
His POV 3

I clicked my tongue as I reminisced what happened earlier.

"Hurry! She's causing uproar there!" he said while pointing everywhere, literally, everywhere.

"Just tell me where exactly."

"In her classroom!"

We hurriedly went to her classroom and what I saw made me snap.

Her things were all over the classroom, she threw all of the things that she can see, even if it's not her own. Even the teacher's record and books were thrown away on the floor. Good thing that all of her classmates and the teacher were outside.

I walked towards her and grabbed her arm, "What in the world do you think you are doing?!"

The moment she saw me was the moment her face brightened, "Love!"

"Don't you dare call me that! There's already nothing between us!" I reprimanded.

"But I only did that because I love you!"

"Ha! Love me? By harming everyone around me? Are you insane?!"

"Yes! I'm crazy!" she admitted, "I'm already crazy for you love, the moment I fell for you, and you fell for me! Please tell me you love me or I'll die---" and she put her arms around my neck, trying to kiss me. But I slapped her so she would wake up from her madness. Because of my strength, she fell on the floor.

She was shocked. Of course, who wouldn't? "Y-you…" then tears rolled from her eyes.

I let out a big sigh. I tried to calm myself down. Barely, I've succeeded. Slapping someone, especially a girl, is too much. I should have controlled my temper.

I took my phone out from my pocket and contacted her brother. Good thing I still have them, because our family is quite close.

From: Driane

To: Sam

Your sister is in her classroom. She's running wild earlier, but she's now quiet. It's just that she's crying because of me.

I waited for a couple of seconds then I received a reply.

From: Sam

To: Driane

It's ok. Thanks for telling me,

I just ignored her, knowing that she won't be able to recover easily because of what I did, while picking up the things on the floor. She really disturbed the class. 'Tch.

After a while, her brother came to pick her up. I told him what happened, including the part where I slapped her. Her brother did not mind it, insisting that it was the right thing to do for her to stop. He thanked me and brought her out of the classroom. One by one, her classmates came in. I apologized to the teacher because of not only she ran amok, she also got them involved and disturbed the class. After that, I left the classroom. Rin followed me but I told him to leave me for a while so he mouthed 'classroom' and I nodded then he left.

I let out a big sigh again. Sighing twice is not good. My luck might run out.

I tried to erase my thoughts and let my feet take me wherever they may go.

When will this problem of mine be completely gone?

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