
Chapter 49: And Now We Wait

It had been five days since Dalton took his own life.

Autumn was sitting in the hospital chairs as still as the first night she had gotten there.

Just as she had the past days, she played the events in her head on a loop.

The police had taken Autumn into custody when they came to Dalton’s house.

It hadn’t mattered that she had called them, they needed to gather all evidence and her statement before they released her, especially based on her past record.

Autumn gave them the recording, but she could tell they were skeptical of it and questioned whether she had forced Dalton to confess to her crimes.

She remembered asking if it sounded like she was at all in charge during the threatening recording, but they had said nothing to her in return.

Then, Piper woke up.

Piper immediately had her parents call the police to her room and she told them everything that had happened to her and who had done it.