

Ms. Dory's right hand got caught by 16 and grabbed her tightly, he then pulled her up and smashed her down from the opposite direction continuously. "Don't you dare walk away!" 16 screamed "Ggwaaaah..." As ms. Dory hit on the ground, blood came out from her mouth, and she felt so much pain. "How dare you did that to my wife and daughter!? I'm going to kill you bastard!?" Mr. Lucas saw what 16 did and he got furious, so he summoned his ultimate skill. "[IMAGINARY WORLD]! I summon thee... [GODDESS OF WRATH ATHENA]! [HEALING ANGEL]! Goddess Athena protect my wife and kill that bastard! Healing angel use your full power to heal her please!" Mr. Lucas felt very exhausted for he summoned his Ultimate Talisman plus his two powerful Talisman and he knew his summoned talisman couldn't last long so he then rushed and help his wife.

"My Love!? please hang on, hang on there. I can't hold him much longer! You must save yourself! Find Hwan-kun and run away from here as fast as you c-" "no!? I won't leave you! Let's fight together and win together! No matter what happens let's be together!" "Don't be such a stubborn! You must live for our daughter!?" "I can't live without you!? I can't do that!? We must live together for Blaike-chan and our daughter!?" Mr. Lucas holds his wife dearly, While ms. Dory still felt the pain inside her belly, but she still wanted to fight. "Healing angel why taking so long!" "Sorry master, but I cannot heal both of them together, I need more energy from Sire." The angel replied calmly, "what?! Then use all my energy!? Just please heal her." "No need to worry Honey, I can still keep up and fight! Just please heal my daughter.." Ms. Dory then tried to summon her Ultimate Familiar Beast. "I call upon the Great monster of The sea, were the Strong flash-floods dance and the great storm sing..."

"Don't tell me you are going to summon that thing?! Stop that my love!? it will consume your energy power not to mention your life!?" "Oh, Great Demon Beast I summon thee...[KRAKEN]! The [SEA MONSTER KRAKEN]!" As Ms. Dory summoned her ultimate Familiar Beast, it then appeared a big monster like Black Blooded Giant Octopus with a demonic head. "What are you doing?! That monster Doesn't obey your order and even using all your energy power! summon it back!?" Mr. Lucas knew that if ms. Dory summons her monstrous Familiar, not only will it consumed her Energy Power, but also her life if it will get killed. "I don't have a choice!? Kraken Please help us! Please..." Ms. Dory suddenly got tired and couldn't handle herself anymore, but she still hangs on and wanted to fight. "Sorry for causing you trouble again, don't worry I will kill him quickly and then find our son. So hang in there.." As Mr. Lucas started to stand up and rushed where 16 and the Imaginary Goddess Athena are fighting.

16 can still keep up from the fight with the Goddess and his speed got even faster, his strength got even stronger and his Energy Power got fully charged. Even Though his body got all wounded, he still has full of energy power, his golden arms still shining and can still keep up with the goddess of wrath. As 16 attacked and defended himself, he then suddenly felt something approaches from his back. *What's this?!* He then tried to run full speed to dodge the attack from behind him. An Electrical Giant Tentacles were approaching 16, while he was dodging, another Person Came to him and Slash a Greatsword struck unto his back.

"Ggruuaahh!?" 16's back got wounded and more blood comes out, and another person Showed in from of him and pierce another sword into his Abdomen. "Uughh!.." Mr. Lucas Stabbed him in front, but he still pulled himself away. Right now 16 has been trapped inside the golden age with the three opponents, the goddess wrath Athena, the familiar Giant Kraken, and Mr. Lucas. They thought that 16 will have the disadvantage of the fight, 16 Suddenly Took out a pill from his storage ring and drunk it. It then immediately stopped the pain from all over his body. Mr. Lucas got shocked by it. *What Pill was that?! How can he still stand up from all those injuries and wounds?!* 16 got so very happy when he felt no pain anymore. "Hahaha! Come on attack me all at once!" 16 shouted.

