
Interdimensional Farming in Another World

Alex, An average guy transmigrates to an ancient world. He awakens an ability to farm in an interdimensional pocket space. The planet he is currently on is completely different from the earth he knew. There are mythical beings, magical abilities and powerful civilizations. All that contradicts his common sense. Let's watch how he survives the harsh unknown world with his wits and extraordinary ability. AN: Includes different types of energy users. Eg: Mage, warriors... More will be revealed later. (This novel is part of the Spirity Awards 2023. Please support by voting with power stones.) Volume 1 Finished(65 chapters). It was the introductory part of the novel. Mainly world building. Volume 2 Volume two will focus on influencing the world. More plot driven.

Sailfish · Fantasy
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159 Chs


"I am Dhairya; You have a lot to do Today. Follow me." With these simple words. The elder broke the mood surrounding the kids. But it was not enough the placate them.

The kids were in denial and failed to understand how serious the adults were instead of sending them to immediate death. They were giving them a way to contribute to the hunt.

"We don't want to. We are strong enough to hunt on our own. Why should we be part of the support group?" An angry kid in the group voiced his concerns. Many followed suit by nodding in support. They, too, were fed by how the adults treated them. The promise of glory and status were all out of their grasp if they joined the support group. How can they be satisfied with that?

Watching the kids rebel. A small smile bloomed on his old face. Dhairya was reminded of his younger days and how he was no different from these kids.

"Ha ha ha ha… Well, you don't have a choice. It was the chief who assigned your work. Or are you strong enough to rebel against the chief?" Dhairya said sharply. He was deliberately poking the ego of the kids. He wanted to see how the hot-blooded kids would react.

"But why me? I am strong enough to be in the hunting group. So, why am I here?" A strong-looking kid said. He was sure of his strength, yet he was chosen to be part of the support group. This was a situation he could never imagine.

"That is for you to find out. As the support group leader, I don't need to know that. Today you will work for me. If you are as strong as you say you are. Then it wouldn't take much time for you to complete your task. After that, you can formally request to be part of the hunting group." Dhairya coaxed the kids.

Alex could see right through Dhairya's schemes. He knew that Dhairya was coaxing the kids to do the work. He was also being as lovely as he could.

It didn't take much for Dhairya to convince the group to work for him. He was like a seasoned politician breaking down all distrust among the group.

But was he the wrong person? Alex didn't think so. No amount of reason would have been enough to convince the kids. And he couldn't have done it in any better way. So, in a way. Alex agreed with the way Dhairya solved the problem.


After an hour or so, Alex was tasked with carrying stones onto a cliff. He was alone near a pile of rocks weighing over a thousand kilograms.

While some others were sent to dig pitfalls or carry heavy lumber.

Going with the flow, Alex crouched down to pick up the stones. It was hard at first to get a proper grip, but he gradually became skilled enough to grab and lift it.

Carrying the stone, he slowly walked through the snow.

It was hard and tiring work. And he didn't know how he was able to perform that task. A human body should have been incapable of performing such a task, yet he could do it quickly.

Is this how pyramids were built? Ancient people were constructed differently. Alex thought.

But why was he doing things the hard way? There was no one near him to observe him. This was the perfect opportunity to use cheats.

Touching some stones, Alex willed them to move into the inventory. Besides some vast rocks, everything else was thrust to the list.

They were even organised, classified into small, medium and large stones, and stacked in 3 inventory slots. This was great for Alex.

Using inventory, he quickly moved all the stones to the cliffside. The task that would have required him five hours was done in five minutes. And now he was left with free time.

He used his free time to work on the interdimensional farm.

Alex now has 360 FP in total. He can use 100 FP to buy a unit of land. And he needs to have a farm with 100 units of land to upgrade to a level 2 farm. So, with the 300 FP, he bought three units of land. He now has 12 units of land to farm. This increased his production rate by a little.

He exited the farm after doing that. Now, he was ready to conduct some experiments. He has been looking at the inter-dimensional farm as a different world altogether. Yet he could somehow use the inventory function in the real world and import materials to and fro.

This caused doubt to arise in his heart.

What if he could sell crops or items from the real world to the shop?

If it were possible, it would be a game-changer for Alex. So, Alex began his experiment.

Picking a stone into the inventory, he tried to sell it. And as expected, he could not.

Stone was not considered valuable by the shop to sell and buy.

But this didn't stop Alex from trying all kinds of stuff. He tried selling snow, soil, dried leaf, leather clothes and even a tree. And only clothes and trees were the valuable things he could sell.

You might be wondering how Alex sold a tree, right? He took his axe from the inventory to chop down a tree and sell, like the crazy person he was. And he was successful.

The small leather piece made him 10 FP, and a tree gave him 100 FP. This was great news.

He could level up his farm if he could chop down a hundred trees. This could help him farm in a 10x10 area, giving him a significant profit.

So, with that in mind, Alex ran around chopping trees like a madman. But he soon realised that he could only sell a tree of a kind to the shop. He felt his dream of quick success being chopped up.

After selling three kinds of trees, he acquired 300 FP. Buying three more land units. He exited the interdimensional farm in disappointment. Looking at more than twenty chopped trees, he felt dejected. He quietly moved them into the inventory for future use. He didn't want to waste them.