked on me so I retaliated and done something dumb as revenge, then he'd get even meaner.

The latest occurrence was last week when he sent some of his personal guards to ransack my apartment, looking for

'a bomb' which he obviously knew never existed in my home.

So as pay back, last night I snuck into his garage and graffiti'd one of his especially shiny looking Lamborghini's. It made me feel almost giddy when I imagined how he'd react when he woke up this morning.

But enough about him, I'm sure by now everyone is interested in what my great hope was? What struggle I was going through? And what was this great thing I hoped to achieve?

Well, right now, as I stretched my aching muscles, staring with a deathly glare at my bedside clock that read '4:30am', the only thing I could hope for was that my fridge wasn't completely empty.

-Interdimensional Pirates


-@BlueWhiskers1 on Wattpad


-Chapter 1, PART 1; Hope, Struggle, Achievement

-21 👁‍🗨, 0 🌟, 0 🔥, 0 💭.

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