For about how many minutes have passed, the fight was still going on and Mr. Lucas was feeling so very exhausted like his out of his limit already, the healing angel was already been gone a while ago and his Imaginary Goddess Athena got almost out of her energy. The Imaginary World was showing like it will disappear at any moment now, while ms. Dory's Kraken doesn't have any Energy Power to consumed anymore and ms. Dory already lied down feeling so very tired. As Blaike saw the scene in front of him, he then rushed towards where his mother Dory was lied down. "Mother mother!? What happened? Why are you hurt so bad, you're paling and very exhausted." "Ark ark!" "Hwan-chan... Thank goodness your safe.. mother is very worried about you... Don't make that sad face... Mother is okay, just having a rest." Ms. Dory comforted her son while holding him in the face. Blaike, couldn't hold his tears and cried, he felt so sad and doesn't know what to do.

"Mother! Here I have some pills to heal your wounds and there is also some medicine for your pain. Wait let me take it out...-" As Blaike summoned out all the medicine and pills from his storage pouch, ms. Dory stopped him. "My son, mother doesn't need that because mother has no time left... Here take this pouch and keep it." Ms. Dory then take out a small brown pouch and gave it to Blaike. "Its a gift from mother to your coming birthday..sorry mother doesn't know your real birth-date but mother decided to set your birthday when I first saw you..cough.. cough.." Ms. Dory spewed some blood from her mouth. "Mother Dory!? What's happening?! Why are you giving me a gift this time? I don't need it now..." Blaike got so every worried and confused about the gift. "Sorry... your mother and younger sister cannot be there with you... Mother is happy to have a son like you Hwan-chan." "Mother stop that!? Please don't do this to me!?" "Mother is so grateful and will cherish everything that we shared in our journey... You thought me everything a mother does, you even gave me such a wonderful life that a mother could ask for.."

"Mother!? Please stop talking!? I don't want to listen to that anymore!? I don't wanna hear anything like that!? Please, mother, don't leave me alone!?..." "Sshhh... Listen, my son.." She then grabbed his face facing her so close. "My son... Mother will give you a favor... Please live a wonderful life and become stronger like me... Mother doesn't want her son to be unhappy every day... Your mother and your younger sister will be with you always... Now go run and get out of here.." She then kisses him on his forehead and suddenly the Kraken disappeared, her hands fell slowly. Mother Dory!? Don't leave me please!?." "Ark! ark Ark.ar..." Blaike cried it all out, while the snow fox also slowly disappearing. "Hailleon! Please look over my son and protect him with all your cost I shall bow Unseal you as my guardian beast and your new master now will be my son! Thank you for everything Hailleon.." Hailleon suddenly turned into a blue small light and immediately got insides Blaike's heart without him noticing.

*Pain...hurt...hate..enrage...despair...death...* Blaike felt from his heart and mind so many negative emotions. *Why? Why again?... Everything I have done is for them... To protect them! the once that a love... But why?!* "What's happening? Big sis, the world of consciousness is shaking!" Yin shouted. "No no... Could this be? It's our master! His emotions have been releasing some bad impurities! Let's go to the golden door!" Yang replied and rushed into where the golden door is. "Blue light what is happening to him!" <sire felt so much pain right now and Sire blame himself from it! Sire needs to calm his senses down, please help Sire. We need to protect his heart from the negative dark impurities from his heart!> "Then we must help him! Yin and I will deal with his impurities, blue light! You must talk to him and help him calm down!"

