
Rats Of The Cashew

"We're fucked", "We're Gonna Die", "Where are the Carts, What's the King Doing?". These were the some of the words being mumbled going on between the People Of Okyot By The Fear Of being crushed beneath The Asteroid Which Has Been Stuck Over the Land's Atmosphere For the Past 2 Days,

Neither the Sunlight nor the Moonlight, No Clouds or no sky. All one could see since then was this huge Boulder Above Them. 

Taking Less Care about Their Wealth and Royalty, Saving Lives is More Important at this point, in the year 700 BC, Narrates Flamen.

The Scene Fades on to the fort of Okyot inside a Black Prison. "You wanted to Know About the Full Story?, I will tell it to you then. The Story of his "Cashew" and her Phobia of Rats.

But let's catch up on the story up until now first."

"No, You Can't. He shouldn't know about it." 

"Why Not? He deserves to know.

He is gonna die soon after all, isn't he?"

Another Blackout happens. "It's the Ritual You Started, Isn't it?"

In The Fort Of land of Alamba, Where the Meetings are going on of the 5 Alliance Nations for this special Case, Deyja as a representative pleads for more help despite the fact that almost 70% population has been evacuated to evade the impact among the Alliance Nations.

The Alliance Nations Came Together 7 years Ago in a pact after a great Multi-Nation War in a peace treaty proposed by King Betelguese of Okyot To live in peace and grow together evading Black Politics.

"This condition wouldn't have appeared if Okyot Hadn't spent so much on Public Welfare" says King Harald.

"But you are supposed to help us according to the Pact".

"And where will we manage our expenses from then".

King Alfred Intervenes and asks why King Betelguese hasn't evacuated out still.

"He wants all the People to Be Gone Firstly, as far as I know, The Princess has Evacuated by Now."

King Bradford puts his opinion, "More than 70% you saying, huh. And you still want more. Listen boy, we have to manage our expenses at the Same time for your People who are taking Borrowed Breaths. We wouldn't be able to further extend our Services."

Every other King, Alfred of Yelram, Helios of Alamba, Harald of Byzantine agreed with King Bradford of Shinguki as the Meeting Adjourns for the Next Day, Flamen further Narrates.

Back In Okyot, At the Stroke of Midnight, Asteroid Crashes On The Land As All the Transportation, Infrastructure, People, Everything Gets Crushed Beneath It. The Asteroid Covers All the Land leaving no place left. Everything is made flat leaving only debris of the Asteroid. It produces a lot of smoke in the Air and soil deposition on the Land. Bodies of People are lying burnt all teared down signifying a tragic and Immediate death. But on the Outskirts side of Okyot near Alamba's Borders, A kid can be seen alive who survived the Impact. He is unconscious but Alive. His name's Rehan.

At Dawn, as he gains Consciousness and Stands up in the Lovely Weather where clouds have started to form up in the Atmosphere and it's more hotter than an average day in Okyot. He sees another one of his friend, Eris. She is cuffed up beneath the Rocks and struggling Hard to escape them. Rehan goes and helps her to get out.

"Thanks, Rehan. Where are the Others?"

"I just got up too. Gotta Search for them, lookout in the Other Direction."

They start looking for their friends and families of 2 of their friends, Ivar And Hina who arrived with them on this Shift. 

After some time, Rehan Finds Ivar trying to help Jean Get Out Of the Rocks, He rushes there and provides his hand. Jean comes out and his legs are all Injured by the Impact, Ivar Receiving Minor Injuries. 

Eris Comes Along With Hina From the Other Direction and all 5 of them reunite in joy. 

"We were all together, still thrown pretty far Away from Each Other", says Ivar.

"Above that, I can't hear anyone calling for help, there were many people in other Carts Evacuating With us at the Same time", replies Jean.

"Anybody know where our Parents are?", Hina asks.

"Let's lookout for them", Ivar Suggests.

Jean shows his incapability in search because of his injuries in legs and asks forgiveness for it but Ivar and Hina comfort Him. Feeling Hungry, He Bows down picking up a part of rock and eats it chuckingly. Hina Scolds him down about it being Extraterrestrial and him being non-cared about himself.

