
Instant Death [DxD]

Xander Ranvil, the incarnation of death has arrived at the world of DxD. (Note) : First time writing so don't expect anything, if you don't like it then just leave. there would be strong beings arriving at DxD to level the grounds. (Not reincarnators or transmigrators) If you enjoy my stories then please give some support by tip or donation here~ https://ko-fi.com/asthoglho

Asthoglho · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Chapter 18

Now that Riser is alone, the Gremory Peerage gathered themselves infront of Riser. "What did you do Rias!?" Riser asked Rias with rage in his voice thinking that Rias cheated somehow.

"What are you trying to say here Riser?" Rias said while having a victorious smirk on her face which made Riser face red from anger. "Then how did you do it? How did you destroyed Riser's servants!?" Riser asked Rias not believing in her.

Rias smirked again as she order Koneko to step forward. Koneko followed her instruction as she appeared infront of Riser. "Little girl? Are you making fun of me Rias!?" Riser said while pointing at Koneko. Koneko narrowed her eyes, clearly pissed by what he said, she raised her hands and strike the air, "Ei"


A loud sound escaped from the gesture, the shockwave hit Riser as he flew away with damaged body that is slowly regenerating. "Cough! What the hell is that girl!? And that strength... Its atleast Ultimate Class Devils power!" Riser coughed blood as he observed Koneko's power.

"..Koneko, please stop that we would be hit if you keep doing that" Rias's mouth was twitching while saying that. "I'm sorry, Buchou" Koneko apologized while lowering her head as Rias accepted her apology. Riser slowly rised from the ground as he let out his fire wings.

"You.. you dare do that to Riser?!" Riser said while flaring his aura everywhere, though from what happened, he looked nothing more than a clown trying some party tricks. Rias fired some ball of POD towards Riser, it did damage him but it immediately healed. Riser was happy with Rias's power because it means that only the little girl has that monstrous power in their group. He laughed as he throw some flames towards Rias, what he didn't expect was Kiba appearing infront of that fire and slashed it making the Phenex fire vanish.

"That sword.." Riser was scared on his wits when he saw what Kiba used to slice his fire. He slowly backed away, scared of the pain the sword would deal to him if he got hit by it. Just when he turned his back on them to run away, he suddenly felt tremendous pain in his back. "Argghhh!!!" Riser howled in pain making the people who heard it shudder. What pain could have dealt for him to really cry in pain.

In the Student Council room, Sona slowly turned her head towards Xander who is sleeping on the table with a silly smile on his face. Sona pinched Xander's ears waking him up. "Oh.. huh? What's up Sona? Did something happen?" Xander asked, he was quite confident on the Gremory Peerage since he is the one who trained Koneko, if they really did lose because of fate, then the fate of this world could only pray that Xander would let him off. The world suddenly shivered as if understanding Xander's thought.

Sona pointed at the screen where everyone is staring at the wooden sword on Kiba's hand with fear. "What did you add in that sword?" Sona asked while raising a eyebrow. Xander finally understood what's happening as he slumped on the table again and answered. "Oh, that..I just added some enchantment on that sword. First would be increasing the pain one would receive upto 10x, as for the last..ZzzZz" Sona's eyebrow started twitching presenting her annoyance as Xander continued sleeping without explaining the last one.

Sona was about to wake him again when she heard him talking. "He he he Sona..cute" Sona finally lowered her fist and sat back to her chair, though with a light blush on her face. After a few seconds of screaming, Riser fainted because of the pain. "The King, Riser Phenex is eliminated! Rias Gremory won this match!" Grayfia announced the result.

The match ended and Rias was bombarded with question for who Koneko was or how is she strong. Rias just dodged the questions by saying that she was tired and want to rest, she don't want to expose Xander's name since she respects him for making them win. They went back to the Occult Research Club where Rias started crying, relieve that she has now the freedom to choose for her man and not marry some scumbag.

