
Zhong Family

Having lived her whole life in a small village untouched by modern civilisation, Qing Lan has wondered what the castles the princesses lived in after their happy-ever-after in her mother's bedtime stories are like. Now as she sees with her own eyes the Zhong Estate Grandfather and Grandmother Zhong bring her into, she has fulfilled one of her many childhood dreams.

From the long paved roads linking the gate to the castle itself and the majestic marble ornaments in-between the beautiful flower bushes. The circular water fountain in the middle of the road just before the entrance to the mansion and the tall, sturdy mansion that will fit hundreds of elephants. Priceless antiques sat in every corners of the mansion and long corridors filled with beautiful paintings adorning the walls.

Everything is just like how her mother described it for her when Qing Lan was just a little girl. If her mother had told her she had first-hand experience of a mansion like this before, she would believe her in a heart-beat.

It's just that accurate.

"How is it, Lan'er? This is where you will live from now on. I have people preparing your room. Everything you will need are also provided, you don't have to worry about a thing," Grandfather Zhong walks in front, waving the servants away as he leads his granddaughter in-law through the Zhong Estate.

Grandmother Zhong walks with Qing Lan, affectionately holding the young woman's hand as she softly soothes her, saying a few words to calm her nerves. The old woman knows that her granddaughter in-law is intimidated by the shows of wealth in the Zhong Estate, there is no greed in her eyes, only fear and discomfort. This makes her heart ache, Grandmother Zhong truly loves this girl.

For a very long time, Grandmother Zhong has wished for a daughter or a granddaughter to dote on. After the birth of her son, Zhong Lie's father, she couldn't conceive even after going to many doctors. Grandmother Zhong then placed her wish on Zhong Che and Mu Rouxie, Zhong Lie's parents, for a cute granddaughter. That also failed, and Grandmother Zhong was ready to give up her wish since Zhong Lie is a grandson she cannot be prouder of.

Qing Lan's arrival in her life is something Grandmother Zhong truly thanks the Heavens for. The countryside-girl is a sweet, thoughtful child, she is everything Grandmother Zhong has ever wished for in her daughter and granddaughter.

There is no doubt Grandmother Zhong loves Qing Lan like her own blood. Like Grandfather Zhong, she has harboured the intention to take her home to marry Zhong Lie so Qing Lan can officially becomes family. Why let go such a good girl?

Zhong Lie is a good boy and Qing Lan is a good girl.

Grandmother Zhong believes they are a match made in Heaven. So what if they didn't know each other before this? Feelings can be cultivated. Beside, Grandmother Zhong has seen that Xu Yan girl, such atrocity! For the first time in her life, Grandmother Zhong feels like beating this good grandson until his head is set straight.

Having a granddaughter in-law like that Xu Family's adopted-daughter would shorten her life-spans so much she would be in her deathbed before the girl entered the threshold of Zhong Estate!

No matter what reason her grandson has, Grandmother Zhong will never accept that vicious snake of a woman into the Zhong Family. Such girl would not bring glory to her husband but ruin! Zhong Lie's marriage with Qing Lan has to succeed, and Grandmother Zhong will push for it to happen even if she has to bully her grandson for it.

As for Zhong Che and Mu Rouxie, they would naturally accept Qing Lan as their daughter in-law after they spend more time with her. Grandmother Zhong is aware that Mu Rouxie will be difficult to Qing Lan like she had been to her once. She knows that feeling of a mother with a splendid son, having to send him off to another woman even if the woman was very good. There would always be something to nitpick, such was a mother in-law.

With time, Grandmother Zhong is certain her son and his wife would adore Qing Lan as much as she and Grandfather Zhong does.

"Don't be afraid, Lan'er. Grandfather and Grandmother are on your side! If that grandson of mine dare bully you, I will punish him for you! The Zhong Estate is your home now!" Grandfather Zhong chatters on, delivering a promise he intends to keep.

Grandfather Zhong knows that Qing Lan is afraid. In an unfamiliar environment with a stranger as her husband and only the family of her husband around her, which girl would not feel frightened? Before Qing Lan meets with Zhong Lie and his parents, he has to tell her that he and his wife are on her side, that they will protect her.

Touched, Qing Lan feels her shoulders no longer as tense. Even if her husband isn't good to her, at least she has Grandfather Zhong and Grandmother Zhong. With a sudden marriage like this, there is no doubt that her husband would have a less than favourable impression on her. This, she would have to bear with, all the while showing him her goodwill as his wife.

Of course, Qing Lan won't allow him to oppress her either! She can live just fine even without her parents, she is an independent woman. Qing Lan may not be swimming in the riches like Zhong Lie does, but she has enough to live comfortably back in Tian Xi Village. Most of them are the results of her own efforts!

As her mind clears up from the fogs of doubt, Qing Lan soon arrives in a room so spacious the entirety of her house can't even compare. Sitting on a couch that makes Qing Lan's old couch back in the village like it belongs to a dumpster are a stern-looking man and elegant-looking woman, both are in harmony with the overwhelming wealth that surrounds them. If anything, it's the grand decorations that complement the pair.

