
Chapter 43: Give In

Liam called Piper and Autumn when he got home.

Autumn didn’t answer, but Piper did.

Liam told her what had happened between him and Dalton.

“I shouldn’t have provoked him, but I had to. I can’t explain it but it is the only way I think to get him to act.”

Piper was silent.

“I’m sorry you had to do this, Liam. But hopefully you are right. I’ll be on guard whenever we meet and ready for what ever he says,” Piper said.

“Just be ready for him to either be hostile, depending what he feels threatened about and honestly, I can’t prepare you for what he thinks or will say. When he gets this way, he has his own reality and things get twisted to fit his truth.”

“I just don’t get how he was able to hide this side from us for so long,” Piper pondered.

“He’s had practice, therapy and medicine. He quit taking it in high school because he claimed it was under control. Now it’s too late to get him back on it now without him possibly being…influenced.”