
Wanda Maximoff 7

Jack one morning prepared a nice breakfast for everyone and called them all to talk after they finished eating, Wanda already knew what would happen because she knew her training had progressed.

"Today is our last day here, the training was better than I expected, Pietro is doing very well and in a few years, you can reach Mach 4 speed, until then don't stop training. Wanda has also exceeded my expectations and it is no longer a danger for you to train anywhere," said Jack.

"As I said, I will take you to New York, you can stay in one of the apartments I'm renting there for as long as you want, you can study to get a job after a while, and you can join the Avengers when you train more," said Jack.

"I helped you awaken your powers, but I have one condition, you have to forget your hatred for Tony Stark. I know a missile he created killed your parents and almost killed you."

"But he's not really responsible for that, those who create weapons are not responsible for who uses them. If it wasn't for Stark's missile, it would be another company's missile. He's a friend of mine and I don't want to see you using your powers for evil for an act of senseless revenge," said Jack.

Wanda and Pietro did not respond, they knew Jack could read their minds and so they were not surprised that he knew of their hatred for Tony. They understood that Jack was telling the truth, but they had grown up hating Tony Stark their entire adolescence.

But as they knew that Tony was not really responsible for what happened to them and he had even stopped selling weapons, they decided to forgive Tony as Jack was asking them to. He could have used it as a condition to teach them, but he asked only after teaching them, which was different for them.

"Alright, we understand. Stark isn't solely responsible for the death of our parents. If it wasn't for his missile, it would have been someone else's missile," Wanda agreed.

Pietro also agreed to let go of their hatred towards Tony Stark. Jack knew they would forgive Tony, so he didn't push the issue any further until the last day of their training. Jack wore a happy smile and led them out of the training space.

"Wanda, now you see why we have to train to maintain things permanently. I created things here with stones and objects that don't exist, and they have the durability of the strongest metal on Earth. That's why without my powers, everything will crumble," Jack said and released his control of the reality stone's energy.

As Jack had said, the things they had used for the past months, the houses, and the treadmill Pietro used for training, disappeared as quickly as Jack had created them. In the end, only a few rocks, pieces of wood, and a clean piece of land were left in front of them.

This time, Wanda knew exactly why things disappeared here, which shattered her dream of creating a place where she could live with chaos magic. This was one of the reasons why Jack showed her this.

"My treadmill, you could at least try to keep that," Pietro said sadly.

"Don't worry, I can easily create a treadmill like that with real technology, but it will take some time. That's why I used the power to distort reality," Jack said, and Pietro was happy.

Jack created a portal to one of his apartments in New York. The Maximoff siblings were impressed by this new and luxurious apartment they were in, and Kitty also found it beautiful.

"This is the apartment where you'll stay in the future. As I said, you can stay here for several years. If you want to study to be free, you can look for a job later, but if you want, I can get you a job later," Jack said.

"Here's $5,000, it should last for a few weeks. Go to the mall and buy a cell phone for each of you and also buy some clothes. Now I'm going to leave." Said Jack and took Kitty through a portal to the X-mansion.

"We're back, I missed the X-mansion. Thank you Kitty for staying with us in Sokovia for all these months, I'm sorry if it was boring." Said Jack.

"Don't worry, I accepted to go and I actually thought the last month was pretty cool watching you create so many things. I brought them with me to keep." Said Kitty, feeling embarrassed.

"I'm glad to hear that you weren't too bored. I'm going to look for Anna now, then we'll talk more." Said Jack and went to the room where Anna stayed.

Kitty became tense when she heard this. Anna had said she would break up with Jack as soon as he returned to the X-mansion. Kitty didn't know if Anna had changed her mind in the last few months, but if she hadn't, now was the time for her to break up with Jack.

Kitty went to her room because she didn't want to see Jack upset. She knew that if they broke up, she should wait before trying to console Jack. Meanwhile, Jack was walking through the hallways of the X-mansion to go to Anna's room.

On the way, Jack saw something he didn't like very much. He saw that Gambit had finally joined the X-Men. In the comics, Gambit was Rogue's boyfriend for many years, so it was normal for Jack not to like him.

Jack didn't care about Gambit and went to Anna's room. He saw that there were other women talking to her, and he knocked on the door. Anna opened it and was surprised to see Jack. She was tense and asked the girls to leave.

"Hi, Anna, I missed you in the last few weeks. I finished as soon as possible to meet you again." Said Jack.

Jack went to give Anna a kiss, but she just held him and looked at him with a determined look. Jack noticed that Anna was acting strange. She seemed tense and nervous around him. Jack wondered if something had happened.

"Jack, we need to talk. I've been thinking about this for the last few months, and it was after you went 20 days without telling me where you were going. I realized during that time away from you that I didn't miss you much, only felt anger for you not telling me that you were leaving." Said Anna.

"That's when I realized that I no longer love you. I now realize that I never loved you, and I know that you love me. So I don't think it's fair to continue dating you without loving you, so I want to break up with you." Said Anna.

Tears in the next chapter, lucky for you I post more than one chapter a day.

fake_lioncreators' thoughts
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