Ivar Intervenes and suggests not to Dispose their Energy on these kinds of things and do what's necessary in those serious conditions. Lookout for the Elders starts as Jean is still there resting to get relief from the Pain of his Legs.


The News Arrives in Alamba Same Day when the Crash Happened & the meeting starts early.

King Bradford rushes to know the situation. Deyja makes him aware that by now, since midnight, no cart has arrived and it is suspected that the Asteroid covered all of Okyot and All the People Left would have been dead.

King Harald Asks of King Betelguese's whereabouts and Deyja replies that it's not known where he is currently, whether out of Okyot or not.

King Helios Shows His Condolences but Deyja Blames it on The Kings for the Dead that they didn't provided more support, King Bradford makes him understand that it wouldn't be of any help & had made any difference if they did because the Crash happened only after some hours after the meeting adjourned. It would have resulted in more loss only. He suggests him to think sceptically and rationally, not emotionally.

King Alfred Declares Deyja the 'Self Proclaimed King Of Okyot' and asks him if he has any plans now.

On the Other Hand, King Harald shows his worry on managing the Expenses without the Carts and Transportation which is the major source of Revenue for all the Nations. He doesn't want an inflatic Situation in his Country.

King Bradford agrees with King Harald and assures him of finding a solution Later on saying People of Okyot are more necessary at this point of time who were still there and asks Deyja if he has any plans as King Alfred Asked.

Deyja suggests launching a Search Party to lookout for survivors which would require more Carts now Cutting the Revenue a little bit more, but understanding the situation, each of the King Agrees on it and assures him of notifying him of alloted New Support Transportation in some time.

King Bradford confirms that he is impressed by Deyja's proposal and is taking an interest in the 'Self Proclaimed King Of Okyot.'

Deyja shows his regard and moves out of the Room as the Meeting is Declared Adjourned by King Helios.

In AfterNoon, underneath the shining bright sun, at the Outskirts of Okyot, While the Search was going on by the Kids, Rehan Finds a dead couple's body with joined hands half burnt up to Ash and calls for his friends. This was the only piece of flesh available for them by now. All of them Gather there and Hina finds them out to be her Parents who were travelling with them. Ivar asks how she can be so sure of it as their faces were not recognisable and only their hands could be seen.

Hina confirms by showing them the ring and bangles on the Lady's Hands and says it to be her mother's. 

She is so sure of them being her parents and starts crying badly mourning them. Eris says it to be her delusion and tries to comfort her. Ivar doesn't believe Hina on this and thinks that she is taking excessive stress(PTSD). Jean joins Eris in comforting Hina. 

Ivar doesn't lose hope and feeling bad for Hina at the same time, and continues his search for any living being. Rehan joins him as Rest of them join after some time.

Another 5 hours pass by as the dusk strikes, They are all in a bad state because of getting nothing to eat and drink. They are on the verge of starvation and dehydration. 

They rest on the shore of a waterfall which was all covered with debris of Asteroid and no water flow could be seen now because of it. It seems that all the water had Evaporated. The Flow is Stopped by the rocks above and seems to be jammed by the Sand too.

Ivar loses his hope and curses the god for not being able to at least bid a farewell to his parents. Hina stresses on the burnt couple being her parents and not being able to confirm it at the same time. She is stuck in bargaining. Rehan tries to think of his parents back in town but leaves the thought of thinking about them. 

A verbal fight breaks down between Eris And Jean as usual of them, Ivar stops them down and begs not to fight at this stage where they are stuck in a ruckus. They sleep on ground which was still hot because of the impact but that's all they have got.

As the Moonlight strikes, Searching Platoons are bid Farewell by the Kings Of Alliance Nations Including Commander Kaiden from Shinguki Nation looking in the West. 

Commander Finehair from Byzantine Nation To Look in the Middle and King Betelguese Especially.

Commander Victor and Vali from Alamba Nation to look in North and North & Eastrespectively.

Commander Nile from Yelram Nation To lookout in the south.

They are assisted with their platoons and Carriages as they are sent off to their mission.

"As they go, the Survivors Were sleeping Painfully In the Bare Land" Flamen Narrates further.


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