Father Zhong is a man of a few words and he is famous for his stone-like expression. If there is a contest to find a person with the best poker-face, then Father Zhong and his son would be at the top duking it out. Before bringing the young woman to the Zhong Estate, Grandfather Zhong has alerted Father Zhong and Madam Zhong.

Now seeing the girl with his own eyes, Father Zhong knows for sure that this young woman here is not part of any of the prominent families in the Capital. The girl dressed conservatively, there is no hint of make-ups on her youthful face and of course she is not wearing those pain-inducing high-heels. Father Zhong doesn't doubt Grandfather Zhong when he said he found a good bride for his son.

As such, Father Zhong decides to give Qing Lan the benefits of doubt. Of course, none of his thoughts are shown on his face.

Grandfather Zhong is all-smiles as he ushers his granddaughter-in-law into the living room where his son and daughter-in-law are waiting. From one glance, Grandfather Zhong can tell what goes through Zhong Lie parents' mind as they see Qing Lan for the first time. Zhong Che is neutral, which is good. As for Mu Rouxie, this daughter-in-law of his...

To ensure his granddaughter-in-law first meeting with her in-laws would be smooth, Grandfather Zhong has already sent a brief yet concise message to Father Zhong and Madam Zhong.

「I have chosen a bride for Ah Lie. I will bring her home today. Her name is Qing Lan. Treat her well.」—Grandfather Zhong

The last sentence is for Madam Zhong.

"Father, mother," Father Zhong greets as he stands up along with Madam Zhong.

Madam Zhong is quick to follow, greeting her in-laws while giving the unfamiliar young woman a stiff smile that still looks graceful on her face. Grandfather Zhong and Grandmother Zhong see this, but pay no mind to it. As long as Mu Rouxie is behaving, it is good enough. The two elders exchange a meaningful glance with the younger two elders, and the former's gaze rests especially long on Madam Zhong.

On the other hand, Qing Lan who is already nervous at the thought of meeting her in-laws and husband, has no idea at all. For the lonely Qing Lan, marrying into the Zhong Family is a chance at having a family. Being able to see Grandfather Zhong and Grandmother Zhong everyday is already a great fortune, if she can get along with her in-laws as well, it would be the best thing that has ever happened to her since saving Grandfather Zhong!

As for her husband...Qing Lan will just have to see how he treats her. Nevertheless, she is fully aware of her position in his life.

Grandmother Zhong is keeping hold on Qing Lan's hand, so when all of them sit down, the old woman sits furthest from Father Zhong and Madam Zhong, while Qing Lan is sitting between the two elders with Grandfather Zhong sitting adjacent to Father Zhong and Madam Zhong. The air in the living room is rather awkward and the brief silence feels longer. At this time no one else is allowed to be near the place where the meeting takes place.

Grandfather Zhong and Grandmother Zhong are in a very good mood, thus the wrinkles on their faces are eclipsed by their smiles. Father Zhong has his usual expression on, which is to say, none at all. While Madam Zhong is forcing herself to smile amiably, despite the emotions raging in her heart. The newcomer, Qing Lan, is too nervous to notice the disparity between her grandparents-in-law and parents-in-law.

"Good. Good! Che, Xie'er, this is the girl I have chosen for Ah Lie. Her name is Qing Lan," Grandfather Zhong's voice easily carries over the room, he doesn't speak loudly, but there's a quality to it that makes it unmissable.

Grandfather Zhong places his hand on top of Grandmother Zhong's, which is holding Qing Lan's, to get her to lift up her gaze.

"Lan'er, this is my son, your father-in-law, Zhong Che," the old man gestures at his son who nods while the girl tries to put on her best smile. Determining there's no trouble here, Grandfather Zhong shifts to the other person to introduce, which is where the trouble lies.

"That's Mu Rouxie, my son's wife and your mother-in-law," Grandfather Zhong keeps his amiable tune as he speaks, but his gaze is a different matter altogether when it falls on his daughter-in-law.

Madam Zhong is brewing a lots of dissatisfaction in her belly, but she can't let out any of it for fear of her in-laws. On the other hand is Xu Yan, who although highly-learned, is an overly ambitious woman with humble background. This girl here is from an even humbler background and obviously less learned! Her character, even from one look, Madam Zhong can already tell it is a hundred times better than that Xu Family's adopted-daughter.

If it's a bride for her nephew, Madam Zhong would happily agree to their marriage. A girl her in-laws—who have seen numerous people throughout their lives—are satisfied with must have her merits. But this is Zhong Lie's marriage, her one and only son who has achieved so much in so little time!

How can Madam Zhong swallow this injustice?!

Negative emotions burbled within her belly, but Madam Zhong can only offer the same stiff-yet-inexplicably-elegant smile for the young woman which is returned by a shaky but sincere smile from the girl with charming light-grey eyes, raising the latter's already-high face value by a lot. If she was any other girl than her son's bride, Madam Zhong's anger would have vanished into the thin air, but alas.

Only the experienced eyes can see the discord in the exchange, and while the Zhong Elders and Father Zhong is one, Qing Lan is not.

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