

Sorry about chapter 1 of my journal if you bothered to read this far. I tend to ramble on and on. So let's write down a bit more information and some of my story. I am an adventurer though I'm not in a party or guild. This causes other adventurers to look down on me as it is seen as me being weak as anyone strong wouldn't turn down such offers. The truth is I can't trust others not since the event...I digress I explore the ruins of the old world alone and so far ferals and monsters are the only things I've had to deal with it makes decent money since the scientists are reverse engineering most of what I bring back to regain our lost advances as most who survived with their minds were 30 and younger. Me and my sister live in the Village that was once a city though the name of it now is New Hope. I'm one of the few who remember what the old world was like but...it's best of don't write what the old world was like down. There are many that believe the older humans weren't turned due to their sins but I don't think that's true I think it was more to do with the fact younger people have better immune systems and are able to adapt better than older people. "Brother! How dare you write on that stupid book after coming home bloodied and battered again! I don't understand why you refuse to at least form a party if you are going to he an adventurer!" my sister now 13 after the five years it's been since the event tells drawing me from my journal. "Sis...this is important for everyone's future after all we are some of the few who were there during the event and remember how the old world was." My sister is of the vixen race though we look very similar even with the race difference caused by the event looking at the two of us you wouldn't guess I was 24 and the older sibling. "You still didn't answer why you refuse to at least form a party! I might be a healer but it seems I end up healing you more often than anyone else! at bare minimum get armor! your skin and fur might stop arrows but you still fight more than even you can handle!" I forgot to mention that after the event people got abilities sis got a healing ability that's similar to magic while I got enhanced defense though some think my silent steps are also an ability I was capable of doing that before the event due to my father. "Stop writing and give me an answer beother!" sis yells. "alright, alright I'll at least get some actual armor." I sigh at her annoyed but understanding that she's simply worried as a healer she isn't allowed to be in a party, guild, or even leave the town as they are seen as holy and important to the community. "Buddy's been asking for you to join his party none stop now why don't you join him this time?" she sighs already knowing my answer. "Buddy's nice but I don't trust the people he is with." I say the exact same answer again. "anyways I'll head out to get some armor ok?" sis gets paid well due to being a healer and I get payed rather well since I'm able to clear out caves of monsters alone...even if I do tend to come back heavily wounded and sis has to use her ability to patch me up.Our home is near city center mostly due to sis being a healer so it didn't take long to walk over to the armor shop and blacksmith's unfortunately even for me most of the armor was far more than what I was willing to pay for. "Never thought I'd see the day you would buy armor lone wolf!" Buddy says behind me causing me to jump tail bristling in fright. "Don't surprise me like that Buddy!" I yelped. Buddy is a were dog most of which are smaller than me though he's a great Dane so he's as big as a weretiger. "So why are you of all people buying armor? your ability works better than any armor and even gets stronger the more you use it right now I'd say your armor rating is the same as plate mail at least. not to mention all this armor here is expensive." he's pointing out the obvious. "cause sis says I have to now even if I am the older one you know how she can be about people relying on their abilities and being reckless." I exaggerate.

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