Akeno also cried with her since she, as Rias's best friend for a long time know how pressured Rias was about this engagement, Asia comforted both of them with her innocent smile. Suddenly a magic circle appeared on the ground, a person emerged from the magic circle. If Rias was a man then this person would what she would look like, long red hair and handsome face, a wild Sirzechs Lucifer appeared!

Sirzechs decided to visit her younger sister to congratulate her about her win, he arrived there and saw Rias crying with a smile on her face making him guilty since he and his father are the ones who put Rias in this trouble, he quickly smiled at Rias and said "Congratulations Rias, for winning the game" Rias was surprised by his arrival and quickly replied. "Thank you, Onii-sama"

They chatted for a long time before Sirzechs finally asked what he came here for aside from congratulating Rias. "By the way Rias, as far as I remembered Koneko wasn't this strong before, can you tell me how she got that strength?" Sirzechs asked since he's worried that Rias might have used some taboo spell to raise Koneko's strength in exchange for life span.

"I can't tell you about it, but don't worry it didn't involve anything dangerous, Onii-sama" seeing that her younger sister was determined in hiding it, he could only sigh and investigate it himself. "Oh what about Yuuto's wooden sword? Can I see it? If someone say that it's a Sacred Gear then I wouldn't doubt them since how it works is just the same" Sirzechs asked hoping for Rias to approve this time, which she did as she instructed Yuuto to hand the sword to Sirzechs.

They were watching him inspect the sword while having a slight fear on his eyes. "What a wicked thing, increasing the pain a person feel to 10 times is quite scary for a work of God, so another person made this guy? Whoever did it is quite a genius" Sirzechs praised the Xander for his work. They were shocked by what Sirzechs said, they thought it would be just lethal to Devils, they didn't expect that it would be a Artificial Sacred Gear.

They started wondering who is Xander really is since he can literally do anything from simply cooking to making Sacred Gears. "Thank you for letting me see it, now its time for us to leave, I still have a lot of work to do after this, goodbye Ria-tan" Sirzechs waved towards them while gesturing Grayfia to teleport them.

After they left, Rias's servants finally relaxed, because even though Sirzechs is Rias's brother, he is still the strongest devil and one of the demon lords, they couldn't relax in his presence specially when they can feel the Power of Destruction threathening to burst out of his body.

"Fufu, that was quite a unnerving meeting isn't it?" Akeno was already used to Sirzech's presence since she is always at Rias's side, she can only feel sorry for the other who were not used yet. "Let's celebrate!" Rias said as they celebrated for the entire night not caring about anything else since its a special day.


"Hello? Is this Xander? Are you free? Let's meet, I have some news" Machida called Xander to ask him out, which Xander accepted since he's free anyway.

He arrived at a fast food restaurant where he saw Machida drinking a beverage while waving at him, he greeted her. "Good evening Machida-san" Xander said while he ordered his own food. "Good evening too! Your book has already been published, we can only wait for the reader's response" Machida said enthusiastically already knowing how they would respond.

"Thank you very much, Machida-san" Xander thanked Machida for helping him publish his book much faster than the other authors. "No, don't mention it, you're work is amazing so of course it would be prioritized" Machida said while waving her hand.

"So, what do you think of my work, Machida-san, I want to hear your honest opinion" Xander asked while looking at Machida directly. "Hm, if I have to say, it's definitely unique since no one have thought about this kind of plot, there are a lot of light novels right now but everything is in the category of highschool romance, too many cliché stuff so you're work is honestly good" Machida said to Xander while having a thinking pose.

Xander nodded understandingly, 'It seems like I really need to make that work into a anime since the anime literally carried to whole book into a new heights, with my skill right now, I can make a anime with the same quality like the original, I need to publish all the 3 volumes so that I can proceed to making the anime' Xander then handed Machida another manuscript making her confuse.

"What's this?" Machida asked while accepting the manuscript. As soon as she read the title she was stunned. 'Volume 2?' She immediately started to flip the papers making her astounded even more 'It wasn't even a week since he gave the first volume, and now he already have the second one?' Machida started reading seriously, scared that she might miss something special, she didn't notice Xander drawing infront of her because she was so immersed in the story.
