1 Interactions 1: Communicate

This day is always the same for me , it will always be lonely because of this ineptness i have interacting socially.

I am Lee a Senior highschool the will soon to graduate , in this class i am the most socially inept, introverted is what they call me.

"Hi lee !" As my classmate greeted me only to be greeted back with a glare.

I didn't mean to, i want to greet you too , is what cames to my mind when i always want to greet them back. But interacting with other people is scary , you will never know what would they think of you.

"Okay , class open you books on page 22" , the teacher says.

Class has started yet i hope once again that my name will never called during recitations . My confidence always going to 0 when other people are staring at me when i am talking .

*Kringgggg... 2 hours has paased and our break time has begun. Others group with they're friends and i am all alone because I can't approach to someone and talk to them. I am scared on what would they think of me.

It will always be the same , until this girl arrives in from my class stands in front me.

"Heya! What's with that gloomy face!" She said.

Menami Perez a girl that has an opposite personality of mine. She posses extreme skills in communication and she always interacts with everyone from our class, she also excel in many subjects especially those that need self confidence. Unlike me she's perfect.

"Pipe it down, You'll get some unnecessary attention" i said.

The whole class is glaring at us, this is embarrassing...

"Is that really a problem ?" She said .

"Yes " is the only answer that came to my mind . 

"Meet me at the rooftop after the remaining class i have something to tell you" she said and blushes.

"So you know how to get embarrassed too." I said in an arrogant tone .

"Shut up , just show up after this class or i'll punch you in the face" she said with an annoyed face then leaves.

"Am i being threatened now?" I said knowing that i am still being skeptical if i would show up or not.

After hours of class i finally got the time to go home not until the teacher requested me to bring a pail of water in the rooftop. I can't say no since i'm scared what would they think. 

While walking in the starir i suddenly realized that i interacted with menami on this day and it's my first time interacting with someone since i transfered to this school.

Before opening this door would i be ready to face her? There is no going back now.

Upon opening tge door , i see her standing a little far from the door , watching the sky while her hair is waving along with the breeze. She turn her head towards me.

"You are late" she says with a red face.