<affirmative!> *I hate myself! I blame my self! It's all my fault! Everyone close to me got died because of me!? I'm a curse!? I deserve to die!?* <Sire! Please calm down, it is not sire's fault, this is their fate, and no one had to blame.> *No!? It's because of me they all died!* <Sire! Everything has a reason to live and die, some people die for their selfishness but your Grandma and Mother Dory sacrifice their lives to protect their loved ones.> *Then why did they do that? Why must they die? Can they just live for their loved ones too? <Sire! That's the reason why they sacrifice their lives because they want you to live for their sake. Sire look what the Gemini spirits are doing inside your heart.> Gie then showed Yin and Yang protecting Blaike's heart from the darkness that consuming his heart. <They are trying their best for sire because they want sire to live and be happy.> *Big sister Yin! Big sister Yang!..I'm so sorry..*

As Blaike is back to reality, he then turned around, but when he turned around he then saw Mr. Lucas got killed in front of him. Blaike got shocked and everything he felt went stopped. Yin and Yang suddenly felt a killing intent aura inside his heart and overpowering energy. "What's this?! blue light! What is happening? Why is stupid master's power keep increasing!?" <Access has been denied! Gie cannot find any information!> "Then do something! Stop him Quickly!" Yin, Yang, and Gie tried their best calling their master. *Little Master Pease stop!* *Stupid master! What are you doing?!* <Sire! Please calm yourself down...> "I am calm down." As Blaike standing there didn't even move. 16 saw him, he then grinned a demonic smile a bit. "Ohh... Ohh... So this is their son that they were looking for? He felt so weak. I can't even sense any energy from him, is he still not have awakened? Hmm... Then this will take a little too easy for me." As 16 walked towards him, Blaike still never move. "Is he scared that he couldn't move? Then I'll just kill him immediat-"

As 16 used his golden arm to slash Blaike, he then felt like his hand has been stopped. He saw his hand has been wrapped by a chain made by ash. *What's this?! Where this magic came fro- 16 suddenly felt chilled like there's an unknown demonic monster was staring inside his soul like it wants to eat his soul. "Who!? Haa... Haaa... What is that?!* He then noticed that the child in front of him was actually the one releasing that demonic aura. "no..no... No way!? Th..this Ki...Kid!? I need to get out of here now!? Or else-" 16 felt very frightened as if he is in front of his doom that he cannot escape, so he then tried to free himself and run, but when he moved and wanted to get out, the chain also moved everywhere on his body. suddenly he felt like his entire body has been lock-up, his been chained all over his body. "Or else what?" Blaike replied.

16 then got shocked what he just saw in front of him, he saw the 3 layers from Blaikes eyes, the golden yellow, the second one and lastly the line Insignia Form. "Are you satisfied killing them?" Blaike asked, "You stupid kid! Do you think you are stronger than me!? If I get out of here I'll kill you!" "But you can't.. want to know our differences?" Blaike showed an emotionless face while talking to him, and then he immediately releases his innate power aura. *Wha..what?! Is he for real?! Impossible?!* 16 saw different kinds of color from Blaike's body and it releases an overflowing aura everywhere. "Let me have to revenge for them.." Blaike then used his [Needle Ash Technique] "[Multiplied by a hundred]!" "Don't do that kid! Or I will be going to torture you!" "Torture me? then how about I torture you too?..." As he moved his hand towards 16 all the ashes needles pierce through everywhere from 16's body. "Aarrrgghh!?" He shouted for so much pain. "Still Alive? good.."

16 then bowed his head down, as Blaike saw him bowed down, he then saw the Black serpent skull mark, Baike felt so mad about it and then another Insignia Power Showed up, the second Layer from his eyes suddenly pop up like a Unique Insignia Form. Blaike got so Furious when seeing the mark and he didn't realize that everything around him turned into ashes, for approximately 5 radii away from him. The trees, ice on the ground, T1 and T2's body, Mr. Lucas and his grimoire and ms. Dory's body everything turned into ashes along with 16's feet. "Arghhhh!?" *What is happening?! What is this power?! He have Dual Insignia Form?! No.. It can't be?! Incredible! I need to leave and tell this to boss!* 16 was still using his full speed but he still couldn't get out. "Big sister Yang! Have you felt this kind of power?" "This power is dangerous! We must not let him use this kind of power again or else even his love once will also be in trouble." <affirmative.>

Hey Buddies!

Thank you for still supporting my work! I will do my very best to satisfy your mind and heart! Please keep on voting me and rating my work, for that means a lot to me. Specially your comments and suggestions.

God Bless and enjoy reading Buddy!


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